Texting (Angst/Modern!AU)

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Ciel laid on his bed, angrily gripping his phone as he texted Sebastian, his boyfriend, his fingers practically beating the poor screen of his phone. He had been texting the male furiously, strongly believing he was being cheated on.

Ciel: You always come home so late! You dress up before you go to work, spray on nice cologne, you look happy each time you leave even though you hate your job! If you're cheating on me, you could at least fucking tell me!

Sebastian: Ciel, I dress up because it is appropriate of my job, and I don't hate it...

Ciel: That's a lie! You're always saying how you despise it! Not to mention when I casually asked to use your phone, you refused to let me!

Sebastian: Ciel, my phone was dying anyway... It would've been pointless to give it to you.

Ciel: Still, you could've told me that then!

Ciel was crying now, his fingers still harshly slamming down on the keys. He hated that Sebastian hardly spoke to him in real life anymore, he just texted. He wouldn't even FaceTime or Skype with him.

Sebastian: I did tell you. You just don't listen.

That text made Ciel cry even harder.

Ciel: What, so I'm an awful boyfriend?

Sebastian: At times, yes.

Sebastian regretted sending that text, but couldn't bring himself to say anything else. He stood outside the door of their shared apartment, not being able to face Ciel at the time.

Ciel's big, teary eyes widened as he read the text, the words hurting him more than he thought possible. His hands shook so violently as he sobbed that he almost dropped his small phone. "S-Sebastian..." He said aloud, harshly yanking air into his lungs.

Ciel: You don't love me... You never loved me... You want me to die...

Those words addressed the contract. Ever since they became lovers, Sebastian hadn't said a word about getting rid of it.

Sebastian's ruby eyes widened as he read the text Ciel sent. Those words were the most untrue things he'd ever read. He loved Ciel, and he always would. He didn't know what he'd do with himself if the boy died. He would most likely die himself of heartbreak.

Ciel was now shaking and taking in such rough, shaky breaths that his stomach was hurting. Panic attack.

Sebastian: Ciel, that isn't true... I would die without you.

Ciel's shaky hands wrote a slightly messy reply.

Ciel: Then why domt you act loke it?

He knew there were mistakes in the spelling, as well as punctuation, but the grammar nazi in him couldn't be awakened during his state of sadness and panic.

Sebastian knew there was something wrong the moment he saw those mistakes. Ciel never wrote badly, his grammar was always perfect, his punctuation was great, and he was a grammar nazi. So this was bad.

Sebastian: Ciel, are you okay?!

Ciel: No.

Sebastian opened the apartment door the moment he read that. He knew Ciel wouldn't lie about that. He had to be sure he's okay. He threw his phone on the couch and ran to his and Ciel's room.

Ciel sat on the bed, shaking, sobbing, his chest and stomach having trouble getting in air properly. He was mumbling to himself to calm down, which only made it worse. Sebastian had dealt with this before.

"Ciel!" He was at the boy's side immediately, running his fingers through his hair and hugging his small body close. "Please baby, it's okay. Just calm down... I love you so much, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I keep making you suffer like this..." Sebastian felt the guilt of all the times he had abandoned Ciel hit him hard.

Truthfully, Ciel had been depressed for years. Sebastian had helped and comforted him for a while, but eventually he just didn't want to deal with it anymore. So, when Ciel texted him that he was feeling sad, the demon just ignored it. He now realized just how cruel that was.

"I'm so sorry my love, I shouldn't have done that... I'm the bad boyfriend here, you've done absolutely nothing bad to me..." Sebastian murmured against Ciel's ear, lovingly nuzzling up to him. "I-I-if y-you l-love m-m-me-" Ciel stopped to gasp for the air that wouldn't remain in his lungs. "T-t-then w-why won't y-Y-you sh-show it?"

Sebastian now understood.

He understood that he couldn't just ignore Ciel's problems anymore.

He wanted to help.

And that's exactly what he did.


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