Follow You (Hurt/Comfort)

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(Warning: Gore and some swearing)

Ciel's Point of View

"Someone! Please! Help me!" I sobbed. It hurt... It all hurt... It happened again...

Click. Click. Click. Click.

The tapping of heels.

Familiar heels.

"S-Sebastian? Help! Please! They got me... They got me again... Help me! Please!" I sobbed, reaching out to grasp something, anything, that would get me to Sebastian. I had to be near him.

"How pathetic. You've been reduced to a sniveling little pest beneath my feet all because of a few bad memories," his beautiful voice taunted me.

"N-no I... Please... Just help me..."

"Help you?" A slow, sadistic chuckle echoed in my ears. "Why do that when I could just join in on the fun?"

No... Please... You wouldn't...

Sebastian's nails grew to a sharp, knifelike claws. He slowly, mockingly opened the cage door, stepping in and shutting and locking the gate behind him.

"S-Sebastian!" I clung to his torso pathetically.

"Idiotic little brat..."

I felt his claws dig into my back. I didn't let go.

"My pathetic Ciel enjoys being tortured, does he?"

No... Please stop...

His claws dug deeper and deeper. I sobbed into his shoulder, only clinging to him tighter.

"If you hate it so much, push me away," he snarled.

"N-no... Sebastian... I can't..."

"In that case..." His claws buried all the way in my chest, piercing my skin like butter to a hot knife. I could feel his claws digging into my heart, tearing the soft skin apart into ribbons of destroyed flesh. I screamed in agony.

"Push me away..."

"No... NO... SEBAS-"


I jolted up, shaking violently with hot tears staining my face. Instantly I leaped up and ran to my mirror. I raised my nightshirt up to uncover my unscathed back, revealing that it had indeed been a nightmare.

Or maybe... A glimpse into the dark future.

"Master? Are you alright?"

Sebastian's soft voice asked through the door. I quickly pulled my shirt back down, jumping back into bed.

"I'm fine. Just a small nightmare," I sighed.

"Would you like me to bring you some chamomile tea to calm your nerves?" he asked kindly.

A small smile graced my face. "Yes, I suppose that would be nice. Thank you, Sebastian," I said quietly. Soon, Sebastian quickly had returned. "Master, I have your tea," he softly spoke. "Come in," I said, in the kindest voice I could muster. I felt like I owed Sebastian. He had done so much for me, yet I never once thanked him.

"Good evening, Master," Sebastian smiled and set the tea on my nightstand. "Thank you, Sebastian," I smiled ever so slightly and took a sip of the tea. It was delicious, as usual, and calmed me instantly.

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