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"Hey guys, Sky here!" Adam starts his intro for a do not laugh.
I hop around the stage and stare at his character when he starts to end his intro I run to my scoreboard and crouch.
"Where is she-" he looks me over a couple of times without noticing me and eventually stops and stares at me.
I start laughing and jump off of my scoreboard then crouch in front of Adams character model.
"And Cass is back!" Adam says, crouching multiple times before the block under me is broken and I fall through the floor.
"Hey- Ross!" Adam shouts and laughs.
I fly back up and crouch on one of the corners, staring at Adam's character model.
"Now where'd she go- oh god," Adam says, crouching and backing away from me.
I smile and sprint jump around the map again.
"Cass is your mic muted?" Max asks, crouching in front of me.
"Maybe," I whisper right into the mic.
"OH well that was scary," Adam says, laughing.
I smile a bit.
"Alright so let's get started." Adam says and we start the recording.


We finish up a bunch of recordings, and now I'm just sitting in my office, looking down at my phone as I listen to music.
I hear a knock on my door and I push my music then look over as Max walks in.
"Hey," I say, smiling.
"Hey," Max says and puts his hands in his pockets.
"Can I bring you somewhere?" He asks. "It's dark out and.. I want to show you something." He says softly.
"Yeah, sure." I say, smiling.
"Cool, come on." He says and starts leading me out of the office building.
I look back at the lit up office and smile a bit then get into Max' car.


We've been driving for about ten, fifteen minutes.
My legs are falling asleep, and I've stopped seeing cars, so I'm counting the trees that fly by.
"How far are we?"
"Not far. About five more minutes."
I sigh and rest my head on the window, staring up at the night sky, stars freckling it.
I look over the constellation.
O'siris' belt, and the big and Little Dipper are the only constellations I've found.
"Close your eyes," Max says as he pulls to a stop.
"Just do it," he laughs a bit.
I sigh and close my eyes then put my hands over my eyes.
Soon, my door opens and I slowly step out.
"Do you trust me?" Max asks softly.
"Yeah.. Why?" I ask, keeping my hands over my eyes.
"Because I don't want you to trip like you tripped on the stairs to the office." He laughs.
I scrunch up my nose.
"I'd hit your shoulder if I could see." I mutter.
Max laughs. "Okay, but seriously don't trip." He says and gently takes my sides, guiding me through.. Grass?
We walk for about fifteen seconds.
"Okay you can open your eyes," Max says and I take my hands away from my eyes.
I'm standing on a hill. Staring out at the city. I see car lights flying down the streets. City lights glowing as well.
"Look up," he says softly.
I slowly tilt my head up, seeing the bright stars clearer than I ever have.
"This place.. Feels so familiar.." I say softly.
"Because it's where I took you on our first date," Max says softly.
I turn towards him quickly, my eyes widening a bit.
"Really..?" I whisper.
He smiles a bit and nods.
"It's.. It's a beautiful place." I say softly.
He smiles and looks down. "This may sound a bit cliché, but not as beautiful as the girl standing in front of me." He says softly.
I laugh a bit and hug him. "Very cliché. But maybe that's what I like," I whisper.
My head is lifted by Max' hand and a few seconds later, his lips are on mine.


I wake up in my bed. Remembering what happened last night makes me smile. Remembering what today is makes me smile even more.
Today is the day I turn 18. The day I become an adult. If I wanted to, I could move out. But there's no open apartments in this complex, so moving out would mean going somewhere else. And away from Max.
I yawn and run a hand through my hair then slowly sit up.
I take one look at my outfit for today and smile. I quickly get up and start getting dressed then put on my makeup and put on my flower crown along with my shoes to complete the look.
I stare at myself in the mirror, a smile creeping onto my face.
I look fairly decent today. And it's a good thing, because we're going somewhere for my birthday that Jackson won't tell me because apparently it's a surprise from him and mom, along with some of the guys at the office.
"Jackson!" I yell.
"What?!" He shouts back.
"When are we going?!" I shout again.
"Ten, fifteen minutes!" He calls and I sigh, flopping back on my bed.
I stare at my ceiling for a few minutes before grabbing my phone and taking a quick selfie, posting it on Instagram and captioning it,
Hey, guys it's my birthday! Turning 18 today ;) gonna be somewhere in Bellevue or Seattle? No idea yet.
I hit the post button and turn off my phone then look over at Jackson as he walks in.
"You ready to go?" He asks.
I smile and nod. "Yeah," I say and follow him out my door.


Next part will be better :D

Remembering HimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora