All in the Family

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Lucifer was still in my body, restrained to a cross-like contraption, not with chains or ropes, but with a spell so we couldn't move.

I was heavily pregnant now since months had gone by since Amara had taken us. 

Amara was torturing us now with electricity streaming out of her hands and hovering over my face, making us both scream in pain, internally, and externally. She finally stopped.

My face was covered in burns and bleeding.

"End your suffering, Lucifer," Amara told him. "Call out to Him. Beg Him to save you."

Lucifer started to laugh.

Amara frowned in confusion.

"You want me to beg Daddy to come rescue His screw-up of a son?" Lucifer asked, chuckling. Amara turned around, walking a short distance away. "I'm no fan of Pops, but He did make all of... you know, everything. And that's something that you could never do, because all you ever wanted was nothing. It's not to inspiring, is it?" Amara looked at us. "You're strong, Amara. You may defeat Him." Lucifer raised my head to glare at Amara. "But you will never be Him."

Amara glared.

      *      *      *      

Lucifer/I were still restrained.

Amara was pacing. "Something's out there."

"Hmm, always is," Lucifer told her.

"This is new," Amara told us. "Something's changed."

"Maybe Dad picked up on your latest slaughter fest," Lucifer told her.

"Spoiled brat," Amara told him. "I needed solitude, and He needed a fan club, so He made all that." She walked closer to us. "Then, when I complained, He stuffed me in a hole for eons, with your help."

Lucifer looked at her in annoyance. "Stop whining."

Amara was mildly offended. "I don't need this. And I don't need to talk to you." She waved her hand, pushing Lucifer back further inside of me, trying to pull me to the surface. My body was shaking with the effort. "Show yourself, Octavia."

It took a few long moments, but she finally managed to bring me to the surface.

I was breathing heavily, thankful that Lucifer was too weak to fight for control, although, I knew that he didn't want to, not with Amara standing before us. "What do you want?"

"Have you not been listening to a word I've been saying?" Amara asked. "I want--"

"From me," I told her. "What do you want from me?"

"If torturing Lucifer won't get my brother's attention, or if Lucifer calling out to Him won't bring Him here, then maybe you calling out to Him will work instead," Amara told me. "I mean, He did save you once. You are one of His favorite Angels. And now you're the mother of Sam Winchester's unborn children, one of His favorite Humans. So, I can't help but wonder if He'll respond if you're the one that prays to Him."

Amara raised her hand toward me, having it very close to my stomach.

I tensed reflexively, protectively, glaring at Amara. "No."

"They won't die," Amara told me. "This won't kill them. It'll just be worse pain for all of you."

Electricity streamed out of Amara's hand, attacking my stomach, my babies, causing all of us extreme agony, making me scream in pain.

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