Who We Are

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After killing another hunter in what could have been another hallucination or reality that I couldn't tell the difference anymore, I was washing blood off my hands in an auto repair shop sink, grabbing my Angel Sword that was stained with blood. I walked outside, texting:

Lester's down. Who's next?

I got into my car when they messaged back.

Fred Macrae , ID

Kirby Sheffield, WY

Jody Mills, SD

I paused while I looked at Jody's name, remembering meeting her at Asa's funeral, but unable to feel anything for the friend of Sam and Dean's.

        *         *         *        

I got to Jody's house, knocking.

Jody opened the door, surprised to see me. "Ava?"

"Hey, Jody," I told her. "Uh, you got a sec?"

"Yeah," Jody answered. I walked into the house, pulling out my sword, turning around to face Jody. Jody was praying. "Ariel. Faith. Your mom's here."

I chuckled. "So they told you I've been missing for a while, huh?"

"Well, they thought they could use an extra set of eyes to help find you," Jody answered.

Ariel and Faith had obviously heard the prayer, appearing in front of us.

"Hey, Mom," Ariel told me.

"Ariel, Cas and I have been looking for you for a long, long time," Faith told me.

"I've been a little busy," I told them.

"Killing hunters for the Men of Letters because of brainwashing and a crazy spell," Ariel finished. "Yeah, we know."

"They want you to get to us, right?" Faith asked. "Well, that's not gonna happen. We can save you, Mom."

I shook my head, sighing. "I'm not the one that needs saving."

"The Angels working with the Brits got control over you, but we can help you fight it," Ariel told me.

"They want you," I told them. "And they told me if you didn't listen to me, that I would have to hurt you."

"But you don't want to hurt us, do you?" Faith asked. "Come on, Mom. Ariel and I can help you."

"Whatever's in your head, we can get it out," Ariel told me. I tried fighting the spell for a while, before it lashed out and made me slash the sword toward them. "Mom!"

Ariel raised an arm to block the move of the sword, pushing my arm aside, using magic to pull the sword out of my hand into hers, placing it down. Faith blocked a punch from me, hitting me in the stomach, gripping my shoulders, turning to push me into the wall. I pushed her off, kicking her in the stomach. Ariel and Faith were clearly holding back because they didn't want to hurt me, otherwise I would have already been hurt or dead by now. Ariel caught my arm, spinning me away to make me face away from her, facing Faith. I spun out of the grip, trying to punch Faith. Faith caught  my arm, flipping me to the ground, turning to put her knee to my back to keep me down. Ariel used magic to keep me down.

"It's over, Mom," Faith told me. "We're bringing you home. We're saving you."

        *         *         *        

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