Hell's Angel

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Lucifer had taken some time off from doing anything too out-there since Crowley had taken off.

Because something was going on with everything since Crowley had tried to use the Rod of Aaron against us.

Now Lucifer took us to Heaven to try and control the Angels, along with the Demons.

Lucifer was leaning against a wall, watching an Angel put new labels on doors to people's own personal heavens for the people dying now, or soon to be dying.

The Angel noticed us. "Lucifer."

Lucifer smiled. "Jofiel." Jofiel looked around, but we were alone in the corridor. "How's it hanging?" Jofiel looked at us in horror. "Easy, there."

"So perfect," Jofiel told him sarcastically. "Octavia, one of Heaven's most wanted, possessed by Heaven's most hated."

"I come in peace," Lucifer told him. "I just want to be part of the action again." He tilted my head. "I want to lend a hand."

Jofiel took out an Angel Blade, lunging forward to try to stab us in the stomach.

Lucifer raised his hand to snap his fingers to make Jofiel explode like he had made Castiel and another Angel explode.

Instead, Jofiel disintegrated into Grace and smoke, dying all the same.

Lucifer was surprised, waving my hand to wave the smoke away. He patted me on the stomach. "Not exactly what I was going for, but it'll do."

Lucifer smirked.

    *     *     *    

Lucifer had called a meeting for some of the Angels in a meeting room. "Okay, guys. So, trying to smite the Darkness was a bust, huh? You had all of the power of Heaven behind you. Couldn't even slow the bitch down. Well, no need to feel like abject losers. You learned a valuable lesson here. You need me." He looked between the Angels. No one answered. "All right. Not giddy with awe."

Lucifer paced through the room.

Angel 1 looked at us incredulously. "You... exploded Jofiel."

Lucifer tilted my head. "No, actually, I didn't."

"You expect us to believe that Octavia did?" Angel 1 asked.

"No, because she didn't do it, either," Lucifer answered. "Something inside her did. Somethings that didn't like the fact that Jofiel tried to kill us. Or did Jofiel explode himself?" He pointed at Angel 1, putting my hand on my hip, shrugging. "Just saying."

"God cast you out of Heaven," Angel 2 told him. 

Lucifer rolled my eyes. "And who do you think spread that tabloid headline?" He turned to Angel 2, walking closer, straddling his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. "It was Captain G, the Eternal One. And why? Because I didn't buy in to His..." He leaned my forehead against Angel 2's. "Obsessive-compulsive love for mankind."

"Mankind is His creation," Angel 1 told him. 

Lucifer rolled my eyes in exasperated annoyance. "Oh, come on!" He stood. "It's not like He invented the Prius, which actually works." He turned to the other Angels. "I don't have to tell you people what a mess mankind is. The Salem Witch trials." He stopped in front of another male Angel, straightening his jacket. "Third Reich..." He raised one of my arms in mock salute, clicking my heel against the floor, moving on. "Twin Towers. And, sure, every once in a while, He'll send down a little plague to straighten them out, but it's nothing permanent." He leaned forward against the table, looking over the Angels. "Humanity brought us Hiroshima and got a redo. I merely questioned His priorities, and I got the boot."

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