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My birthday is in a few weeks. I still haven't remembered any of the guys.
I look at the outfit I'm going to wear on my birthday and smile.
It's a white aéropostale crop top, with blue high waisted shorts, and white knee high converse.
I smile. I'm glad it's the weekend. It gives me time to start recording with everyone again, even though I don't remember who they are. But I have still been trying to remember.
I stare at my apartment wall, beginning to feel bored.
I look at my phone and look through the pictures again.
Max is kissing my cheek and I'm scrunching my face up in one picture.
In another picture, Max is carrying me over his shoulder.
Another, I'm sitting on Max' lap on a swing.
I smile at the pictures then turn off my phone and set it down then curl up and close my eyes.
Max is at work, Jackson is playing CoD or something, and mom is at work.
I stand up and sigh then walk out of my room.
"I'm going for a walk, Jackson, see you later!" I call as I walk by his room.
"A'ight, see ya!" He calls back and I leave, deciding not to put on makeup.
I go down the elevator and step out then go outside. I smile as the warm sun hits the parts of my body that aren't covered up.
I walk through the town, looking around at every noise. I hardly remember this place. At all. Stupid tumor.
I run a hand through my short hair and sigh a bit as I walk by a little grocery store.
One arm wraps around my waist tightly and one goes over my mouth.
My eyes widen, and I kick back, kicking the person in the balls, making his grip loosen, so I take my elbow and elbow his stomach once as hard as I can.
"Ow! Damn, Cass you're strong," a now familiar voice whines.
"Ryley?!" I shout as is turn around to see him bent over slightly.
"Hey," he says, wincing and smiling.
"Oh my god- I'm so sorry-" I say, putting my hands over my mouth.
"No, I'm sorry," he laughs softly.
"Okay, but to be fair, what the fuck? Do you have bricks under there? Because that not only hurt you but it also hurt me." I say, raising my eyebrows.
"Haha, nope," he says and lifts his tank top to reveal the bottom half of his abs. (Ye)
"Damn, you should cut back on the steroids. Those aren't very healthy." I tease, raising my eyebrows.
"Haha, very funny." He says, dropping his shirt back down and rolling his eyes.
"I was joking," I laugh.
"I know you were. Hey, wanna go to a park?" He asks, raising his eyebrows.
"Sure," I say, smiling.
But I didn't know he meant a park that was going to have water fountains.
I stare at the fountains, crossing my arms. "Not going in there," I say, watching people run in between the fountains, dodging them as they shoot on and off at random times. 
"Aww, and miss all the fun?" He laughs.
I look at him with a blank expression.
"Oh, come on." He laughs and picks me up then runs into the fountains, purposefully getting me soaked.
"Ryley! You ass! Put me down!" I scream.
"Okay," he smiles and sets me down right next to a fountain that goes off, grazing my butt.
"Nya- Ryley!" I start chasing him and he laughs, running away, through the fountains where he knows I won't go.


We run through the fountains for a good couple of hours before I find a spot of sun on the concrete and lay down in it.
Ryley comes up beside me and sits down then takes off his soaking wet tank top and lays down.
"Oh god-- Ryley, put your shirt back on!" I shout, averting my eyes.
"Don't act like you don't like it," he says and I narrow my eyes.
"You act like you haven't seen Max shirtless before," he laughs.
"What?!" I feel my face turn bright red. "I haven't!" I say and quickly sit up.
"Have too."
I glare at him. He smirks back at me.
"God! You're so difficult!" I shout and stand up then start walking off but two firm arms wrap around me, keeping me from moving.
"Ryley let go!" I shout and turn then press my hands to his bare chest, trying to push him away, even though I know he won't go anywhere.
I curl my hand into a fist and punch him. He just laughs. "Felt like a flick," he teases.
"Shut up and let me go!" I shout.
He smiles and glances down at my lips. "Under one condition," he says, his eyes returning to my eyes.
I narrow my eyes at him. "No."
He gives me a pouty face and I harden my gaze.
"Fine," he says and releases me, but not before giving me a quick peck on the lips.
I stumble back, my eyes wide and I slap him, making him turn his head.
"Now that I felt." He laughs and rubs the side of his face.
"Yeah, and I can do much more." I say and turn, only to see Max' car speed off.
My mouth drops open a bit and I turn to Ryley, rage induced.
"You fucking asshole!" I scream. "You knew he was there? Didn't you?!" I scream, advancing on him, making him back up. "Don't fucking talk to me on Monday." I snap and turn on my heel and start walking off.
I stop and clench one of my fists then turn and connect it to his jaw. "You better have felt that." I say and turn then walk off, completely pissed off.
How am I going to fix this..

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