Ciel's Birthday Fear (Fluff)

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Ciel relaxed on his bed, the sheets pulled up over his stomach, hands folded over his chest. His sapphire eyes stared blankly at the cieling. He couldn't sleep. For some reason, this particular night, he was visiting a dark memory in his sadness-plagued mind.

The night his family died... Along with his heart and sanity...

He could hear their screams... He could feel the terror he felt when he watched his father burn...

He could also feel the tears streaming down his face, but that wasn't just his imagination.

Then, the happier memories came. Madame Red, his mother, and his father, all smiling. Then there was himself. Him and Lizzy, smiling brightly. Then... There was him.

Thoughts of Sebastian flooded into Ciel's mind. Him teaching Ciel to dance, him gracefully getting Ciel out of any danger, him making Ciel blush when he teased him about the phantom image...
Then Ciel realized something.

Sebastian was like family to him... Like a father... Like... Like a lover... Ciel blushed, then sighed.

"Ugh. Must've been a bad pastry... I need something to drink," he groaned, dragging himself out of bed. "What time is it...?" He muttered, glancing up at the clock on the wall of his luxurious room. It read 1:30am.

He rolled his eyes. I have a butler... I shouldn't have to do this myself. He thought querulously. Despite his childish reluctance, he walked to the kitchen, quietly easing the door open.
Then he remembered something.

The cups were on the top shelf.

Being only 5 feet tall, the sassy young earl couldn't reach them. Ciel growled in irritation. "Damn..." he grunted, stretching his arm as far as it would go in an ineffective attempt to reach the shelf.
Maybe I could just drink out of the carton... He thought, before shaking his head. "No! I refuse to give up," he said stubbornly, once again reaching for the unreachable cups.

"My, Young Master, your tenacity is simply unshakeable, isn't it?"

Ciel jumped, startled. "Sebastian? What are you-"
"Why I'm coming to my master's aid of course," Sebastian chuckled, effortlessly reaching up to the top shelf and getting a small cup down for the irritated earl.

Damn him and his 6'1 body... His sexy, well built... Ciel blushed furiously at his thoughts.

"Master, it's past midnight! Go back to bed and I'll be there with your drink shortly." Sebastian said, in a tone that a parent would speak to a young child. Ciel blushed even harder at Sebastian's tone.
But, his childish stubbornness spoke before he did. "I'm not a child, so don't speak to me so," he growled, immaturely stomping away to his room like a 6-year-old having a temper tantrum.

Sebastian chuckled, preparing his master's warm milk. Such a child, master. He thought warmly, a small smile reaching his lips.

In Ciel's Room

Sebastian lightly knocked on his young master's door.
"Master, I have your drink."
"Come on in." Ciel responded, sitting up in his bed. Sebastian gracefully walked in, holding a cup in his hand, which Ciel gratefully took. Ciel eagerly gulped down the warm milk.

"Now, Master, I must ask why you were awake at such a late time? Did bad dreams wake you?" Sebastian asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

Ciel shook his head. "I never went to sleep to begin with..." His voice was filled with despair. (Pupupupu~)
"And why is that?" Sebastian asked.

"I was... Thinking."


Ciel froze. He blushed, remembering his thoughts of how Sebastian was like family, or more, to him. "Business...Things of that sort..." He lied.
"Don't lie, Master." Sebastian scolded. "I do not lie to you, nor will I ever. As such, I expect you to return the favor."

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