All Along the Watchtower

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Sam, Dean, Mary, Ariel, Faith and I were all in the library of the Bunker, where Dean and Mary told us that Hess told them that Lucifer was back, and he had left Crowley's asylum where he had kept him.

"Okay, let me just get this straight," Ariel told us. "So, we beat the Brits, we kicked their psycho, tea-swilling asses, and instead of popping champagne and heading to Vegas, we get Lucifer."

"And you're sure it's him?" Mary asked.

"Yeah," Sam answered. "That's his old vessel, too."

"How is that possible?" Mary asked.

"Crowley, I guess," Sam answered.

I was angry at the mention of Crowley because he had been working with Hess and knew that I was there and didn't tell them.

"And now he's dead?" Faith asked.

"Well, that's what Hess said," I told them. "But Crowley's a freaking cockroach. I'll believe he's gone when I see the body and burn it."

They looked at me in concern because they knew why I was so angry and they were worried about what could happen if I got too angry.

"We don't need Crowley," Dean told us. "We need Rowena. I mean, she's the one who can clam Lucifer back into the Cage."

"Great," Faith told us. "So where is she?"

Sam called Rowena, but when the line was answered, we both heard Lucifer's voice on the other line. "Oh, hey, Sammy."

"What?" Dean asked.

Sam put the phone on speaker.

"Oh, if you're looking for Rowena, she is presently indisposed. Which is a delicate way of saying, I stomped on her face till the white meat showed, and then set her on fire, just in case. Ah, Gingers. It was messy and screamy, but it had to be done, Sam. I'm about to be a dad. Can't raise the little rippers from a jail cell now, can I? Speaking of, you know where your little pal Castiel is?"

"Go to Hell," Sam told him.

"Oh, good one. Witty. I'll use that in the future. All right, well, I'd love to chat with you, but, uh, why waste my time, right? It's not like you matter. I don't need to put on the old Sam suit anymore, do I? Don't forget that I also used your now-wife Ava as a suit before while she was pregnant with your daughters Ariel and Faith. Oh, that's gotta hurt. Hey, how old are Faith and Ariel now, anyway?"

"Old enough to give you trouble," Ariel answered.

"And which one are you, Ariel or Faith?"

"Ariel," Ariel answered.

"Well, hi, girls. It'll be interesting to see you two in person."

"If you think we're just gonna let you walk--" I started.

"Oh, hey, Ava. I know you guys are gonna try, you know, whatever. Whatever you're gonna try. But you can't kill me. You've never been able to kill me. And with, uh, Witch bitch gone, you can't put me back in the Cage."

"What makes you so sure that Ariel and I won't be able to kill you?" Faith asked.

"I'll be looking forward to seeing you two try, Faith. And besides, it's only been a few months since you two grew up to full size, right? You're not at full power yet. You don't know how to kill me."

"Yet," Ariel told him.

"There's always room to learn how to," Faith told him.

"Oh, I like them. They have the Winchester determination and Ava's sassiness. Okay, buh-bye. Buh-bye."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2018 ⏰

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