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Sam and Dean were at a motel, with the Impala parked outside.

It was night.

Sam and I were in the back of the Impala, sitting together with his arm around me.

"Why did you ask me to meet you here?" I asked. "I could've met you at the bunker."

"Well, Dean's with a woman in the motel room, and I didn't want to wait out here alone," Sam answered.

I nodded understandingly, chuckling. "Right." Sam looked away thoughtfully. "What? What is it, Sam?"

"Ava, um..." Sam trailed off, not knowing how to say this. "Dean said when he saw the Darkness, he wasn't sure whether it was, uh... the real thing or a vision, right?"

"Mm-hmm," I answered.

"I think I've been having visions, too, lately," Sam told me. "I mean, it's just images. I mean, more of a... feeling, really. But I just had one last night, and--and my dad was in it. But it wasn't the dad like--like... the dad that--that I grew up. It was my dad when he was my age. And I--I guess it wasn't even really Dad. It was someone pretending to be Dad, and..."

"Okay, what makes you say that?" I asked.

"For starters, he told me everything I wanted to hear," Sam answered. "Anyways, whoever it was... they had a message to deliver. They said the Darkness is coming, and... only we can stop it. And I mean, Dean, Cas, you and me."

"Did they have him give you any helpful tips on how to do that?" I asked.

"He said, 'God helps those who help themselves'," Sam answered. "I mean, maybe these visions are coming from God."

 I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "Excuse me?"

"I mean, Ava, the first one happened after I prayed," Sam told me.

"You prayed?" I asked. "When was this?"

"Back in the hospital that Dean and I were at when we called you," Sam answered.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I was infected, like the rabids," Sam answered. "I was infected. I'm not anymore. I--I--I never went full rabid. I..."

"What did you pray about?" I asked.

"I guess I was just looking for answers, you know?" Sam asked.

"That quote?" I asked. "'God helps those who help themselves'? God didn't say that. That's not even in the Bible. That's an old proverb that dates way back to Aesop. Have you told Dean about any of this?"

"No," Sam answered. "I know what he would say. That it's not God, and it's not a vision. What do you think?"

"I think that God hasn't helped anyone in forever," I answered. "And maybe this time it's different, but we have no way of knowing for sure."

"I mean, the Darkness is sending messages to Dean, right?" Sam asked. "Maybe whatever is the opposite of the Darkness is sending messages to me. But maybe it's not God. But, uh..."

"I know what you're trying to do here," I told him. "You're trying to find some--some greater meaning to it all. Some... fate to what went down. And I do believe in fate, Sam. But I believe that we can fight against fate, too. I mean, we're the poster children for fighting fate."

Sam chuckled. "Yeah. Dean likes to call us 'Team Free Will'."

I smiled. "Sounds about right." We chuckled. "But if it's not God, and I'm not saying that it isn't, then we'll deal with it the way that we deal with everything. Like we always do. We'll figure it out together, and together, we can take it down."

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