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I stare out of my moms car window, from the back since someone took my spot in the front.
Cough Jackson Cough.
"Mom we've been driving for hours, are we almost there?" I complain.
"45 minutes isn't hours, Cass." Jackson says, looking back at me and raising his eyebrows.
I narrow my eyes and stick my tongue out at him, and he does the same before turning back around.
"Anyways, yes. We are here," Jackson says as my mom pulls up to a sidewalk.
"Why don't you two get out right here and walk around the shops while I find a parking space?"
Mom suggests.
"Sure," I say, shrugging and smile then get out. Jackson gives her a look before getting out.
I run up to the rail, separating us from the sidewalk to the beach.
A gust of wind hits me in the face and I smile.
"Hey, Cass, come here." Jackson says, taking my arm and leading me to a store.
I walk in and spot a bunch of seashell necklaces and bracelets.
I look at one. A half of a pink tinted clam shell on a string.
I slowly pick it up and look at the fragile shell. If it was dropped, it would shatter in a million pieces.
"You like it?" Jackson asks.
I nod a bit and smile.
"I'll get it for you," he says, smiling.
I turn quickly and look at him. "R-really?" I stutter a bit.
"Yeah," he says and pulls out some cash and gives it to the lady behind the counter.
He takes it and puts it around my neck.
I look down at it and smile, forcing it not to disappear when I remember all the comments calling me fat.
And I finally see what they're talking about.
"Thank you," I say and hug him.
He laughs a bit and hugs me back. Gently, as if he's scared that if he hugs me too tightly I'll break. Like a shell. Or a glass.
I smile and squeak when he picks me up and carries me out of the shop.
I wrap my legs around his waist and bury my face in the crook of his neck, slightly tightening my grip around him.
He laughs a bit. "I won't drop you," he says softly.
A smile slowly forms on my face. "I know.." I trust you.
I make Jackson hold my shoes when we get to an unpopulated part of the beach.
I run along the beach, my feet padding across the wet sand, leaving smacking noises behind.
I look at the water and notice a wave coming up then smile and run away from it.
I always used to do this. Alone. But now I can do it with Jackson.
"Come on, take off your shoes, Jackson!" I say, laughing and stopping when the water rushes past my ankles and dies down, retreating back.
"No thanks," he laughs.
"Come on, don't act like you never liked to do it as a kid," I laugh.
He smiles and drops my shoes then slips his off and rolls up his pant legs.
I smile and stand in front of the water with him until a wave comes up and we both run back, away from it, laughing.


We return from the beach, every part of my body is exhausted. We walked around Seattle for hours.
I lean my head against the window, and feel my eyes involuntarily closing.

- (yus again sorry :3)

I wake up. In my room. Laying in my bed.
My shoes are still on, but.. Why am I in bed?
I hear muffled talking coming from the living room.
I listen. Max, Adam, Ross, Tim, Cory, Corey, Barney, Red and Alesa are here.
I slowly open my door and walk out. All the conversations stop.
"Hey," I say softly. "What time is it..?" I ask softly.
"1pm," Max says, looking down at the clock on his phone.
I nod a bit and stretch. It's too early to be tired.
"We're going to Adams house for the party, come on," Cory says and everyone turns and starts leaving.
I look back at the apartment and smile before I leave as well and shut and lock the door.
I follow everyone to, and out of the elevator. Ross, Tim and I take Max' car, and everyone else takes my moms or Adams car.
I stare out my window as we drive down the road, in front of my mom's car but behind Adams.


I sit on Adams couch, beside Max and Cory, everyone else is in the kitchen preparing the cake.
"Please don't sing the birthday song," I say, looking at Max.
"It's tradition," he laughs a bit.
I sigh heavily and grab a pillow then hide my face in it.
"Don't be Mad, Cass." Max jokes. (I kid you not one of friends keep calling me salty and it makes me so mad.)
I look at him, peeking from above the pillow and narrow my eyes slightly.
He laughs and scruffs up my hair playfully.
I put a hand on his face, and leave it there until he pulls it off.
I laugh a bit and look over quickly as everyone else walks in with the cake.
They all open their mouths to start singing and I hide my face and cover my ears. (Literally it makes me feel so awkward when people sing happy birthday to me.)
Finally, after what seems like hours, I lift my head and blow out the candles.
The cake has a printed on picture (oh my god I miss the time when cakes would have these pictures on them.) of me and everyone else when I had long hair.
That's when it all hit me.
When I met Max.
How I met Max.
When he left.
When he would stay with me overnight if he ever had to.
How I met everyone at the office.
When I met them.
How happy they make me.
How good they make me feel about myself.
I stare at the cake for a bit longer.
A smile slowly forms onto my face.
"I remember." I say softly.


*runs from screaming fangirls* HELPHELPHELP

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