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I sit in class and see Andrea sitting on the table with Jax. Laughing.
Don't play fucking dumb.
I set my stuff down and Andrea turns then gives me the dirtiest look before smiling. Fucking faker.
"Hey, Cass!" Aaron says as he walks in. I turn in smile. "Aaron! Hey!" I say, smiling.
"You excited for graduation?" He asks, raising his eyebrows slightly.
"Very. Especially since I'm getting married to Max not long after," I say, smiling.
I feel Andrea's eyes burning into the back of my head but I ignore it.
"Cool. I know I've probably said it plenty of times, but I wish you both good luck," he says, smiling.
"Thanks, I laugh softly and run a hand through my hair.
He smiles. "No problem, have you chosen your dress yet?" He asks, leaning over on the table.
"Yeah, actually. It's supposed to be shipped here in a couple of weeks.." I laugh softly. (Oooh Ima do something evil >:3)
"Cool, hey where-"
The bell rings, cutting Jackson off. "Hold that thought will you?" I ask and turn my attention to the front of the classroom as class starts.


"Max!" I call out and run up to him then jump into his arms and wrap my legs around him and hug him tightly.
I smile.
"Hey! You ready for graduation tomorrow?"
I smile and nod. "Of course!" I say as I plant my feet back on the ground. "You're gonna be there- right?" I ask, looking up at him.
"Of course," he says and kisses me.
I smile and feel eyes boring into the back of my skull.
I purposefully hold the kiss for about three more seconds until Max pulls away.
A smile forms on my face. "I can't believe I'm already graduating. And in about a week.. We're getting married," I say, looking up at Max.
He smiles. "Absolutely. I love you so so much." He says and kisses the top of my head.


I get ready to walk up on stage, my blue cap and gown fitted over my body, my short brown hair hanging over the sides of my face.
I look out to the crowd, where I see Max, my Mom, Adam, Cory, Ross, basically everyone who works at the office.
I look forward and realize I'm next.
I step forward as the person gives me my diploma, shakes my hand, and I'm officially no longer a high school student.
I smile and walk into the school where I'm going to get changed then come back out and meet up with everyone.
I quickly apply a thin layer of eyeshadow and mascara along with some eyeliner, put my glasses back on, and slip into my street clothes.
I put my gown and cap back in their box and put it into my bag gently along with my diploma and walk back out of the school bathroom.
I see that everyone is done, seeing that I was one of the last people to get their diplomas, and as soon as I see Max I run up to him and wrap my arms around him.
He picks me up and spins me around in a circle, making me laugh a bit.
I'm placed back on my feet and hug everyone else quickly.
"So what now?" I ask, looking at everyone.
"Well.. I was thinking we could bring everyone to the hill for a little celebration?" Max suggests, his eyes scanning everyone before they stop and land on me.
I smile. "It's a long ass drive, but I'm down."
"Cool, let's go."
We get to the top of the hill about 40 minutes later and I spot multiple large flowers growing.
I get out of the car when Max stops it and run up to a red flower then gently pluck it from its stem and put it behind my ear.
Seconds later I turn and multiple cars pull up then park.
I smile and lay in the grass where there's multiple clovers and flowers growing.
A few moments later, literally everyone is laying in a circle.
Adam holds up his selfie stick after attaching his phone to it.
"Did you really take that thing?!" I laugh.
"Yeah, now everyone get in the frame, Adam says and sits up then holds the phone straight out.
Alesa sits in front of Adam holding Mason, Cory and Corey crouch behind Adam, Max and I sit on one side of Alesa, Barney, Red and Ross on another side, Luclin behind both the Cory's, Jess, Jason (that's her husbands name right?) the kids, and Tim all standing wherever they can while staying in the frame.
I kiss Max on the cheek and smile as Adam takes the picture.
I relax, laying beside Max, everyone laying down as well except for Adam and Alesa who are playing with Mason who's sitting on the ground.
I smile and stare up at the blue sky, spotted with little white fluffs of cotton.
I look over at Max who's staring up at the sky, his eyes flicking over the white clouds, probably just spotting shapes.
Most girls have goals like matching clothes. But I have these goals. I don't have many expectations.
A smile forms on my lips as I feel a bunch of weight lift off of my shoulders.
School is over. Finally. Thank god.
I sigh and close my eyes then smile, enjoying the smell of nature.
I reach up and gently rub my fingers over the petals of my flower.
"So, Cass." Max says softly, careful not to disturb anyone's relaxation.
"Hm?" I hum softly.
"How does it feel to now be a full member of the sky media offices?" I can hear the smile on his voice.
I sharply turn my head over to him. "Really?" I ask, raising my eyebrows in surprise.
He laughs a bit. "Yeah. Now that you're no longer in high school, the fans- most of the fans- seem to like you, and everyone in the offices enjoys having you around. So what do you say?"
"Of course!" I shout excitedly and hug him tightly.
This day keeps getting better and better.
I got a new job.
No more Andrea.
No more problems.. Almost.
And no more school.
Oh and not to mention in getting married in a week.
Life can't get much better than this.


Hehehe but all good things must come to an end >:3 you may or may not hate me next chapter XD love you guys :D <3 thank you all for the support on Joseph too. It meant and helped a lot <333

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