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I wake up. Sunlight is flooding in through the window, and I'm laying in the bed, alone, the blankets although are pulled up to my shoulders.
I sigh and slowly push the blankets off then get up. I hear Max and Ross talking, but I'm too sleepy to understand what they're saying.
I walk into the kitchen and hear Max mutter something. "I'll ask her next week."
I search for something to eat and eventually grab an apple.
"Hey, Cass. Morning," Ross greets me as he walks by the kitchen.
"Morning," I call back and smile a bit before biting into my apple.
"Max, what, you letting me skip school again?" I ask looking over at him.
He shrugs and smiles. "Well, we are going to Delaware tomorrow so.."
My eyes widen slightly. "We're going to Hawaii?" Max calls Hawaii Delaware. A lot.
"Yep," he smiles.
"Oh- oh my god.. Are you serious?!" I shout, my eyes widening.
He laughs. "Of course I'm serious." He says and gets up.
I walk over to him and tightly wrap my arms around him, stepping up on his feet gently.
He laughs a bit. "Excited?" He asks.
I nod and smile.
"Of course." I say and feel him walking over to the kitchen.
"Good. Because I already have both of our tickets." He says, smiling.


We all sit on the plane. Red is on the isle seat, Max in the center and I have the window seat, Alesa, Adam and Ross take the seats next to ours and.. I have no idea where Tim, Jake and Luclin are.
I stare out my window and watch as the lights on either side of the runway slowly move by, gradually picking up speed before they start to get lower beneath us.
I watch as we ascend, higher and higher and the ground eventually disappears from sight.
I stare at the fluffy white clouds as we fly through them.
I look over at Max, who's looking down at his phone to take a selfie.
I lean into the frame and make the silliest face I can right before he takes the selfie.
I laugh as he takes the picture and sit up again and look out my window.
A few seconds later, my phone vibrates.
Mithzanmax: Flying to Delaware with these nerds..
He tagged everyone in the photo and I laugh a bit then look through the comments.
Don't you mean Hawaii? I mean you always have called Hawaii Delaware.
I see Hazel commented as well.
Oh, Cass that's where you are! Have fun :D
I see people commenting a few rude things to Hazel.
Wtf this is Max' Instagram not Cass'
What are you stupid?
Idiot this isn't even Cass' Instagram.
I furrow my eyebrows and type a quick comment back.
Excuse me? She's allowed to comment on whoever's post she wants. We're all people here. And I'm sure we're all gonna have fun in Delaware ;) now I'd appreciate if you guys wouldn't hate on my friend.
I turn off my phone and put it on airplane mode then set it on my lap and rest my head on the back of the seat and fall asleep.


I wake up when the plane jumps and look out my window quickly.
It's dark out, and my head was on Max' shoulder, his arm gently pulled around my cold body.
I look over at him and smile a bit, noticing him looking down at me.
"Hey," he whispers and gently rubs one of my shoulders.
"Hey.." I reply softly, smiling, still drowsy from the plane ride.. "Uh.. Are we here already..?" I whisper, looking out my window, seeing red lights flash by, soon after a glow of a brighter light is seen.
"Yep," he whispers and smiles a bit.
I yawn softly. "How far is.. Is the hotel..?" I ask softly, slowly starting to doze off again but somehow keeping myself awake.
"Not far. About five, ten minutes away." Max replies as Red wakes up slowly.
I nod slowly and blink a few times.
My eyes focus onto the promise ring and I smile a bit. He chose me. Me. Of all people.
I slowly move my other hand and gently play with the little ring.
Max chuckles softly. "You know.. I'm so lucky to have you as my fiancé. And my bride in a few months.
I smile and nod. "I'm lucky to have you.. Not the other way around."
"How about both?" Max whispers.
I look up at him and smile. "I can make an exception.." I whisper and don't even realize people are exiting the plane before I kiss Max.
He smiles a bit and kisses back for a for a couple of seconds before pulling away. "Time to get off the plane.." He whispers and slowly removes his arm from around my shoulder and starts walking off the plane.
I quickly follow and eventually step off of the plane, into the gate, through the security check and into the airport.
I grab my bag from the little conveyor belt.. Thing.. And follow everyone out the front door and to the parking lot where Adam calls in an uber.. Well, three. There's no way all nine of us could fit in one little car.
I feel myself falling asleep, standing up, and end up falling into Max a couple of times, but this time he pulls me towards him and buries my face in his chest.
I smile a bit and wrap my arms around him, feeling his chest rise and fall. Something about it relaxes me.
I close my eyes and sigh softly. Before I know it, Max picks me up, bridal style and I fall asleep in his arms, my body turned towards his and my arms are tightly wrapped around his shoulders, and my head resting against his torso, his heartbeat gently drumming.
I smile, realizing I love him.
A lot.
Much more than I thought I did.
And now I never want to let go. I never want him to set me down. I never want him to give up. I never want to give up.
I love you, Max.

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