I Love You (Hurt/Comfort/Angst)

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(This is based off an old Phantom of the Opera fanfiction I read called "Angel's Inferno," on Fanfiction.net. It is very good, so check it out if you ship Erik x Christine! Also, slight AU as the contract isn't really acknowledged, this is mostly where Ciel and Sebby are just a normal couple but it is still the Victorian times and Sebby is still a butler to him/demon, etc)

"You didn't say it..." Ciel mumbled.

Sebastian and Ciel had gotten into a major fight, yelling at each other, getting in one anothers' faces, swearing at each other... Yet, Ciel still remembered something the demon had promised him a few weeks before, and he hadn't broken that promise yet. He promised that he'd tell the boy he loved him every night. After their fight, he didn't.

"What?" Sebastian snapped, not having a clue what the boy meant.

"You said you'd say it every night..." Ciel whispered, his blue orbs not meeting the demon's eyes. Sebastian now understood what the boy meant, but he stubbornly stood his ground.

"Well I will not say it tonight," he growled at the boy, pure anger and malice burning in his ruby eyes. His words flowed straight to Ciel's delicate heart, sending an emotional pain so strong through him that he could physically feel his chest tighten like a vice.

Ciel lowered his head, the tears welling up in his blue eyes not visible to the demon before him. "You're an idiot..." He muttered, his voice strained. Sebastian let his competitiveness get to him, obviously believing that the boy was trying to pick a fight.

"Shut up, you brat," He retorted, shoving past the small boy on the stairs to get to their shared room, and the boy simply allowed him, not saying a word and not moving an inch.

Once he got up to his and Ciel's luxurious, large bedroom, Sebastian quickly got ready for bed and got into the large bed, facing the door and simply staring at its wooden surface, waiting for his little Ciel to stumble in and apologize so he could cuddle with him, like they always did after fights.

After a while of waiting had passed, Sebastian decided to get up and look for the small male. After a bit of searching, he found the boy lying on the couch in the living room, blanket and pillow with him as it appeared he intended to sleep there.

"Ciel?" The butler asked softly, slowly approaching the couch, his pale skin and crow-like hair illuminated by the dim, warm light of the fire crackling in the fireplace that lied in front of the small sofa.

"You don't love me anymore..." The boy whispered, his soft voice choked and strained, showing that he'd recently been crying.

"No, no, no love," Sebastian spoke hurriedly, his eyes softening and filling with a fatherly concern as he rushed to the boy's side, kneeling beside the couch and looking in the young male's solemn, sad blue eyes, "why would you believe such things?" He asked tenderly, petting Ciel's beautiful hair.

The boy's sapphire orbs finally met the older man's, flooding with clear, sparkling tears. "Because you wouldn't say it... You c-called me a brat a-and told me to s-shut up," the boy stammered brokenly, on the verge of allowing the salty water to flow down his cheeks.

Sebastian's garnet eyes filled with regret, momentarily flashing the color of pink rhodochrosite as intense emotion flooded him, his demon side not used to feeling such sadness and rue, or love for that matter.

"Oh, little one, you know I didn't mean it," the demon purred comfortingly, holding the boy close, gently holding Ciel's head to his shoulder. Ciel said nothing, Sebastian's kind words and consoling voice not easing his worries.

"You didn't say it..." The slate-haired young male repeated softly, his small body trembling slightly. "You promised y-you'd love me whether we fought or not.."

Sebastian's eyes softened extremely, feeling utterly terrible for putting the boy through such pain.

"I do love you, Ciel. I always will. No matter what. Even if I don't say it, know that I always will adore you with all my heart, Ciel," Sebastian whispered to the young, heartbroken boy, gently running his long fingers through the tiny Phantomhive's hair.

"Y-you promise?" Ciel whimpered softly, looking up from his lover's chest to meet his eyes.

"I promise, Ciel. I love you with all my heart," Sebastian swore.

And he meant every word.

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