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I wake up in a bed, snuggled up next to Max.
I groan a bit and stretch the best I can without waking Max up then look at his fluffy hair and smile then start playing with it.
"Cass, what are you doing?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowing a bit.
I jump with a little squeak and laugh a bit. "Uh.. Nothing," I say softly and laugh when he opens his eyes, which are still clouded with sleep.
I smile a bit and give him a quick peck on the lips.
"Cass, what time.." He looks at the clock then looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "It's 4:30. Why are you awake?"
I shrug a bit. "I just woke up," I say and smile a bit.
Max sighs and runs a hand through his hair.
I smile a bit and kiss his jawline gently.
"Cass." He says and looks at me.
I pull back and look at him.
He raises his eyebrows slightly and I laugh a bit. "Okay, okay." I say and snuggle into him again.
He laughs softly and pulls an arm around my shoulders and falls asleep a few minutes later.
I smile and relax then fall asleep a few seconds after he does.


I wake up a few hours later and look at the clock again. 11:31.
I look down at Cass, who's still sleeping.
I smile a bit and gently thread my fingers through her messy hair.
She scrunches up her nose in her sleep but a few seconds later her face straightens out again.
I smile and gently run my thumb down her cheek.
She turns her head a bit and turns over slightly in her sleep.
I smile and laugh a bit and pull her closer to me, seeing that she rolled away a bit.
She growls and furrows her eyebrows then opens her eyes slowly.
I smile a bit and gently put my hand under her jaw.
She smiles a bit and stretches. "What time is it?" She whispers.
"Uh.. 11:32," I reply and watch as she gently pulls herself out of my arms.
"Mmkay.. So uh.. What are we gonna do today?" She asks drowsily.
"Not much, actually, we're thinking about grabbing lunch then going on a hike, up to a waterfall and swim for a bit." I reply as she gets up and walks over to her suitcase.
"Kay," she says and pulls out her dark blue two piece swimsuit, (I'll post a pic of the outfit,) light brown hiking boots, dark grey shorts and a black crop top tee shirt with a little white panda face printed on the front.
She walks into the bathroom and I get up then look through my suitcase, pulling out a black tee, tan pants, and black shoes along with my sunglasses.
I quickly get changed and walk to the living room and pick up my phone then go on Instagram and notice multiple hate comments.
Ew Cass is so ugly lmao
Why is her hair so short? She looks even uglier.
She should have died when she went into surgery.
Max you should break up with her.
You could do SO much better.
Why did you propose to HER.
I feel bad for you. You have to wake up next to that face.
Max you should date one of your fans. Not her. Save yourself the pain. Lol.
I furrow my eyebrows at the comments. A few are still slowly coming in.
I just threw up.
Oh my god their kids are gonna be so ugly because of Cass XD
Max is the most attractive one here. Cass is so ugly looking.
I comment on my own post quickly.
You know, if you guys were really fans, you wouldn't be hating on Cass. I fell in love with her for a reason. Because I love her. If you have a problem with that then I'm sorry but hating on her won't make me like you guys any more and you aren't true fans.
I turn off my phone and look up then smile as Cass walks into the room.
"Hey, you ready to go?" I ask as she runs a hand through her hair, dishelving it a bit.
"Yeah," she says and smiles a bit.
"Kay, I think everyone is waiting for us in front of the building. Come on," I say and start walking off, Cass quickly following behind.

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