Are You Still Angry? (Angst)

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(If you haven't noticed yet, I'm obsessed with writing Sebaciel angst XD also this is based on Episode 22 of season 1, in case anyone is confused. SPOILERS, as usual. XD)

Ciel had stayed silent the whole way back from the hotel. Sebastian was too pissed off to be concerned. He had wanted to kill that angel since the day they'd met, and his master stopped him.

Sebastian would be lying if he said he didn't want to rip his young master to pieces then and there.

But, something held him back. The extremely fearful and hurt expression on Ciel's face said it all. Yet, all Sebastian had done was give him a death glare. But to the young earl, that wasn't what made him upset.

He was worried that Sebastian was angry with him.

Ciel felt like a little kid after a spanking who's wondering if his parents are disappointed in him. After all, Sebastian is the only father figure he's had since then. He would've asked the demon butler about it, but judging by the irritated look on the man's face, he didn't wish to speak to him.

Soon, they had arrived back to the hotel in utter silence.

"Perhaps it'd be a good idea for you to return to your room," Sebastian suggested coldly, a slight growl in his voice. Ciel kept his eyes on the ground and simply nodded, acting more like a servant who was below Sebastian than his master.

Ciel took very little time getting back up to his room, leaving his butler to follow behind. Sebastian rolled his eyes, following close behind.

Ciel tossed his hat onto his bed, taking off his long coat as well and handing it to his butler, who he still avoided all eye contact with.

"Master, would you like me to get you dressed to retire?"

"I'll do it myself," Ciel stated simply, waving his butler away.

"Are you certain?" Sebastian asked. He felt something fill his heart that never had before. Concern. For a human.

"Of course I am. I can do it myself," Ciel snapped.

"Alright... Would you like me to prepare some tea or a small snack?" Sebastian never offered sweets before bed, but today he felt as if he owed his Master something for being so cold. After all, it was true that they attracted attention, but Sebastian had forgotten that in this world, mass murder is frowned upon and he couldn't just kill all the witnesses.

"No, I'm fine," Ciel said softly, fumbling with the buttons of his stubborn shirt. Sebastian chuckled and began undoing them for his Master, much to the Young Earl's chagrin.

"I could've done it myself, you know," he grumbled. Sebastian smiled ever so slightly and gently pulled the shirt off his Master, quickly slipping on a long nightshirt on him before slipping off his trousers, leaving him in his sleep attire. Ciel gently pulled his eyepatch off, laying it on his nightstand.


"Yes, My Lord?"

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, My Lord. What is it?"

"Are you... Are you still angry with me?" Ciel asked nervously.

Sebastian looked surprised at the question, brow arching in curiosity.

"What do you mean?"

"In the carriage... I called you stupid and if looks could kill... Yours would've ripped me to pieces..," Ciel mumbled sadly, "so I want to know if you're still upset," he finished.

"Is that why you have been so distant and avoided looking me in the eyes?" He asked, more to clarify what he thought.

"Yes..." Ciel muttered. Sebastian smiled down at him. "I am not angry with you, Master. My demonic instincts took over and I have a rather bad temper when that happens," he said softly, in that kind voice Ciel had come to know. Ciel let out a small sigh, his eyes filled with sadness as they stared at the small space between him and his demon butler.

"Well... I suppose if I was told I couldn't have my meal, I'd be displeased as well," Ciel said timidly, worried it may displease the man in black in front of him. Sebastian's eyes widened slightly.

"Meal...?" He questioned his Master's use of words.

"Well, yes. That's all I am to you, after all. You don't give a damn that Abberline, Lau, or my parents died, one because you are a demon, and two because I'm a mere soul to you. Just dinner," Ciel stated, not finished yet.

"though I imagine you were pretty pissed off at Abberline for saying that I had a future. A fool he was. I don't have a future because I gave it up to you. I could've gotten revenge on my own if it weren't for that cult. I could've had a future, so I don't know why I blame you for taking it. You explicitly asked me if I had no doubts and I told you no. I could've chosen to die there but I had to be arrogant. I had to get stupid revenge, but isn't that how humans are in your eyes? Foolish idiots who'll do anything in the midst of despair, that they'll do anything to drag themselves out of hell? It is isn't it," Ciel finished his speech, looking up to meet his butler's carmine eyes.

"Master, with all due respect..." Sebastian's tone shifted to sound like that of a sassy teenager's. "That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard you say," he chuckled.

"Revenge is something all humans crave. It is born from wrath, a sin we demons all have raging within us. I hated that cult with a fiery passion, simply because they disgusted me. I simply do not understand how one can do that to their own kind. I am a demon, a creature of violence and hatred, but I am still merciful toward my own. Even with Claude Faustus, I granted him a death wish in a fair fight. Anyway, what I mean to say is, I respect your desire for vengeance and I personally believe it was a good reason to make a contract. Most humans simply desire love or something of the sort, but you are passionate. Different. Unique," Sebastian stopped, gently slipping off his glove with his teeth.

"I myself... Would like to break the contract a bit," he spoke playfully. "If I may, Master, I would like to alter the contract so that I may serve you," he paused, smiling down at the bluenette, "without ever having to end your life."

Ciel's world felt like it had stopped.

Did he just say... What I heard?

"B-but... Why would you stay if you gained nothing?" asked the baffled boy.

"Oh, I do gain something. I gain you. Just being near you, that closeness, is almost enough. I just need to know that I won't have to end it..."

"I-I... Agree to the terms of the c-contract..." Ciel's face was red.

"If you'd like, I could remove the mark-"

"No! Don't... It's... It's a way that I know you're still here... A reminder, of sorts..." Ciel lightly touched the butler's marked hand.

Sebastian chuckled. "Of course, my love. Would you like to retire now?"

Ciel nodded slowly, still taking in the situation. Soon, he was in his nightshirt and all tucked in.


"Yes, my love?"

"Will you stay with me...? You can lie in the bed if you'd like..."

"Of course, my pleasure," Sebastian smiled and blew out the candles on the candelabra, setting it down on the desk.

He quickly stripped down to his white button up shirt and black pants, leaving off his gloves, shoes, socks, and tie.

Ciel blushed softly at the lack of appropriate attire, but simply patted the cold spot next to him for the butler. Sebastian chuckled softly and lied in the bed next to his adorable master.


"Yes, love?"

"Can you... Uhm... Cuddle me?"

"Of course, Ciel," Sebastian pulled the young boy close so that the Earl's back was against his chest, and he wrapped his arms around him. A content smile grew on Ciel's face as he quickly fell asleep to the sound of his demon's heartbeat.

"Oh, Master... Sometimes I wonder how you are so damn adorable..."

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