Mamma Mia

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I seemed to be in an expensive hotel room with Sam, lying under the covers on the bed, sighing, content. "Wow."

"It feels different when you're Human, doesn't it?" Sam asked.

"Yeah," I answered. "Feels more real. More exciting."

"Well, you are officially part of my family now," Sam told me. "Excitement's always gonna be in the play."

"And danger," I told him. "But I had both as an Angel, so I'm used to it."

"For once, I actually got to save you," Sam told me. "And you're always the one that's saving me."

I chuckled. "Yeah, well... I'm not used to being the damsel in distress."

"But you're saying that I am?" Sam asked in amusement.

I smiled, laughing quietly, shaking my head. "I didn't say that."

"Yeah, well, you didn't have to," Sam told me. We smiled. Sam turned serious. "I have a question."

"About?" I asked.

"Why they took you," Sam answered. "What did they ask you?"

I was confused.

     *        *        *      

We were lying down, drinking wine.

"Hmm," Sam told me. "So they wanted to know where I would go after Dean died, so they could take me like they took you? And they wanted to know everything about American hunters?"

"Yeah," I answered. "Uh, yeah, they did. Tortured the hell out of me to get answers, but I wouldn't say anything."

Sam smiled. "That's my girl."

I chuckled, placing the wine aside. "We're not just gonna talk all night, right?"

I rolled Sam onto the bed, kissing him deeply. 

     *        *        *      

We were lying down.

I was lying my head on his chest.

"It's just surprising that for all our efforts, ours and all the hunters, monsters remain rampant in this country," Sam told me.

I sighed. "Yeah. We just, uh... we just have to keep plugging away, I guess."

"Do you ever think, and don't take this the wrong way, that some of the hunters may have been compromised?" Sam asked. "Or bought?"

I looked at him in confusion. "I mean... No. I--I don't, um..."

I looked around, knowing that Sam wasn't acting like himself and wondering how I got here, because I didn't remember being saved.

"Is everything all right?" Sam asked. I remembered all of the torture. "Is everything all right?" I sat up, looking at Sam in confusion. "Is everything all right?"

I knew that this wasn't real, trying to pull out of the hallucination. "I shouldn't--I shouldn't be talking to you."

I woke up in reality, chained to my chair.

Toni was sitting nearby. "You'll have to admit, it was a good try."

I glared at her. "What did you do to me?"

"An hallucination created by potion and powerful spell work," Toni answered. I sighed, looking away. "Sadly, I can't do the spell again. Your brain would liquefy, which we don't want. Yet. So..." Toni stood, turning to the torture implements on the table. "I'll have to resort to less... pleasant methods." She picked up a knife and a wrench, looking them over, putting the wrench down, walking toward me with the knife. "Enhanced interrogation was never part of my job description." She ran the knife over my neck. "But as it turns out... I'm a quick study."

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