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I lay in my bed, curled up against Max' body. His lunch break is probably over by now, but it doesn't seem like he cares.
He's been kissing me and whispering sweet things to me for the past half hour while he holds me close to him.
"You wanna stay home from school tomorrow?" Max whispers.
I nod without hesitation. "Of course I do." I whisper and look up at Max then smile a bit.
"Cool and- do you want to come into the office with me today?" Max asks, gently rubbing my back.
I nod a bit then slowly sit up and stretch.
"Alright, come on," Max says, smiling and leads me out of the apartment.


I walk into the office and the first person I see is Jason.
"Jason- how long are you going to be staying here in Bellevue?" I ask, looking over at him.
He stops then turns to face me and smiles. "I'm working here for a couple of more weeks then I'm going to be going back to LA." He replies.
"Oh- cool," I say, smiling.
He smiles a bit then looks at my sweater. "How are you not roasting-"
"Hey, Jason, Adam wants you to film an X-run with him, Ross and Barney." Max cuts him off quickly.
"Alright- see ya," Jason says then smiles and turns then leaves.
I look at Max then raise an eyebrow a bit. "What was that about? You jealous Max?" I tease, smiling a bit.
He furrows his eyebrows slightly and turns away a bit.
"No," he says, obviously lying. "But he was about to find out about your cuts." Max lowers his voice.
I sigh and look down then nod a bit. "Yeah- sorry," I say softly and turn to go back to my office.
"Hey, Cass-" I stop and turn, only a few seconds later, Max' lips are pressed against mine, taking me by surprise a bit before I dissolve into the kiss.
"Whoas! Okays, I did not need to sees that,"
I pull away from Max quickly, flinching in the process then look over at Barney and laugh a bit. "Your fault for walking by here, hey, Max, I'm gonna go to my office." I say and give him another quick peck on the lips then turn and walk into my office.
I shut the door and look down at my wrist that has the little cuts running up and down it.
I stare at the little cuts for a few seconds before hearing Adam scream in rage at his computer and I laugh then roll my sleeve back down and walk out of my office then to the window of Adams office.
I stare through the window until he looks over and starts laughing.
"What? Oh. Cass is outside my window," I hear Adam laugh.
I smile and turn then run down the hall to Cory's office and stop at his window, and see him recording his undertale roleplay with Shelby. (Hype for Max being Papyrus? Anyone want to guess Max is gonna do the butt knight voice for Papyrus? XD)
I move on and end up at Ross' office. He immediately notices me.
"Oh, she's at my office now," he laughs and I smile a bit then turn and run through the office and run straight into Corey.
"Ow! Oh- sorry! Sorry," I say quickly.
"It's no problem, here," he reaches a hand down then smiles a bit.
I reach up and take his hand and he pulls me up.
I smile a bit. "Thanks," I say then run in the same direction I was going earlier.
"Oh! Hey, Jess what are you doing here?" I ask, stopping in front of her.
"Hey, Cass! I'm just here to visit, but I'll be leaving here in an hour or two," she says, smiling.
"Cool- oh, how are the kids?" I ask, raising my eyebrows a bit.
"They're doing great, Julia's been asking about you a lot. I guess she took an immediate liking to you," she laughs a bit.
"I guess," I laugh softly and run a hand through my hair.
"So why were you running? Did you make Max mad- oh, and hey! Congrats on the engagement!" Jess says, smiling.
"Thanks," I say, smiling a bit as well.
"When's the wedding reception gonna be?" She asks, raising her eyebrows slightly.
"After my graduation, actually," I say, smiling and looking down for a couple of seconds then look back at Jess.
"That's great! Where's it going to be?" She asks, smiling.
"We haven't figured that part out yet.. I've always wanted a wedding on a beach though," I say, smiling sheepishly and shrugging a bit.
"That'd be so cute! Could I go dress shopping with you?" She asks excitedly.
"Of course! Alesa's going to come too to help pick out shoes, and a dress."
"Great! So when should we go shopping for a dress?" She asks, smiling.
"A couple of days after I graduate, maybe? Max and I are planning on getting married a week or two after I graduate." I say, smiling shyly, a blush forming on my cheeks.
"Oooh, you're blushing!" Jess fangirls.
I laugh and press a finger to my lips. "Shh sh sh," I hush, giggling a bit.
"Sorry!" She whisper yells, making me laugh a bit more.
She giggles. "I ship it so hard, oh my god. Oh! Are you planning on having any kids?" She asks enthusiastically.
"Maybe one or two,"
I jump at the sound of Max' voice behind me then quickly turn around. "Max- when- how log have you been there?" I ask, startled.
"Since Jess said 'I ship it so hard,'" he replies, smiling. "It seems like everyone lately has been shipping us, he laughs a bit.
Except for Andrea..


WHOO. NEW PART. And this book is coming to an end soon but there WILL be a third book which might actually be the last book unless you guys want me to write a book leading up to how Max and Cass met? :3

Remembering HimTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon