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"Hey, Cass, wake up. Time to go," Jackson wakes me up gently.
I groan and slowly open my eyes then sit up, to find practically everything gone in Jacksons room.
I get up and grab my bag. "Max usually gets up around this time.. At least I think. So we have to go like.. Right now."
"Okay. Let's go," Jackson says and grabs both of his bags, putting one of mine on his back and I grab my other one, strapping it to my back as well and walk out the bedroom door, then go down the elevator and leave the apartment.
Well, goodbye Bellevue. For.. Who knows how long.
"Jackson?" I ask, looking out my window as we drive down the practically empty streets.
"Hm?" He hums.
"Did you find an apartment to live in down at Texas?" I ask softly.
"Yeah. You'll like it," Jackson replies, smiling.
I smile a bit. "Good." I say softly.


I walk through the gate after getting through security.
I turn my head slightly and smile a bit. Goodbye, Bellevue..
I step onto the plane and follow Jackson to our seats then sit down and stare out my window.
I feel my heart breaking, and the smile on my face disappears.
The last time I was on a plane, I was with Max. Engaged to him.
Now I don't have a boyfriend.
A fiancé.
And I'm not getting married in a week.


I walk to Cass' apartment and knock on the door.
It's extremely early and I doubt Cass is awake.
Her mom answers. And she doesn't look very pleased.
"Hi um.. Is Cass awake?" I ask softly.
"She's awake. Yes. But she isn't home." Her mom says and pulls open the door. "Go take a look." She says carelessly.
I walk in. And I don't have the best feeing about this.
I walk to Cass' room and as soon as I push the door open, It feels like my heart just dropped to my stomach.
It's empty.
I look over at the cork board on her wall. It still has the pictures.
"Where did she go?" I ask softly, hearing her mom walk in.
"Her and Jackson are on their way to Texas. Probably on the plane. It's supposed to take off in about an hour."
I nod a bit. "Thank you.." I sat and turn then leave, but grab one of the pictures first.
I rush out of the apartment building and get in my car then speed down the empty streets.
I can't lose her. Not now.
I reach the airport and don't bother finding a parking space.
I stop in front of the airport and put the car in park then get out and sprint into the building, going around people.
I stop as soon as I see her going through the gate. She turns her head slightly for a second.
My eyes widen, and I feel my heart racing.
Did I really just lose her?
I watch as she disappears through the gate and I feel tears welling up in my eyes.
I just lost my best friend.
Not only that, but my soon to be wife.
And because of Andrea.. Because she kissed me..
I lost Cass. And I doubt she's going to give me any second chances.
I stand, staring at where she left. People walk around me.
I brush my fingers over my pocket. Where I put her promise ring that she dropped.
I slowly back up a few steps before turning and walking off, through the airport.
As soon as I reach my car, I turn my phone off and try calling Cass.
I doubt it'll work.. But it doesn't mean that I can't try.
It goes straight to voicemail and her voicemail recording goes off.
Hello, you've reached Cassandra Rose. I'm sorry I couldn't pick up the phone at this time, but please leave a voice message and I'll be sure to call you right back.
"Hey, Cass. I know you're probably pissed off at me but.. You know how I listened and forgave you after you kissed that guy at the park? It's time for you to listen to and forgive me.. Can you call me back as soon as you get this? Thanks. Bye," I say and hang up.
I take a deep breath and put the car into drive then pull out of the airport parking lot.


book three is coming out later tonight or tomorrow.
Who's going to stay for book three?!
OH but a little spoiler for book three,
Some of it is not going to have Max in it. But it is going to have a different group of YouTubers :3
Can anyone guess who?
Okay but I'll see you guys in the next book :D
I will post an authors note when book three is out.
Byeee :D

Remembering HimDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora