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A priest, latest vessel of Lucifer, had been found dead, and Sam, Dean, Castiel and Crowley had investigated it while acting as FBI.

Sam and Dean came home where I was researching while watching Ariel and Faith as they were getting bigger and bigger faster and faster.

"So, find anything?" Sam asked. "Anyone powerful or respectable who suddenly changed... or exploded?"

"Well, this is pretty interesting," I told them, showing them a news article with the headline 'Record Donation to Dioceses', clicking on a picture, turning the laptop around so they could see. "This is the Archbishop of St. Louis with Wallace Parker."

The picture showed a man in a suit holding a check and shaking hands with the priest in the red robe with a large cross around his neck.

"So?" Dean asked.

"So, that was him three days ago," I answered, scrolling through a few picture. "And this... is him last night at the opening of a food kitchen. Notice anything missing?"

Dean scrolled back and forth through the pictures. "Yeah, the big mother of a cross around his neck."

"Exactly," I told them. "And this morning, his office canceled all further public appearances without comment."

"Okay, so you're thinking that, uh, Lucifer blasted out of Parker and into his buddy the Archbishop here?" Sam asked.

I nodded. "Worth a shot."

Dean nodded. "Yeah."

*      *      *

Sam and Dean had found priest and nun bodies all bloodied and slaughtered.

Castiel was here now, looking at pictures of carnage at the archbishop's house on a cellphone, zooming in and out. "Ugh. These pictures... the level of violence, it's completely unnecessary."

"Lucifer doesn't like to get messed with," I told them. "I guess when the Archbishop's priests figured out he was possessed, they tried to keep it quiet, do an exorcism. I mean, not that it would have worked. Lucifer left, but not before he slaughtered the entire staff."

"So, we were on the right trail," Sam told us. "Where's it go now?"

"I don't know," Dean told us. "Who won the Nobel Peace Prize? Why don't we start there?"

Sam scoffed softly.

*      *      *

I was still researching on a laptop. Castiel was reading a newspaper. Sam and Dean walked in.

"Just put Ariel and Faith in bed," Sam told us. "Little girls are getting bigger every second."

"Yeah, well, they would be growing faster if I hadn't been possessed by Lucifer and tortured by the Darkness while pregnant with them," I told them. "Sometimes it just depends on how fast they grow."

"Did the Bunker's warding fail?" Castiel asked.

"We just powered it down," Dean told us. "Crowley called, said he had some big news about Lucifer, whatever the hell that means."

I looked up. "Wait. Wait a second. So now Crowley can just... drop in whenever he feels like it? I prefer keeping Crowley at a distance. Long distance."

Crowley appeared. "Not very charitable, Octavia." I rolled my eyes, shaking my head in frustration. "Particularly since, once again, I'm saving all of your asses."

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