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I had ended up falling asleep on the plane somehow when I knew someone was watching us.
Someone that I'm oddly suspecting could be a threat to Max and my relationship.
Right now? Oh, I'm just laying in the apartment bed, wide awake, Ross and Tim probably sleeping.
I don't know how I'm not sleeping. Probably because I got my fill of sleep.
Maybe I just imagined her running through the airport?
Hopefully that's it.
I take a deep breath and melt into Max' warm grip around my waist.
I look over my shoulder at him and smile then completely turn to face him.
Let's just get this... Girl off my mind and relax.
I lay my head on the pillow next to Max' pillow and almost immediately fall asleep.


I smirk, driving down the street.
Now that I know what apartment they live in, it should be aside for me to break them up before their marriage.
I stare forwards at the empty street as I drive on it.
A smile appears on my lips. It'll be done this weekend. Cass will HAVE to leave Max after this.
I smile to myself. Easy way to get Cass out of the picture, and an easy way to make Max mine.


I wake up a few hours later and groan then stretch and realize I have to go to school.
I sigh heavily and get up then change quickly, (outfit above) and go find Max in the kitchen.
"Morning," I say, yawning a bit.
"Morning," Max says, smiling and turns towards me then walks forward.
He stops when he's a few inches away from me and I stand on my toes then give him a quick peck on the lips. "Come on, I'm gonna be late." I laugh and walk to the front door.
Max follows me out the door and I smile then look back at him.
How did I get so lucky?
We get to the school in under ten minutes, which is good, because if I was any later I'd be late.
"See you after school, Max," I say, smiling then kiss him for a few seconds then jump out of the car and walk up the steps to the doors, then look back and smile then wave before quickly going into the school.
I rush to my first class when I realize there's only a minute until first class starts.
Okay, Cass, only two more weeks and you can graduate. Come on. You can do this.
I walk into the classroom and sit down with Ryley, Ryan and Jax (I feel like I forgot someone.)
"Is there a new girl or something?" I ask, nodding up to a girl talking to the teacher.
"Yeah, she's really gorgeous," Ryley says and looks at me.
I narrow my eyes at him. "So, I guess every girl is gorgeous now?" I ask and raise an eyebrow, recalling the time when he kissed me.
He rolls his eyes and turns back to the front.
"Exactly," I say and look at the girl again.
She has straight blonde hair pulled up into a ponytail, thin, gorgeous.
I hear the bell ring and the teacher gets up then walks to the front of the classroom.
"We don't usually have transfers this late in the semester, but, we have a new kid in our class, Andrea,"
It seems like my whole world had just stopped.
Andrea turns, her piercing green eyes bore into mine, and she smiles.
Not a dubious smile. No. A genuine smile. What the hell.
She starts walking this way and I act like I don't know who she is so the guys don't ask.
I look up at her and smile when she approaches the table and sits Between Jax and Ryan.
"Hi, I'm Andrea," she says, smiling and shakes all of the guys' hands. "And you're... Cass? Right?"
I nod and smile a bit. "Yeah- you recognize me?" I ask, putting up an act.
"Of course! I'm a huge fan," she says, smiling.
"Fans everywhere, huh?" Ryley laughs.
I smile a bit and laugh softly then nod.
"Guess so," I say and look to the front of the class.
It seems like classes speed by and before I know it, it's lunch period.
I walk through the cafeteria, towards Skylar, Hazel and Angie.
Since we met, we've always sat at the same table.
I take a few more steps and the girls smiling faces turn to complete shock.
I feel myself falling forward and immediately after, I'm on the ground with nacho cheese and meat, along with my soda which I stupidly opened is all over the front of me.
I hear kids all around me laughing.
Tears fill up my eyes and I quickly get up then sprint off, towards the bathroom, away from the cafeteria.
The only thing I know to do? Call Max.
I pull out my phone and immediately see stuff ALL over Instagram.
Kids are calling me names.
People took pictures of me and tagged me in them.
I burst out into tears and quickly close the app then turn on the phone app and call Max.
After the third ring, he picks up.
"Cass- hey, did something hap-"
"Max I need you to come pick me up, right now." I say, tears staining my face and I look in the mirror.
Of course my eye liner is running.
"Cass are you crying- Adam, not now. No, shut up." Max says a bit muffled because he covered the mic.
"Yes Max, I'm crying. I need you to come pick me up. Now." I say and wipe the stained tears off of my face quickly.
"I'm on my way." He replies and hangs up.
I put my phone in my pocket and sit in between the sinks, burying my face in my knees.
About ten minutes later, I get a text and quickly realize Max is here.
I get up and sprint out of the bathroom and find girls outside, laughing as they look down at one of their phones.
One looks up at me and whispers to one of her friends who looks up at me and smirks.
"It's all over YouTube now." She says and shows me the video on the YouTube app.
I shove through the group of girls and run outside, and as soon as I see Max stepping out of his car, I sprint up to him and hug him tightly.
"What happened- Cass-"
"A lot happened. Andrea is back.. Someone tripped me.. And I got nachos and soda all over the front of me." I say, burying my face in his chest.
He rubs my back gently and sighs. "It's alright. I'm here now.." He whispers and gently kisses the top of my head.
"Do you know who might have tripped you?" He asks softly.
"No.." I whisper. "Maybe.. I think Andrea.."
"When she turned to leave at the hotel.. She mouthed he's mine to me and I thought I saw her at the airport when we were leaving Hawaii." I say and grip Max' tee as I sigh softly.
"You're sure you saw her at the airport?" He asks.
I look up at him and nod a bit. "Positive."


Okay guys today was scary ;-; my school went into a lockdown because apparently somewhere near the school someone had a gun and possibly alcohol, and this was a street like one street away. This person shot a car window apparently so yeh ._.

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