The Foundry

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It was early morning in the bunker.

Sam and I were sitting at the table, holding Ariel and Faith, feeding them, eating our own breakfast.

"It is so weird to actually need to eat something," I told him. "And to actually love the taste of food..."

Sam chuckled. "I take it you're still adapting to the life of a married Human mother."

I smiled. "That's one way to put it."

Sam and I smiled, looking at each other, kissing slowly and softly.

Dean walked in. "All right, enough of the PDA, newlywed lovebirds."

"Shut up, Dean," Sam told him.

Dean chuckled, looking at me. "You've now been an Angel, a Human, a wife, a mother, and Lucifer." I rolled my eyes. "And now you're what? Octavia Winchester?"

"I wasn't really adapting a new name," I told them. 

"What, the thought of a last name is too different for you?" Dean asked.

"Shut up, Dean," I told him.

"Yeah, you totally can't see that you're married," Dean told us sarcastically.

"Hilarious," I told him sarcastically.

Dean smirked, sitting at the table across from us. "All right, so what have you found out on Her Majesty Secret suckbags?"

"Well, I turned the bunker upside down looking for any reference whatsoever to the British Men of Letters, and all I found was this letter tucked into an old ledger from the London Chapterhouse," Sam told us, unfolding the letter.

"Okay, well, that's something," I told them.

"Yeah, uh, not so much," Sam told us, showing us the redacted letter.

I took the letter to look at, but unable to read all of it.

"Awesome," Dean told us sarcastically. Castiel appeared in the doorway. "Morning, sunshine. Want some coffee?"

"No, thanks," Castiel answered. "I have to go."

Castiel walked out, leaving.

Sam, Dean and I exchanged a look.

I handed Ariel to Sam, standing, following Castiel into the hallway. "Cas? Hey. Wait a second." Castiel turned to face me. "Where you off to?"

"Cleveland, Ohio," Castiel answered.

"For what?" I asked.

"I think we may have a lead on Lucifer," Castiel told me. "I found a police report in Cleveland about a man who's eyes flared a glowing red. It could be Lucifer in a new body."

"All right, yeah, that sounds like something," I told him. "We should check it out."

"No," Castiel told me. "You have a responsibility here with Ariel and Faith. Sam and Dean have a responsibility here with their mother Mary. I'll find Lucifer."

"Cas, just--just because I'm Human now doesn't mean I'm useless," I told him.

"I know this," Castiel told me.

"You're gonna want some backup on this,"  I told him.

Castiel sighed. "If it is him, I will call you. In the meantime, you should stay here with your daughters."

Castiel turned to leave.

I grabbed his arm. "Cas, if you need help with Lucifer, I can get my Grace back long enough to deal with him."

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