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I sit on the little exercise ball in the room where everyone records the challenge videos, and of course today we're playing the soda and mentos challenge.
(Yes :3)
Adam does his intro quickly and Max puts soda in his mouth. "So he has to try and swallow this, keep in mind." Max smacks Adams arm then pops a few mentos into his mouth.
I watch as he sits for not even two seconds and he spits it out.
Adam starts laughing, leaning forward, and when I start laughing I fall off the ball.
"God! It's harder than it sounds!" Max says, slightly annoyed.
I laugh a bit, laying with my legs on the ball but my back is on the floor.
"Don't be mad Max!" I tease.
"Cass!" He shouts.
I laugh. "Don't tickle me!" I shout.
He narrows his eyes at me and I quickly sit back on my ball then watch as Adam puts the soda and mentos in his mouth.
He puts his hands on his lap then sits for a few seconds before he spits out the soda and goes into a coughing fit. "Ow that hurt my nose-!" He laughs.
"It burned my throat," Max puts in his side of the story.
I take a couple of mentos from Adam then take some of the soda in my mouth.
I watch as Red waddles by in a baby suit, followed by Barney who's recording him.
I spit out my soda and burst out laughing. "Corey, can you show them what's going on real fast?" I laugh, pointing Red and Barney out.
Corey turns the camera and Red looks over then runs to his office.
I laugh a bit harder, if possible and Adam starts laughing his ass off as well.
I finally calm myself down then take a couple of deep breaths before putting some soda in my mouth again then popping the mentos in.
Immediately I feel a burning sensation in my throat which I know is actually the bubbles forming and popping.
I close my eyes and focus on swallowing it but I end up spitting out since it started burning my sinuses.
"Ow! Ow okay okay-" I wrinkle my nose. "God that burns-"
"I know it does!" Max shouts.
I get up and run to the bathroom.
"What?" I yell over my shoulder.
"Where are you going?"
"To the bathroom so I can blow my nose!" I shout as I run into the bathroom.
I hear a chorus of laughter from a couple of offices and the challenge room.
I grab a tissue and quickly blow my nose free of the nasty soda that's burning through my sinuses.
I see Corey Max and Adam show up in the doorway, Corey recording.
I hold a tissue to my nose and mouth then flip them off and shut the door.
They all laugh and I blow my nose again. "What? It hurts and the pain isn't going away!" I whine as I throw the tissue in the trash.
More laughter follows. "Okay okay, sorry. I know it hurts." Max laughs.
I sigh heavily. "Just go back. I'll be right out," I say and a few seconds later I push open the door thinking everyone's gone, and when I walk out I'm thrown over Max' shoulder.
"Ah! Max! Why do you always hang me over your shoulder?!" I shout and struggle in his grip.
"Because your reactions are funny," Max laughs and starts walking back to where we're recording the challenge video.
I growl a bit and work my way out of his arms then run back to the couch and hide behind it, looking over the top of it.
Adam laughs when Max runs in and stares at me for a few seconds before sitting down.

- (writers block fml)

I sprint through the park, away from Max who's trying to tickle me.
We've been playing this little game for about 25 minutes. Running for about three minutes, stopping and resting on the grass until Max tries to tickle me again.
Eventually I turn and see Max laying in the grass, staring up at the sky.
I walk towards him and slowly lay beside him then rest my head on his chest, staring up at the sky as well.
I look down at his hand and smile when his fingers bush over mine before he intertwines our fingers together. I smile and close my hand slowly then turn my gaze back up to the night sky.
A smile slowly appears on my face. When we both were in high school he realized how broken I was. And I'm thankful that he stood up for me because if he hadn't.. I'd have probably killed myself. Yes, that's how bad the bullying was.
"Max?" I whisper.
"Hm?" He hums.
"Thank you. For.. Everything. For being there for me and for sticking with me. Even through all the shit I pulled."
"Cass, that stuff you pulled was not shit. You had reasons for all of that. Honestly I had a major crush on you in high school. But like all other men, I was scared that you would reject me."
"But you don't have to have that fear any more.. Max I'm completely in love with you. And I don't want that to change." I say and look up at him.
He smiles a bit. "I don't want that to change either. Ever. Cass I'm so in love with you that sometimes when I'm recording with the guys I can't get you off of my mind." He says and smiles a bit.
I smile softly as well then look at my hand that the promise ring is sitting on. I get to spend the rest of my life with this guy.. God I love him so much.


IM SO SAD the end of this book is either gonna be next chapter or the chapter after and it's gonna be so freakin sad ;-; anyone gonna stay for book 3? :D

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