TAGGED (again)

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So I got tagged by DaM000se ._. Here we go.

Name of your crush: I do not have one.. Does Max count? :3 (Max please don't see this I'll freaking die)

Time where I live: 8:07PM

Fave fanfic: Just Like You by DaM000se

Fave out of the offices?: MURX. Okay here's a little story. So my friends call me Max because I freaking act like him a LOT. The thing is I answer to Max now.. Fml XD

Fave video game?: Call of Duty :D


Fave YouTuber?: ADAMMMMM :3

Why?: He always makes me laugh dood :3

Fave movie?: Deadpool :3

Do I play xBox?: I don't have one but I have played on one recently.

Fave part of DaM000se book?: Every part? :3

Yoga pants or leggings?: Leggings :D

I probably forgot a question.. Ono. And I forgot the rules. Shit.

But here we go.

I tag:


These were all random tags lol XD

And my questions for you guys ARE

1. Fave TV show?

2. YT crush?

3. Why do you like my book? (Had to)

4. Fave YouTuber?

5. OTP?

6. How long have you been on Wattpad?

7. Fave Disney movie?

8. Do you cosplay?

9. What types of fanfics do you like?

10. Max or Ross?

11. Do you like Anime?

12. What types of YouTubers do you like?

13. Favorite book on Wattpad?

And that's it. Book three will come out tomorrow morning or a bit later tonight. (Working on it right now :3)

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