American Nightmare

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Sam and Dean were on a case in Mason City, Iowa where a woman named Olivia Sanchez had walked bleeding into a church, with her body shaking as blood dripped from her hands and feet. She had been being whipped by an invisible presence, speaking in tongues, before she collapsed at a priest's feet and died.

I was in the bunker with Ariel and Faith in the library, feeding them, taking care of them, while on the phone with Sam and Dean, over speakerphone.

"So, Father Valdecantos said that Olivia was a good person," Sam told me. "He watched her get flayed alive by some invisible force. Says it was the Devil's work."

"Did he see any black smoke?" I asked.

"Uh, no," Dean answered. "No smoke."

"Sulfur?" I asked.

"No," Dean answered.

"No, but he did say that Olivia was speaking in tongues, that it sounded like Hebrew," Sam told me.

"What did she say?" I asked.

"Prok yaw-thi a-law-haw," Sam answered.

"That's not Hebrew," I told them. "That's Aramaic."

"What does it mean?" Sam asked.

"It means, 'Save me, oh, God'," I answered.

"Save me from what?" Dean asked.

I shrugged. "Only one way to find out. But, no sulfur means no Demon."

"You think the padre's right?" Dean asked. "We talking about Lucifer here?"

"Little small-time for him," Sam told us. "I don't know. Maybe a rogue Angel?"

"No, no, no," I told them. "I just talked to Cas. Well, good news, uh, there's nothing on Angel Radio. And Heaven's still on lockdown, so rogue Angel is out."

"Bad news?" Dean asked.

"Cas is chumming it up with Crowley," I answered. "They're hunting Lucifer together. That's right. One's an Angel, one's a Demon, and apparently, they solve crimes."

"Are they having any luck?" Sam asked.

"Kind of," I answered. "So, Lucifer, the Lord of Evil, Angel of Light, is now the master of rock. He jumped into Vince Vincente."

"The rock star?" Sam asked.

"The douchebag," Dean told us. "Guy used to roll with purple hair down to his butt and a spiked codpiece."

"It--it was the '80s," Sam told us.

"The what?" Dean asked.

Sam chuckled. "Uh, it was the '80s."

"What, are you defending him?" Dean asked.

Sam sighed. "No, I'm not... I mean, his third album was kind of... not horrible."

"I hate you so much right now," Dean told him.

"Anyway, Ava, he's the Devil now?" Sam asked.

"Officially," I answered.

"Where is he?" Sam asked.

"Rowena blasted him to the bottom of the ocean," I told them.

"Why?" Dean asked.

"I don't know," I told them. 

"Why does Sam love Vince Vincente?" Dean asked.

The Dark and the Light (Book Three: Supernatural fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora