Jealousy (Fluff)

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(Based on episode 16, His Butler, In an Isolated Castle)
Notes: Italics are thoughts, but are also used for emphasis. SWEARING!

(Ciel's POV)

"Good heavens, you can't even manage to tie your shoelaces without me," Sebastian chuckled, leaning down to tie my shoes. I blushed in embarrassment for two reasons.

A, because I in fact couldn't tie my shoes, and B, because Sebastian was so close I could smell his cologne, Old Spice I presumed. "You look ridiculous," I commented, eyeing his long ponytail and attire.

He chuckled at this. "Why? Do I look more attractive in my normal attire, Master?" He teasingly asked. My face went red. "No. I was just saying... Anyway, what about those precious princes," I said in a sardonic tone, "or did you come here just to laugh at me?"

"Oh? Do I sense a hint of jealousy in your voice?" He teased. "I am not jealous!" I protested. "Well then, if that's all I'll be on my way now-" He spoke in a tone that said, "I know you're going to stop me. I'm just doing this to piss you off."

"Wait!" As he suspected, I stopped him. "Stay," I softly ordered. "And put your normal clothes back on."

"Hm... I'm afraid my current masters have made me dress this way, honored guest..." He singsonged. "So I'm afraid you won't have the pleasure of seeing me dressed normally until we have sorted this whole ordeal out," he chuckled. I scoffed.

How dare he! He's amused by my jeal-I AM NOT JEALOUS.

"Hmph... Fine. I order you to at least take out that awful fake ponytail," I sneered. What kind of fashion did they have back then?!

"Hm... Well, I suppose I do not have much to do for the princes tomorrow," Sebastian smirked.

Damn those princes... Sebastian is my butler! Mine! I sighed at my thoughts, thinking myself a child who was arguing that a toy was his.

"Whatever, you're still contractually obligated to follow my orders," I snarled.

"Oh? Then why not order me to stay? You need only say, "Sebastian, this is an order..." But you won't... Why is that?" Sebastian asked.

"Well... I..." I tried to think up an answer. I want you to stay by choice...

"Is that so? Then I do believe I choose to stay," Sebastian grinned, pulling off the fake ponytail and taking off his clothes until he was left in nothing but his white button up shirt and boxers.

My face went dark red. What the hell?! He can read my thoughts?!

"Indeed I can. And I must say, you seem quite possessive of me... How childishly adorable," he chuckled. My face went even darker. How dare he!? I  am an Earl, one to be feared at that! I am not adorable or childish!

"Indeed, oh "Aristocrat of Evil"," Sebastian laughed, sitting down beside my bed. I frowned slightly.

"You don't have to sit on the floor, you know... You can lie in the bed..." Please say yes please say yes...

"My, are you begging, My lord?"


"I apologize, it is simply far too entertaining," Sebastian smiled and softly chuckled. He sat down on the bed and swung his legs up so they too rested on the bed. He didn't pull the covers up nor did he lose his butler-like posture. I frowned again.

"You can actually lay in the bed, you know... This isn't an order, after all..." I mumbled softly. Sebastian chuckled, making himself comfortable under the covers, now on his side, facing me. I blushed a tinge of pink.

"My, it's awfully hot in here," the butler stated, unbuttoning his shirt.


"Why I'm getting comfortable, my lord," Sebastian pulled off his shirt.

Holy. Freaking. Chicken. Balls.

He was hot.

His pectoral muscles were perfectly defined, not bulging too much and were being covered by that smooth, pale, creamy skin, his abs were a perfect six pack that I'm sure could be used as a washboard, and his arms were perfect, muscle corded, sinewy limbs that complimented his broad shoulders perfectly. Also, I never knew a collarbone could be so hot.

"Judging by your stare and the bit of drool on your chin, I presume you like what you see?" Sebastian chuckled.

I froze, my face going scarlet.

"N-no! I was just daydreaming!"

"Daydreaming while you eye-fucked me?"


"Of course you weren't," Sebastian chuckled and sat next to me. My eyes were practically glued to his perfect torso. I admired the way his abs tensed as he sat, making them even more defined. I nearly erupted in a nosebleed when his muscles flexed.

Wait... He's doing that on purpose!

My face went at least 50 shades of red.
"Indeed, I had to put on a little show for my former master after all, right?" Sebastian smirked, I scoffed.

"Whatever, those princes aren't nearly as good looking as me, anyway. Besides, they aren't even alive," I said pridefully. "You're lucky to have me as your master," I snarled.

"Indeed I am."


I was cut off by a pair of soft, cool lips meeting my chapped, warm ones. I immediately identified them as Sebastian's. The cool skin quickly pulled away, making me whine in protest.

"Ah, Master... You are indeed perfect. Soul, body, personality and all," Sebastian smiled, stroking my hair,

"W-what... Where did this all come from suddenly?"

"Why, it's obvious that you are jealous of the princes winning me in the chess match," Sebastian chuckled.

"I am not jealous! I just don't like them ordering you around and making you different!" I clasped my hand over my mouth, blushing wildly.

"Ah, so you don't want me to change?"

"I... Uh... No..." I let go of my pride for a moment. "I like all of your playful smirks, your teasing, your lingering touches when you dress me, your kind and playful personality... I don't want you to change any of that," I blushed, not meeting his eyes.

"Now, now, look here, Ciel..." Sebastian gently tilted my chin so I was looking at him.

"I am yours, and I will never change. Even as a demon, I love you, Ciel, and that will never change either. So please, dispel any thoughts that you no longer own me, or that I will leave you... For I never will, contractually obligated or not," Sebastian finished, stroking my cheek softly.

"I love you too Sebastian..."

"Now, what was that about "chicken balls"?"


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