Bratty (Hurt/Comfort)

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"Sebastian! This tea is bloody awful, honestly, are you incompetent? Redo it!"

Ciel knew he was being a bit harsh on his butler/boyfriend, but he was in a particularly pissy mood, so he didn't really care. As if to add to the insult, he threw the extremely hot tea in Sebastian's face. Sebastian didn't even flinch. He simply gave a stiff bow before walking away to the kitchen.

A few hours later, another complaint from the slate-haired Earl.

"Sebastian, I don't like this cake, make me a chocolate one," Ciel demanded, shoving away the plate. He must've shoved it too hard, because it slid off his desk, making the cake spill and the plate break.

Sebastian's patience was wearing thin, but he had not yet snapped. Calm as ever, he cleaned up the mess and walked out of the study to remake Ciel's cake.

And finally, on a small mission from the queen, Ciel was no longer getting on Sebastian's last nerve, he'd gotten on it and jabbed it until his butler snapped. Why, you may ask? Well, on this particular mission, Ciel decided to test his butler.

The Earl stood in front of an incoming knife, a large one at that. Sebastian was unable to catch it due to it's size, so he was forced to use his own body.

The knife went through his chest.

It hurt more than a bullet or human hit would've, seeing as being stabbed was still unpleasant despite him being a demon. He had to tear it out, throwing it back at the attacker, which was not pleasant either.

This made the butler snap.

When the entire ordeal was over, he simply picked Ciel up, not caring that his own blood from his stab wound was getting on the Earl, carrying him home using demonic speed.

Ciel felt guilty about what he'd done, as he only meant to test Sebastian, not get him hurt. He leaned into Sebastian's touch, noticing that his grip was a bit too tight. Though, he said nothing about it, despite knowing the demon's clench on his arm was surely going to bruise.

When they finally arrived home, Sebastian was silent.

When he carried Ciel up to the bathroom, silence.

When he bathed him, silence.

When he took him to his room to dress him in his nightclothes, silence.

When he went to leave...

"Aren't you going to stay?" Ciel asked softly. He couldn't sleep without Sebastian, he always had nightmares. They'd shared a bed since they became lovers.

Sebastian didn't answer, only pulled up a chair and sat down beside the bed, wordlessly.

Ciel frowned, feeling that he was about to cry. 'Stop being so sensitive,' he scolded himself. 'He has a right to be angry with you.' The Earl buried his face in the pillows, hating the feeling of Sebastian's unhappy stare on him, the feeling of it so cold and hurtful.

This made the Earl snap.

"Yell at me, hit me, talk to me, do something, please!" Ciel pleaded, unable to stand the tense silence. His head snapped up from the pillows to look at his boyfriend with teary eyes. Sebastian glared at Ciel as he stood up, approaching him menacingly.

Ciel flinched and closed his eyes tightly, feeling a salty tear roll down his cheek as he awaited for Sebastian to hit him as he expected. He shook slightly, fearing the pain that he was positive awaited him.

But it never came.

All he felt was the weight of the bed shifting beside him, the mattress slightly tilting.

"Do you really think I'd hit you, or harm you in any way?" Sebastian asked softly. He now lied on the bed, hugging the crying boy close.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry for being a brat today, I'm sorry for getting you hurt, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Ciel sobbed into Sebastian's shoulder, wanting nothing more than to hear...

"I forgive you, my love. All is forgiven."

Exactly that.

'Sebastian always knows what to say,' Ciel thought happily as he snuggled up to his lover, slowly calming down and falling into a peaceful sleep with his lover as his pillow.

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