Rock Never Dies

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Early morning at the bunker in Ariel and Faith's room, Sam and I were looking at how much bigger Ariel and Faith were already getting, two months after we had been trapped at Asa Fox's house and gotten out. Ariel and Faith had grown into toddlers by now.

"All right, you're gonna have to keep explaining about the whole age growing thing, because I'm just gonna forget, and I know you hate repeating yourself, so..." Sam trailed off.

I chuckled in amusement. "No, it's okay. A few months, like two, is maybe four years for them. They would be growing faster if I hadn't been possessed by the Devil and being tortured by the Darkness while being pregnant with them."

"I'm guessing that their powerful torture is what slowed their aging process down?" Sam asked.

"Yeah," I answered. "Their power, it was dark, and twisted, and going through all that while pregnant... with Nephilims... not good."

Sam sighed. "Wished that I could've stopped that from happening, but..."

"Hey," I told him. "I did what I did to save you. And yeah, being human can suck, but at least I can have a short human life with you and them."

"You think that when they get old enough, you're gonna take your Grace back?" Sam asked.

I shrugged. "Maybe. I mean, they need someone to teach them to control their powers."

"Right, right," Sam agreed. 

"I can do what I can while human when they're growing up like this," I told him. "When they get old enough that they want to do more, I'll see about the Grace and becoming an Angel again."

Sam took my hands to pull me closer. "Well, whatever you choose... staying Human, or becoming an Angel again... I'm with that decision."

I smiled. We kissed slowly, building up passionately, pulling away, smiling, walking out of the room.

*          *          *        

We walked into the library to see that Dean was playing Words on his phone.

"Seriously?" Sam asked.

"What?" Dean asked.

"So, Ava and I've been trying to dig up info on the British Men of Letters, keeping an eye out for cases, and trying to find Lucifer, and you've been goofing off with a game that went out of style five years ago?" Sam asked.

"I don't think Mom's quite ready for Snapchat," Dean told us.

"You're playing against Mary?" I asked.

"Yeah," Dean answered.

"The same Mary that didn't know what a cellphone was two months ago?" I asked.

"Yeah," Dean answered.

"Doesn't exactly seem like a fair fight," I told him.

Dean looked at his phone with dismay, showing us our phone to show us that Mary won the game. "You were saying?"

I chuckled in amusement. "Huh."

"So, how she been lately?" Sam asked.

"She's good," Dean answered. "You know, she--she's dealing."

My phone rang. I pulled it out, seeing Castiel was calling, answering the phone, putting it on speaker. "Hey, Cas."

"Hello, Octavia."

"You still living out an '80s buddy comedy with Crowley?" Dean asked.


"Any news on Lucifer?" Sam asked.

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