Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets

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Late at night in the Bunker, Castiel and I were here with Ariel and Faith, and Sam and Dean, when we heard an old Angel friend named Benjamin praying to us. "Oh-law zeer ah tee-loh-kah. Oh-law zeer ah tee-loh-kah. Yar-ree-fee-fee-suh, pie neez. Nuh-nah-ee-luh zee-rum ah-duh-fantuh. Nuh-nah-ee-luh zee-rum ah-duh-fantuh. Oh-law zeer ah-tee-loah-kah. Yar-ree-fee-fee-pie neez. Yar-ree fee-fee-suh, pie neez. Nuh-nah-ee-luh zee-rum ah-duh-fantuh. Oh-law zeer ah tee-loh-kah. Oh-law zeer ah tee-loh-kah. Yar-ree fee-fee-suh, pie neez. Yar-ree fee-fee-suh, pie neez. Nuh-nah-ee-luh zee-rum ah-duh-fantuh. Nuh-nah-ee-luh zee-rum ah-duh-fantuh."

*      *      *

CI walked into the war room to see Ariel and Faith talking to Sam and Dean.

"Yeah, I was looking earlier," Ariel told us. She looked at me. "Cas has been busy, huh?"

"Yeah, busy not finding Kelly Kline or her Rosemary's baby," Dean told them. I sat at the table with Sam, Ariel and Faith. "I mean, how does a chick like this just drop off the map?"

"Well, I think that's what we're all trying to figure out," I told them.

"Hey, Dean, you hear from Mom yet?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, she called last night, said she got a line on a Shapeshifter in Atlanta," Dean answered. "I said we could come help, and she said, 'Don't bother'. Apparently, she's got it."

Ariel chuckled. "Then she's probably got it. Grandma's good."

Faith looked at Dean. "You talk to Cas yet?"

"No," Dean answered.

Sam scoffed. "So, what, you're just gonna keep walking past each other in the kitchen, not saying a word?"

"Maybe," Dean answered, taking a drink of coffee.

"Look, yes, Cas killed Billie, but he saved us," Sam told him. "He saved Mom. How long are you gonna stay pissed?"

"I'm not pissed that he cares about us, you know," Dean told them. "I'm--I'm grateful. But Billie said there would be 'cosmic consequences' if that deal got broken. You have any idea what that means?"

"No," Faith answered.

"Neither do I, but I'm pretty sure it ain't jellybeans and g-strings," Dean told us.

"The point is, Cas thought he was doing the right thing," Sam told us.

Castiel walked in from behind Ariel and Faith. "I was doing the right thing."

"You sure about that?" Dean asked.

"Yes," Castiel answered.

"Yeah, well, I'm not so sure," Dean told him. "And when the other shoe drops--"

"I'll deal with it," Castiel told us.

I sighed, standing. "You ready to go?"

"Yes," Castiel answered.

"Got a lead on Kelly?" Ariel asked.

"No," I answered. "This is other Angel business."

"Meaning what?" Ariel asked.

"Another Angel, an old friend, he called out for help," I answered. "Benjamin."

"Oh, good, old reliable Angel Radio," Dean told us sarcastically.

"He was begging for help, and then he just stopped," Castiel explained. "We need to know if he's still alive."

"Yeah, all right," Sam told us. "Well, we'll come with you."

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