Our Little World

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Sam, Dean and Castiel were going after Amara.

I was in a hotel room, pulling on my jacket, about to go to them when I saw something on the news.

"A downtown bar fight escalated tragically last night. And 'OWW2 News' brings you an exclusive video of the event. The footage you're about to view is extremely graphic." Two men were fighting in an alley. People were yelling. One man took out a gun, shooting the other, killing him. The camera pulled back, a white van coming into view. An image of a person was seen in the reflection of the van's side view mirror. "Efforts were made to resuscitate the victim, but unfor--"

I walked closer, picking up the TV remote, pausing the show, walking toward the TV. I rewound the program, freezing the screen on the image in the mirror.

The reflection in the mirror was of Metatron holding a video camera.

*     *     *

I found Metatron in a town at nighttime.

Metatron was video recording a dying man from a gunshot room. "Oh, this is good. A night-leader if I ever saw one." He continued walking around the man, filming it on the ground. "And this is gonna fetch me $500, minimum." He leaned over the man, reaching into his shirt, taking out his wallet. "I, uh, I know that $500 sounds like plenty, but with my overhead... Daddy's got to eat." The man started to cough. "Oh, come on!"

"Help," the man told him. "Please."

"I'm sorry, buddy," Metatron told him. "Y--you live, there's no story." The man continued to cough and gurgle blood. "You know, there was a time I could have brought you back from the brink with a snap of my fingers. Not that I would have." Metatron took money out of his wallet. "But I'm not that guy anymore. I can't save you."

Metatron dropped the wallet on the dying man's chest.

"I can," I told them.

Metatron turned to face me in surprise.

I looked at Metatron coldly.

*     *     *

Metatron looked from the dying man to me. "How did you find me?"

"Same way you found him," I answered. "Scoured the police scanners, got ahead of the authorities."

I walked toward the man, kneeling next to him, putting my hand over his chest.

Metatron raised the video camera to record.

My hand emanated with bright white light and I healed the man.

"What was that?" the man asked.

I stood, turning to face Metatron in annoyance.

"What?" Metatron asked. "Look, a real-life Angel caught on tape? That is way better than some random homicide." I hit the camera out of his hands, making it fall to the ground. I stomped on it, breaking it. "Hey! Do you have any idea how much stuff I had to steal and then pawn to pay for that?"

Police cars pulled up to the end of the alley.

I grabbed Metatron by his arm, pulling him out of the alley before we were caught.

*     *     *

I pushed Metatron off the edge of a loading dock, onto the floor of a machine shop.

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