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I walk into the school. My heart pounding in my chest. None of my friends here know about me being engaged, because.. Well.. I wasn't here yesterday.
I look over right as Hazel and Angie run up to me.
"Hey, Cass!"
"Hi Cass!"
They both say at the same time.
"Hey, where's Skylar?" I ask, coming to a stop and looking at them.
"She's home sick. Where were you yesterday?" Hazel asks.
"Well," I show them my ring.
"Aww that's so pretty! But what does that have to do with you missing school?" Angie asks.
"It's a promise ring. Max and I are getting married," I say, retracting my hand to my side and smiling.
"Oh my god congrats!" Hazel says excitedly and both the girls start to fangirl.
"What are you all freaking out about?" A males voice asks behind me.
My facial expression darkens and I turn towards him, narrowing my eyes and folding my arms over my chest.
"Your face is looking better than it was a few days ago," I say, furrowing my eyebrows a bit.
"Yeah, but my jaw still hurts." He laughs a bit and rubs the back of his head.
"So what were you all freaking out about?" He asks.
I roll my eyes. "If you must know," I show him my ring. "Max proposed to me a couple of days ago. So I'm not available for you to kiss me." I snap.
He raises his hands in a defeated manner and I smirk a bit then turn and squeak a bit, forcing myself not to scream, surprised by Jax standing there.
"Someone's getting married, I see." He says, smiling.
I back up a bit and narrow my eyes. "Yeah?"
He smiles a bit. "Congrats. With who?" He asks.
I roll my eyes.
"Max, obviously!" Hazel pipes in.
"And you know this how?" Jax asks, looking at her.
"Because I told her," I say, folding my arms. "Obviously," I say and raise an eyebrow.
"Okay, okay," Jax says, laughing.
The two other guys, Aaron and Ryan walk up.
"Hey, Cass is back!" Aaron says, smiling.
"Hey," I reply, smiling.
"What's with the random ring?" Ryan asks.
"Cass got engaged a couple of days ago," Ryley answers for me and I narrow my eyes at him.
"Looks like she's still mad at you," Aaron laughs.
I shrug it off.
"When's the ceremony?" Aaron asks.
"After graduation." I reply, smiling a bit.
"Cool," he says, smiling. "We invited?" He jokes.
I laugh a bit. "Of course. As long as you don't make too much of a mess and behave," I laugh.
"Aww well, I'm not so sure about that," Jax laughs.
I look at him and raise an eyebrow.
"Joking!" He says and laughs.
"We're gonna go now, bye Cass!" Hazel says and I smile then wave as Hazel and Angie walk off.
"Where's that other girl that's usually with them?" Ryley asks.
I look at him for a few seconds before looking away.
"Her name is Skylar and she's home sick." I say and start walking to the classroom.
"Kay," he replies and I walk into the classroom, not bothering to stop at my locker.


I walk out of the school, completely annoyed by the noise level and the amount of people staring at me.
What the hell were they staring at me for? What, did I have food on my face?
They made me feel extremely self conscious. Like, why don't you take a picture. It'll last longer.
I smile and walk up to Max' car then pull the door open and step into the car.
"Hey, Max."
"Hey, Cass. You wanna come down to the office? There's someone I want you to meet,"
"Uh.. Sure," I say and Max smiles then starts driving off.


We arrive at the offices and I glance at Max before getting out of the car and walking to the stairs, walking up then, Max right behind me.
I push open the office door and see someone run across the living room, down into an office.
"Adam?" I call as I walk in.
"Yeah!" He calls back.
"Was that you?!"
"Was what me?" He calls and appears from around a corner.
I furrow my eyebrows and look at the office.
"Max?" I turn towards him.
"Come on out!" Max calls, laughing a bit.
Someone wearing a grey hat, his darker grey hoodie over the hat, grey blue eyes and a lip ring (I am aware that he took it out.) comes out of the office and smiles a bit.
I furrow my eyebrows a bit, staring at him. Who..?
"Hey Cass, nice to finally meet you," he says, smiling and walking up to me then holding a hand out. "I'm Jason. Max told me you've been making music similar to mine?"
"Oh! Right, hey! Nice to meet you too. And yeah, I do make music but I'm a little bit self conscious about the way it sounds," I say, shrugging as Jason's hand retreats back to his side.
"Oh that's no problem, I had the same problem when I first started making my music," he says, smiling.
"What- but your music is so good?" I say, furrowing my eyebrows.
He laughs. "Thanks. But what I'm trying to say is, the first music you start making, you're always gonna be self conscious about it." He says, smiling.
"Thanks," I say smiling. "But you're here a couple of weeks early?" I say, tilting my head slightly.
"Right, I thought I would have to wait another few weeks to have a schedule opening but I happened to have one today, so I decided why not fly to Bellevue a bit early?"
"Cool, well, it's great to meet you, Jason." I say, smiling.
"You too," he says, smiling as well.
"Hey, guys, I want to get a few recordings in, you down?"
"Yeah," I reply, smiling.
"Alright, let's go," Adam says and walks to his office.
I take a deep breath and walk to mine, Jason walks to his and Max walks into his.


I finished this chapter during lunch in school lmao XD
Hope you guys enjoyed :3

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