Cheater (Part 1)

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(Warning: This includes self harm, depression, and suicide/major character death, along with major gore. This is after Ciel becomes a demon)

(Also, as a person who's suffering depression, I know that it can be hard. I just want to say that if you are struggling with self harm or depression, Please, seek help. It doesn't matter if it's professional or simply help from a friend. I know it's hard, but please do. You are a beautiful person who deserves happiness, and that's the truth.)

It was all a lie.

Everything he's ever said to me. All those sweet words, all those pleasure filled nights, they were all just lies to weaken the prey.

I caught him with someone else, whispering those same sweet words into woman's ear, giving her the same pleasure he had me. Lies. All lies.

How could he? I told him everything... Gave him my everything...

A few weeks before

The blood was seeping from my wrist, my razor gripped in my hand so tightly my palm had begun to bleed.


He caught me.

"Master, why? Why would you harm yourself so?"

"Because it hurts. The same way my heart does," I answered coldly.

He helped me. Bandaged my wrist and whispered sweet nothings to me until I had fallen asleep, kissed my scars so tenderly... I gave my innocence to him a few weeks later.

Only to find him here.

"S-Sebastian?" My voice was filled with hurt and betrayal, cracking on its own accord.

"Yes? Why are you interrupting, Master?" His voice was so cold. So emotionless. So damn heartless. He didn't even look up from the girl to speak to me. He couldn't even bring himself to look at me.

This is my fault.

"Well? Speak up, now. I'm busy," he snarled. His voice was drenched in venom.

He left me because of how pathetic I am. I deserve this.

"N-nothing... I-I just wanted to see you... One last time..."

Those words seem to get to him.

"Ciel, you will not harm yourself in any way. I do not want to have to clean up your blood simply because you're so pathetic that you would do that to yourself," he snapped, his voice... He had never said my name so cruelly, with such malice. Only love and passion.

Where has that love gone, Sebastian?

"You won't have to," I mumbled softly, tears now freely flowing. "I won't make a mess."

His eyes went wide.

A look of realization came to his face.
"Ciel, I-"

"That's Young Master to you, butler," I snapped. "Have fun with your slut," I quickly stormed out and grabbed a piece of paper, a quill, and a knife and ripped off my eye patch.

I ran.

Soon, using my new found demonic speed, I had ran up a cliff and was sitting at the edge carelessly. I picked up the knife and positioned it at my marked eye.

If I die, it won't be with his mark. Or their mark. I will only be myself.

I gouged out my own eye.

The sound was horrid, the small squishes coming from the soft parts of my eye, the ripping sounds as my eyelids tore, being too stretched from the large knife. The sight was even worse. I could see the blood gushing in my cornea, blocking my vision with red. I dug the knife behind my eyeball, digging it out with a disgusting squelch.

I could feel everything. It hurt so badly.
But I had been through worse, and I wasn't done yet.

I thoughtlessly took off my shirt, laying it beside me, folded neatly. Without hesitation, I dug the already blood covered knife into the scar on my skin from the cult. I carved around it and peeled off the skin, leaving a circle of uncovered veins, a thin layer of fat, and subcutaneous tissue. The sight was revolting, and the pain was near unbearable.

But it was over now.

I jumped, letting myself free fall off the cliff.

I should've remembered that it isn't that easy to kill a demon.

(There will be a part two to this.)

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