Starvation (Angst)

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(Major character death, suicide triggers, this may disturb some readers, so beware.)

Sebastian was going to die.

He knew this fact, and his body showed it. His once muscular, healthy body was now lanky and boney, his skin that was once pale yet healthy was now the color of untouched snow, and his once ink-black hair was now a dull grayish color.

And for once in his long, supposedly immortal life, he was afraid. For demons, there are only two ways to die. A stab by a demonic sword, and starvation.

One of those is extremely painful.

And Sebastian was living through it.

Due to the fact that his beloved Ciel had been turned into a demon while the contract was still intact, he could not feed on Ciel nor could he make another contract. This meant that he had no way to fight the starvation plaguing his moribund body. So, all he could do is remain in agonizing pain and wait for the peace that death could provide.

But, there was one possible way for him to live. If Ciel permitted him to feed on his soul, then Sebastian would live. But, if his master declined, Sebastian would have no chance at life.

So, Sebastian decided to make one last attempt to save his own life.

"Master, if I may, I'd like to ask a favor," the butler said softly, his smooth voice raspier than normal. "What?" Ciel asked coldly, wanting to know the request just to humor him before he declined.

"I want to finish the contract," Sebastian said in a professional way.

Ciel just rolled his eyes. "That eager to get rid of me, eh? Well, too bad. I decline," he snapped harshly.

He had seen the changes his butler had gone through over the days, but he chose to think of it as the butler simply being weak and whiny. But, there was always that voice in the back of his mind trying to coax him to be concerned about the butler's well-being. He ignored it.

"I apologize for interrupting your work, M-My lord," Sebastian rasped. He speculated that he was going to die that same day.

And he was correct.

Ciel found his butler's body in his quarters that night, limp, lifeless, dead.

He shook the demon, yelled at him, slapped him... Nothing worked. Sebastian's eyes remained blind to life.

What got to Ciel the most was when the doctor announced how the man died.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Phantomhive. He must've been a severe anorexic, or possibly had a tapeworm or something of that-"

Ciel cut him off quickly. "Just tell me how he died," he snapped. The doctor looked at Ciel with pitying eyes.

"Mr. Michaelis starved to death."

They found Ciel weeks later, a self-inflicted stab wound in his stomach as he laid in the same spot his beloved butler had only weeks before him.

The two demons now lie side by side, six feet under beneath the cold, moist dirt of the earth.

Though, isn't that where we all end up?

Sebaciel One-Shots and Drabbles (Open)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ