Rock, Paper, Scissors

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Allie stopped in the middle of her run, to lean heavily against somebody's gate. The world swam before her eyes. She was very close to passing out. This time, just maybe she had pushed herself to the limit. She should of known it hadn't been a good idea to go for a run instead of breakfast this morning. She couldn't really remember the last time she had eaten, but she knew it hadn't been in the last 24 hours. She should of eaten something this morning, but her boyfriend's- no ex boyfriend she reminded herself- words from last night still cut her deep. And he was right. She was fat. She groaned as the pain in her stomach increased, and slumped to the ground. She was this close to losing consciousness, when her phone rang. She fumbled to answer it.
"Hello?" She whispered into the phone.
"You are going to a party tonight. Be ready by eight." Her friend Sydney snapped into the phone. All at once she was wide awake.
"Ugh, no. I'm not really feeling up to it." She sighed, knowing that really didn't matter to Sydney.
"Allie, please! I have to go!" Another of her friends, Cynthia, must be on the call as well. "Dont leave me alone with her! She's crazy."
"Look, guys, I kind of just went through a breakup. I don't really want to go to a party." Allie tried to explain.
"Oh, I know!! I practically jumped for joy when I heard you finally ended it!" Cyn gushed into the phone.
"This is just another reason to go to the party! Think of it like a party celebrating you breaking up with that abusive bastard." Sydney said in a triumphant tone.
"Guys, I really just want tonight to be depressed." Allie said desperatly.
"Depressed about what? Justin was abusive! He's gone. Its over. Time to celebrate!" Sydney had a no nonsense attitude that Allie loved. But she didn't get it.
"I'm not regretting breaking things off with him, Sydney. I'm just realizing that I wasted two fucking years with the guy. Two fucking years that I will never get back." It was quiet for a moment. Then Sydney spoke.
"Exactly. Its time to let loose. You need a good dose of make-up sex." Cynthia burst out laughing.
"Ew. No way. I don't want another heartbreak." Allie said simply. She heard Sydney sigh.
"It isn't another heartbreak Allison! It's one night stand shit. I will be surprised if you even get his name! Seriously, though. It's the second week of summer and we haven't done anything yet!" Cynthia snorted.
"You mean you haven't had sex yet." She laughed.
"Yeah. This is an ultimate low for me! This hasn't happened in like three years. Back when we were young innocent freshmens." Allie could practically hear Sydney's smirk through the phone. Allie doubted that Sydney had ever really been innocent. Even at the beginning of high-school. She sighed happily. She had missed her friends. She never really had time for them when she had been with Justin. She had never been allowed to go out without him. But he was gone now. And she was free to do whatever she wanted.
"You know what? You're right. Lets party!" She laughed into the phone.
"Thats my girl!" Sydney practically shouted. "Its gonna be just like old times! See you at eight!" And she hung up.
"Oh, Allie, I cant wait." Cyn sighed contently.
"Yeah, yeah. See you at eight." Allie was about to hang up, when Cynthia spoke again.
"Oh, and Allison? Eat something. You sound like shit." And she was gone. Allie stared at the phone in her hand blankly. But then she smiled. Cyn never missed anything. She sighed heavily and leaned her head against the gate.
This better be one wild party.
So hey everyone! This is my first werewolf story! And I really hope you like it. It isn't going to be a typical one, because I have read like 20 with the same plot line and I don't want mine to be like that! So anyway I need constructive criticism, so please comment!
Thank you!

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