O Brother, Where Art Thou?

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Sam and I were walking through a forest, during the day.

"So, this dream you had last night..." I trailed off.

"Vision," Sam corrected.

I nodded. "Right. Vision. You were in Lucifer's Cage, and he touched you. and..."

"And I feel calm," Sam answered. "Like things will be all right. And that's not something I would ever come up with. I mean, that is the last thing I would ever feel."

"If Lucifer touched you, it would be the last thing you think," I told him. "Ever. Why would God even ask this of you?"

"I don't know," Sam told me. "I don't know if it's really the answer. I don't know if this is what He wants. But I only get these visions when I reach out to God." 

We heard a bush burst into flames. We slowly stopped walking, looking at each other, slowly turning around to look at the burning bush. 

"Really?" I asked. "The burning bush?"

"That's--that's a sign, right?" Sam asked.

I sighed. "From the Bible." I turned to face him. "Sam, before anything, you need to talk to Dean."

"He's not gonna like it," Sam told me.

"Of course he's not gonna like it," I told him. "I don't even like it, and I know that you don't, either. But whatever you two decide... I'll be there."

Sam nodded barely.

*     *     *

Sam got Dean to agree, at the bunker.

I was talking to Crowley underneath a bridge after dark.

"So, God assured you of this, did He?" Crowley asked. "I'd say you're making this up, but I never think of you as imaginative."

"I'm not saying it's going to happen," I told him. "I just want to know... theoretically... if it's possible."

"The Cage is a can of worms you do not want to open," Crowley told me. "I believe this conversation is over."

Crowley prepared to snap his fingers.

"Is it?" I asked. "Crowley, you know that the Darkness is going to pound on everything, and that includes you. And you had a shot at taking her out when she was with you, but apparently, you thought that sucking up was the way to go. And that didn't work out so well. You want to know why, Crowley? Because she's God's sister."

"God's sister?" Crowley repeated. "He has relatives? I had that kind of leverage under my thumb, and I let it slip away."

"Can we focus on the big picture here, okay?" I asked. "Can we meet with Lucifer or not? Without going into the Cage and without letting him out?"

Crowley thought for a long moment. "There ma be a way."

*     *     *

Crowley was pacing around me. "Clearly, if Sam enters the Cage, he's gone. And, yes, it's on my bucket list. Now is not the time to be selfish. Need a secure site. A way to neutralize Lucifer's powers in Hell. So we have a modicum of control."

"Is it possible to control the situation?" I asked. 

"Theoretically, it's possible, with challenges," Crowley answered. "I can arrange for transit into Hell. Opening the Cage? That's another matter. Unfortunately, I don't have a key because it was sealed by God Himself. The mechanisms of divine manufacturer, I believe its secrets, along with the spells for warding were recorded where many such mysteries are found. 'The Book of the Damned'."

The Dark and the Light (Book Three: Supernatural fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang