Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire

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Crowley and I still couldn't walk because of the spell that Rowena had cast on us.

Castiel was still under her attack dog spell, trying to stab Crowley.

Crowley blocked the blow.

"Cas!" I told him.

Crowley looked at Castiel. "You think you can kill me? You execrable--"

Castiel pushed Crowley to the ground.

Crowley's red Demon smoke left his body, escaping.

Castiel stabbed Crowley's body repeatedly. He growled ravenously, turning to face me, his eyes bloodshot and bleeding, stalking closer.

"Cas," I told him. "Don't. Please."

Castiel's eyes continued to bleed. He was trying to fight it.

White light emanated from my hands, toward Castiel, the white light enveloping the entire room, pushing Castiel back toward the entrance of the warehouse.

The light faded completely.

Castiel stood, his hand shaking. He dropped his Angel Blade. "I'm sorry. I--I can't be stay here."

"Cas," I told him.

"No," Castiel told me. "I don't want to hurt you. I can't help myself. I have to run."

"No," I told him. Castiel turned around, running out, leaving. "Cas!" 

*     *     *

I had to wait hours and hours before the spell wore off, while I had been trying to move. I nearly fell to the ground when I realized that I could finally move, catching myself against the table. I breathed heavily, standing uneasily, my body getting used to the feeling of moving again. 

I knew that I had to go after Cas before something happened. Before he hurt someone. Before someone hurt him.

I would do everything in my power to try to make sure that nothing happened to him.

I ran out of the building, leaving.

*     *     *

I was driving in my car, looking for any sign of Cas, calling Sam.

"Where are you, Ava?"

"I'm... I'm okay. But Cas isn't. But what he has, you can't help him."

"What do you mean, what he has?"

"Just please listen to me, Sam. Rowena escaped with 'The Book of the Damned', and the codex."

"Okay, forget Rowena. Where are you?"

"Now, you tell me. Sam, is the Mark gone?"

"Yes. Dean's good. I mean, he's not great."

"I don't think any of us are. But this is good news."

"Hey, Ava," Dean told me.


"Okay, your turn," Dean told me. "Talk to us about the Darkness."

"Why would I talk about the Darkness?"

"Because it's free," Sam answered.

"No, that can't be."

"Removing the Mark opened some kind of lock," Sam explained. "Dean saw her."

"The Darkness is a woman?"

"Well, that's what we're asking you," Dean told me. "We were hoping you could tell us what kind of defcon screwed we are." I didn't answer, pulling up to a street where a swarm of police cars were in the road, like they were trying to hunt someone down, setting up guns and barricades. "Ava?"

I knew that Cas was nearby and that I had to get to him now. "Sam, Dean... I gotta go. I have to call you back."

I hung up, pulling over to the side of the road, getting out of the car, running up to the police.

"Ma'am, you can't be here," the Sheriff told me.

"Sorry, but I have a feeling that we're looking for the same guy," I told him. "A guy in a trenchcoat with bleeding, bloodshot eyes that's not exactly in the best place right now?"

"Best place?" Sheriff repeated. "That guy took out a whole team of my men, and if he tries again, we're taking him down. Please go, for your own protection."

"Oh, I don't need to worry about my protection," I told him, putting two fingers to his forehead, using magic to put him to sleep, making him fall unconscious. Castiel ran out of the woods, down the road. All other officers aimed their guns at Castiel, starting to fire. I ran in front of them to block their way, holding my arms raised in a harmless sign of defeat. "Whoa, whoa. No, Boys, you don't want to do that."

"Step out of the way, ma'am," an officer told me. 

"That's not gonna happen," I told them. "See, that man's a friend of mine, and you're not going to hurt him. You're going to piss him off enough to where he'll attack each and every one of you, and he won't be able to stop. That's why I'm here."

"To stand in the way of justice?" the officer asked.

"To stand in the way of you shooting yourselves to the death," I answered. The officer tried to shoot Castiel. I stepped in the way to receive the shot in my chest. Since I was an Angel, it didn't have effect of me. More officers started to shoot me, confused and in shock when they found that it did me no harm. "But, by all means, fire away."

I walked toward the officers despite the rounds that they fired to erase their memories and make them fall unconscious, but never hurting any one of them, either.

*     *     *

I was walking down the road the direction Castiel had, but I lost track of him.

I could hear Castiel praying to me. "Octavia. I don't know if you can hear me. But I need help. Please. Save me from doing worse."

I sighed, knowing the consequences of praying to me. "Oh, no. Cas..."

I ran forward.

I knew that the other Angels would be listening, and if they found Cas before I did....

It wasn't going to be pretty.

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