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I walk into the office with Max. Mom let me stay out of school for today to spend the day with him.
I look at him and smile a bit.
None of the guys at the office knows that he proposed yet. Ross knows, but other than that nobody else does. (Idk all the people who work at the office don't kill me)
We get everyone. Jake, Tim, Ross (who I think already knows), Adam, Cory, Corey, Barney, basically everyone who works in the office.
"So why'd you guys call us in here?" Adam asks.
I look up at Max and smile a bit.
He smiles as well then looks at everyone. "Cass and I are getting married. "
Marriage. Just the thought of being with him forever makes me happy.
I look at everyone's reactions. Everyone has a smile on their face.
"Congratulations, guys," Ross says, smiling.
I look at Cory. He's smiling, but I can tell, deep down he's jealous. But he'd never admit it.
I look at Adam. Barney. Ross. Corey. They all look legitimately happy.
I look up at Max. When I look at him time seems to slow down.
I look back at the guys. "When's the reception?" Cory asks.
"After Cass graduates. Gives us enough time to plan the wedding, and we can spend plenty of more time together after she's graduated."
"Makes sense."
I smile a bit and look up at Max again.
He looks down at me and smiles a bit as well then gives me a quick peck on the lips.


I've taken down my YouTube channel before it got too big.
I realized it wasn't going to be as active as I wanted it to be. And I love doing videos with Adam and the guys more anyways.
I play around, editing some music together. I hear a knock on my door and quickly take my headphones off then look over.
"Hey," Max says, walking in.
"Hey." I say, smiling and he leans over then kisses me.
"Whatcha working on?" Max asks, looking at my monitor.
"Just.. Goofing around." I say, shrugging.
"Really?" He asks and picks up my headphones. "Can I listen?" He asks.
"I-- uh.. Yeah.." I say and he smiles, puts on the headphones and hits play.
He listens to the 30 seconds I have them smiles and takes off the headphones.
"This is really good, hey, have you heard of MinecraftUniverse?" Max asks.
I look at him with a really look.
He laughs. "I'm joking. I know you have. Hey, he's coming up here to Bellevue here in a couple of weeks. You should get him to listen to this. Maybe he'd put it on his channel."
"I doubt it.. He's much more talented than I am," I laugh softly and look away.
"I'd not say that. Possibly about the same talent? Where'd you learn to do this?" Max asks.
I shrug and smile a bit. "I just started a little while ago. But I stopped when I lost my memory and.. Now I started again."
"You have more?" Max asks, raising his eyebrows.
I shrug and nod a bit. "Yeah but.. They aren't very good."
"Can I listen?" Max asks.
I sigh and type a few things then hand him the headphones and play the music.
It's literally all audio. Like what Jason does. No lyrics.
Max spends the next ten minutes listening to the music I've pulled together.
"You know, if you put this on YouTube I bet people would buy it off of iTunes." Max says, smiling as the last song ends.
"Yeah, I doubt it. You're just saying that because you're my fiancé." I laugh.
Max looks at me and furrows his eyebrows. "I am not."
"You are too."
"Bad Max."
Max looks at me and I smile then sprint out of my office, Max racing after me.
I sprint into the kitchen, running into Barney.
"Ow- oh- sorry," I hear Max running closer to the kitchen and I hide behind him.
"What are you doings?" He asks.
"Hiding from Max," I laugh and see him run by.
I let out the breath I didn't  know I was holding and walk out from behind Barney.
"Thanks," I laugh and walk out of the kitchen, immediately after I step out, I get pulled into Max' arms.
I let out a little squeak of surprise and turn around then look up at him.
"What did I feel you about the Max jokes?" He asks softly.
I laugh a bit. "But it's fun." I reply, smiling.
"Is it fun when I tickle you?" He asks, smiling.
"No?!" I shout and try to escape from Max but he wraps his arms around me tighter.
"I was joking," he laughs.
I narrow my eyes at him and punch his chest gently.
He laughs. "You love me,"
"Of course I do. Otherwise I wouldn't be marrying you." I say and tilt my head up then stand up on my toes and kiss him.
He smiles into the kiss and gently wraps his arms around my waist.
"And- oh, well there they are," Adam laughs.
I flinch and quickly pull away to see Adam vlogging.
"You ass," I laugh and run a hand through my hair, looking at anything but Adam.
He stops the vlog camera. "We're going to get lunch soon, you guys wanna go?"
"Where are we going?" Max asks.
"Taco truck, come on while I get more people to come with us."
"Coming," I say and follow Adam as he walks through the office.
Throughout the time of collecting people, we only got Red, Cory and Tim.
Ross has his baguette.. Again.


So I got writers block sorry ;-; but aye new chapter :D
And I'm in like soo much pain ;-;
Can periods just not cause cramps? Please? Thanks.
EDIT: I thought I was on chapter 16 lmao XD
EDIT: So when I look at my story after I fix some stuff the mistakes are still there? I'm so confused XD

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