We Happy Few

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Dean was in the control room of the Bunker with Chuck and Castiel/Lucifer as they argued.

Sam and I walked in.

"Hey," Sam told them. "How's it going in here?"

"Probably better than it is going with your crying twins," Dean told us.

"They're a few days old," I told him. "Give them a break."

Chuck looked at Sam and me in amusement. He turned to Castiel/Lucifer. "Listen, I know I've been gone for a while. I missed a... few million birthdays."

"Yeah, and then the second your apes send a distress flare, boom," Castiel/Lucifer told him. "Daddy's home."

"No, that's not what happened," Chuck told him.

"Hey, these apes saved your ass," Dean told him.

Castiel/Lucifer glared at Dean, snapping his fingers.

Nothing happened.

Chuck looked at Sam, Dean and me. "He can't hurt you."

Castiel/Lucifer looked at Chuck incredulously. "Oh, so you're controlling me now."

"No, it's just a safeguard," Chuck told him.

"Hey, uh, guys, think we can try and focus here, you know?" I asked. "End of the world, common enemy, all that."

Castiel/Lucifer stood. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Team Amara. Go Amara."

Chuck shook his head. "You don't mean that."

Castiel/Lucifer glared at him. "You're really not gonna say it."

"He's not gonna say what?" Sam asked.

"Screw you," Castiel/Lucifer told us. "Screw all of you."

Castiel/Lucifer walked out, leaving.

Chuck turned to face us, sighing.

Sam and I exchanged a look.

Dean was speechless.

*     *     *

That night, when we were all trying to sleep, Castiel/Lucifer was blaring loud rock music from Sam's bedroom, waking Ariel and Faith up and making them cry at the loud noise.

Sam and I stood outside the room, banging on the door.

"Lucifer!" I told him. "You know, at some point in time, you're gonna have to come out and--and talk to... God."

I cleared my throat.

Sam sighed in annoyance. "This is like the worst episode of 'Full House' ever."

The volume of the music decreased.

Castiel/Lucifer called from inside the room. "If Dad has something to say to me, I'll hear it from him. Until then, I'll be in my room."

"It's not your room," Sam told him. "It's our room."

"And you have two pissed off parents because the loud music is making the babies scream," I told him in annoyance.

"Good," Castiel/Lucifer told us.

The music turned up again.

Sam banged on the door in annoyance.

I sighed, shaking my head. "Whatever."

I walked down the hallway.

Sam followed, grabbing my arm. "You okay?"

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