Astraphobia (Fluff + Comfort)

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Ciel squeaked in fear ever so quietly, burying deeper inside his den of fluffy blankets and quilts.

Crackle crackle crackle...

'Dammit, not hail!' Ciel thought fearfully.


The angry hiss of a harsh downpour.

'It's going to come a tornado! We're all going to die! The manor will tear to pieces and I'll die!' The young Phantomhive irrationally thought, despite the fact that the storm raging outside was not nearly as bad as it sounded, and the fact that Sebastian would never let the boy die.

The Earl Phantomhive was letting his childhood phobia get to him, his heart throbbing loudly against his ribs as though it would burst from anxiety, and his petite body trembling violently.

He felt like a young boy again, wanting to cuddle into his parents' warm bed again, snuggled comfortably and safely between his mother and father, his head resting chastely atop his mother's warm bosom.

Then an idea popped inside his head. A childish, almost embarrassing one, but he knew it would calm him down, and he was desperate.

'I have several kind servants... Perhaps one of them will allow me to rest in their quarters just for tonight. Let's see... Tanaka would simply send me back to bed, Mey-Rin would blush like crazy and say it wasn't appropriate, Finny would probably crush me to death somehow, and Bard would be too deeply asleep to even answer me...'

Ciel's cheeks flushed.

'No way in hell! Not him! But, I mean... Only he would be awake at this hour, and if I ordered him he'd have to let me... No! No way!'

Somehow, the Earl found himself face-to-face with the head butler's door, fidgeting nervously as he had yet to knock.

'What if he just laughs at me? Or maybe he's not even in there! He's probably up doing chores! I should just go-'


Ciel squeaked as another crash of thunder shook the floor beneath him, all ideas of going back to his room alone leaving his mind. Finally, he mustered up the courage to raise his small fist to the hard wood of the door, giving a few quiet, timid knocks.

Knock, knock, knock...

Ciel kept shifting from foot to foot as he awaited an answer. After what seemed like hours, he heard footsteps approach the door, making his heart pound even faster. The door slowly, silently opened as Ciel was met with the sight of his tall butler, his eyes trailing up the male's body to meet his eyes.

The butler was clad in only a white, button-up shirt, with four buttons undone at the collar and black slacks, making Ciel blush as he had never seen the butler in such casual dress.

"My Lord? You should be in bed by now!" The butler scolded almost playfully, meeting the boy's sapphire eyes. "Did you need someth-"


Ciel cried out as a loud, especially harsh crash of rumbling thunder met his ears. Out of instinct, he launched himself at his butler, clinging onto the male's slender torso fearfully.

"Ah, I see... You suffer from astraphobia, a fear of thunder and lightning..." The butler mumbled thoughtfully to himself, gently nudging the boy off him. "Here, why don't you come in," he smiled comfortingly, motioning for the boy to enter his fairly simple room.

Ciel shyly stepped away from his much older butler, entering his dim room slowly and looking around. He'd never actually been in Sebastian's room since he gave it to him, but he almost pitied the demon since his bed was rather small, and seemed rather uncomfortable just by the look of it.

"I'm afraid if you wish to sleep with me for comfort, my bed is rather small and not large enough for two people..."

Ciel's face instantly blushed a dark red.

"Who said I was going to sleep with you, you pervert!" He accused, mortified. Sebastian chuckled at how embarrassed his adorable little lord was. "Do calm down. I simply assumed that you came here seeking comfort from the-"


Lightning lit up the room from the small window in the corner, thunder making the house shake as the rain beat down on the ceiling. Ciel squeaked, clinging to his butler yet again as he allowed, much to his own embarrassment, a few tears to slip down his rosy cheeks.

"Storm..." Sebastian finished softly, looking down at the small, shaking boy that clung to his torso. He pitied the boy extremely, wondering how it must feel to be alone at night, a loud, intimidating storm raging outside, wanting nothing more than a trusted adult or parent to snuggle up to.

"Why don't we go back to your room and I will stay with you until the storm passes," the butler offered in a fatherly voice, picking up the small boy bridal-style and carrying him back to his room. He laid the boy down on his king-size bed, pulling the covers over the shivering child.

"Will you... Um... Lay here with me and..." Ciel tried to think of another word for "cuddle," hoping to avoid further embarrassment, "h-hold
me?" He blushed.

Sebastian chuckled and smiled lovingly at the boy before him, admiring how uncharacteristically polite and child-like the boy could be when he was afraid or embarrassed. "Of course I will, gladly," the butler answered, sliding under the covers behind the boy swiftly.

Ciel instantly cuddled closer to the man, his back up against Sebastian's warm chest. His legs pulled in closer to his body, bending slightly. He didn't expect the butler's legs to curl into his, spooning him, but he could not lie, he enjoyed the warmth and closeness the butler offered.

He lightly squeaked as another thunderclap ran throughout the large mansion, only to have Sebastian pull him a bit closer to him and wrap his long, strong arms around the young boy's slim waist. Ciel smiled, relaxing into the consoling touch.

"Y'know whaz weird, Sebby?" Ciel mumbled sleepily, obviously half-asleep at this point.

"Yes, Ciel?" Sebastian asked softly.

"Yer like... A demon 'n stuff but... Yer basically like... An angel to me, y'know? Like, cuddling me 'n stuff... I love you, Sebastian..." The Earl finished his rambling, falling asleep quickly, still cuddled up to the now utterly dumbfounded demon.

"An angel, huh?" He softly muttered to himself, chuckling. "Well, my darling Ciel... I love you too," the demon admitted, resting his chin atop Ciel's soft head of hair as he found himself indulging in the luxury that was sleep, happily smiling as he eagerly awaited waking up next to his beloved Earl, the next bright, sunny morning.

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