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I watch as Cass falls asleep and gently rub the top of her hand with my thumb, my eyes slowly traveling over her face until they fall on the little red mark I gave her just under her jawline.
I gently take her face in my free hand and smile.
I know she probably feels like she's lucky that she got me, but I'm really the lucky one here.
I gently rub the side of her face when her eyebrows slightly furrow in her sleep, hoping to comfort her.
Even if it's just a little bit, I'll be happy.
Her hardened expression slowly softens and I smile slightly.
Her facial expression hardens again. This time she starts shaking.
"Max.." She whispers in her sleep.
I look down at her and raise my eyebrows a bit.
She's dreaming about me?
I see tears forming in her eyes as she sleeps.
I quickly wipe them away before they get the chance to roll down her face.
"Cass, hey, wake up." I say and gently shake her shoulder.
Quick fact about Cass, she's a light sleeper but she has nightmares a lot.
She flinches awake and quickly flicks her eyes around before they land on me and tears fill her eyes before she quickly wraps her arms around me and buries her face in my chest.
I gently pull my arms around her and rub my hand up and down her back gently.
Her body stops shaking and I'm pretty sure she stopped crying.
"I uh.. S-sorry.." She whispers, stuttering a bit.
"Cass." I whisper. "Don't apologize for having nightmares." I say and gently kiss the top of her head.
She nods a bit and sighs then tightens her grip around me, as if she lets go that I'll disappear.


<In dream>

I wake up, in a dark room. It looks like it goes on infinitely. The walls, floor, ceiling, they all seem to be missing, yet my feet are standing on floor.
I don't see any lights. But I think I see someone up ahead.
I walk closer. He seems to have a flat expression on his face.
I walk closer and realize it's Max. Nobody else. Just him. And me. And.. Eternal darkness.
I walk up to him and reach out to touch him, but just before I brush my fingers over his cheek, he disappears.
I quickly retract my hand, startled.
"Max?" I call out.
I look around. Still in the large black encasement.
I turn and see my brother. And mom. And a.. Kid. A little baby. In Jacksons arms.
I walk towards them. "She has her eyes.." I hear Jackson say when I get closer.
"Who's eyes?" I ask, and when I take a step closer, they both disappear as well.
"What.. What's going on?" I ask myself and turn, seeing my dad with a gun. Again.
Knowing my fate I close my eyes and sigh. "Do it."
A gunshot goes off. In less than a second, a bullet passes through my brain, my body flies back a foot or two and I drop. Dead.


"Wake up," Max says and shakes me awake.
I flinch as I wake up and my eyes quickly flick around the room before they land on Max and tears fill my eyes.
I quickly wrap my arms around him and bury my face in his chest.
Max gently rubs his hand up and down my back, soothing me, his body heat relaxing me as well.
My shaking body slowly comes to a stop, and my tears stop flowing.
"I uh.. S-sorry.." I whisper, stuttering a bit.
"Cass," Max whispers. "Don't apologize for having nightmares." He says and gently kisses the top of my head.
I nod slowly and tighten my grip around him a bit. I'm almost afraid that he's going to disappear. Like how he did in my dream.
"What time is it?" I ask softly.
"It's.. 4:27." Max replies and continues soothing me by rubbing his hand up and down my back.
I take a shaky breath and nod slowly.
"Can you tell me what your nightmare was?" Max asks softly.
I shake my head, not wanting to bring back to my mind what had just happened.
"Okay. I'm not gonna force you." He says softly, trying to help me relax a bit more.
I clench my jaw a bit and tighten my grip around him a bit more. "Max?" I whisper.
"Hm?" He hums softly.
"Promise me you won't leave."
"I won't leave you. I love you so much." He whispers and gently runs a hand through my hair.
I smile a bit. "Good." I whisper, relaxing a bit. "Because I love you too. Maybe a little more than you love me." I say softly.
Max laughs a bit. "I highly doubt that." He whispers and gently pushes me back a bit to kiss me. "Love you." He whispers as he breaks the kiss.
"I love you too." I say and look into his eyes then smile.


Wattpad totally just freaked out and deleted this part? Sorry for the confusion

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