Beyond the Mat

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Lucifer had every Demon in Hell looking for another Hand of God, in Crowley's throne room.

Simmons stood never to us.

Lucifer looked over a scroll. "Oh, good. Yes. Remember, A B C, 'always be closing'. The sooner you little storm clouds find me another Hand of God, the happier I will be." He walked further into the room. "All right. You're gonna look high, look low, far and wide. Search every warehouse, every farmhouse, every henhouse, outhouse, and doghouse." Crowley was kneeling on the floor, chained up, cleaning the floor with a toothbrush. He looked up as if he was hiding something. Lucifer looked at him quizzically. Crowley returned to cleaning the floor with the toothbrush. Lucifer walked closer. "What about you, little puppy? You have something to add?"

Crowley shook his head. "Nothing, master."

Lucifer grabbed him by his hair, lifting his head to make him look up, tilting my head. "Really?"

"I would tell you," Crowley told him. "I swear."

Lucifer sighed. "I believe you."

Lucifer let his hair go, petting Crowley on the head.

"May I return to my task?" Crowley asked.

"Oh, of course," Lucifer answered. Crowley scraped the toothbrush over the floor. "Ah, ah." Lucifer stepped on the toothbrush, kneeling in front of Crowley. "Just one minor tweak." He took the toothbrush from Crowley, touching him on the lip. "Use your tongue."

Lucifer stood, backing away.

Every Demon in the room was watching.

Crowley hesitated, lowered his head to lick the floor. 

The Demons watched in amused disgust.

*     *     *

Lucifer set up a deal with Simmons for her to stage a breakout for Crowley to find out what he knew, staying invisible while he watched over them so Crowley wouldn't no, but so we would see everything.

After dark in the throne room, Simmons opened the gate to Crowley's cage. "We don't have much time. I'm getting you out of here. Now."

"I can't leave," Crowley told her. 

"You can," Simmons told him. "You still have friends. People who want you back. Who want Lucifer gone. I don't know what he's done to you. I can't imagine. But... You're not a slave, a dog. You're Crowley. And the Devil should be afraid of you."

Crowley looked as if he didn't know what to believe.

*     *     *

Simmons had unchained Crowley, leading him toward the double doors. "This way."

Two Demons walked in.

Crowley sighed. "Uh... I wasn't... She made me."

Crowley pushed Simmons into Demon 1, distracting him. Demon 2 tried to stab Crowley with an Angel Blade. Crowley caught his wrist, turning it around on him, stabbing Demon 2 in the chest, killing him, making him flash with bright light, taking it out, letting him fall. Demon 1 pushed Simmons off of it, lunging at Crowley. Crowley stabbed him in the heart, killing him, making him flash with bright light, taking it out, letting the body fall.

Simmons was impressed. "How did you--"

Crowley raised his eyebrows. "I'm Crowley."

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