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I lay with Max for about 45 more minutes before he gets up.
When he does, I curl myself up in a tight ball and close my eyes, still extremely tired.
"Max?" I call.
"Yeah?" He calls back.
"What time is it?"
He pops his head in the door and raises an eyebrow slightly. "It's 5:12."
I groan and stretch down the length of the bed then slide off of it.
"Cass what are you doing?" Max asks, furrowing his eyebrows.
I laugh. "I don't know but.. I need help up," I say and hold my arms up, realizing I can't get myself up unless I turn over and I really do not want to do that. Mostly because it might hurt my chest area. (I s2g it hurts SO much)
Max laughs a bit then walks over to me and holds his hands out, grabs mine and pulls me up off of the floor then pulls his arms around me tightly, picking me up just enough to be able to put my feet on his and walks to the living room.
"Max?" I ask, looking up at him.
He looks down at me and raises his eyebrows a bit. "When's our next vacation?" I ask softly.
"In about a month or two. We're going to California," he says, smiling.
"Ooh! Can we go to Didney??" I ask excitedly.
Max laughs a bit. "Yes, we can go to Didney." He says 'Disney' the same way I did.
"Yay!" I shout excitedly and wrap my arms around him, pulling him into a hug and pressing my cheek against his chest.
Max laughs a bit and sets me on the couch.
I look over at the TV as Max turns it on and scrolls through a list of movies.
"Ooh! Inside out? Can we watch it? Please please please?" I ask quickly, flopping myself over his lap and looking up into his eyes.
He smiles a bit. "Sure," he says and turns on the movie.


At about 25 minutes left of the movie, I hear the door lock click and I quickly look over at it then up at Max.
"Got off early," he says, shrugging and a few seconds later, Ross and Tim walk in.
"Russ!" I say, throwing my arms up in the air, nearly smacking Max in the process.
He looks over at me and laughs a bit then waves. "I'm gonna get changed- can we all watch Tomorrowland?" He asks, raising his eyebrows a bit.
"I'm down," I say, smiling. "I personally have never seen it."
"Really?" Max asks, sounding a bit shocked.
I nod and look at him then smile.
"Oh, we're definitely watching it now." Max says then looks over at Ross and Tim. "Go get changed and we'll start the movie.
They both go to their separate rooms and I get up. "I'll be right back," I say, smiling then run to my apartment room.
"Hey, Cass." Mom says as I walk in.
"Hey Mom. I'm staying the night over at Max' again- that's alright.. Right?" I ask, stopping before I run down the hall to my room.
She smiles and nods. "Of course! I'm surprised he hasn't asked for you to move into a new apartment with him yet.
I feel my face heat up. I know that when we do we're possibly going to try for a kid.
"Yeah- I don't mind it though, he's taking his time and I appreciate that." I say, smiling.
Mom nods and smiles. "I taught you well. Now go get changed," she laughs.
I smile and quickly get changed into a pair of sweats and a tee then grab my camera and phone then run back to Max' apartment and push open the door then walk in, immediately walking over to Max, who now has a blanket.
I walk over to him and curl up beside him when he pulls an arm around me, as well as pulling the blanket over me.
I smile a bit and look over when Tim and Ross walk in, sitting on the other couch and Max plays the movie.


Halfway through the movie, I feel myself dozing off, my head resting on Max' shoulder, my eyelids growing extremely heavy.
I close my eyes, hoping to just give them some rest but no. I just had to fall asleep, right there, on Max' shoulder, in the middle of a very good movie.


I look over at Cass and realize she's sleeping.
A small smile appears on my face as I look down at her calm face, relaxed body, slightly parted lips.
I gently kiss the top of her head before looking back over at the movie. I notice Ross looking at me, grinning like a crazy fangirl.
"What?" I ask, slightly annoyed.
He shows me a picture on his Instagram which is of me kissing the top of Cass' head.
I narrow my eyes slightly and look down at my phone then over at Cass, who's smiling in her sleep.
I haven't seen her do that in a long time.
A smile spreads across my face and I look back up at the TV screen where Tomorrowland is still playing.


Short chapter sorry >.< I've had major writers block lately ;-; cri.
But this book is only a few parts from being over. Cri.
But there WILL be a pet three, then a prequel after that. Sound good? :D

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