Chapter 33

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Unedited and short


"Hello?" Seth's wonderful voice came out of the phone, and Allison felt the air constrict in her throat. She felt like the sides of the car, where Sam, Cora, and her were all squished in the back seat, were starting to close around her.
She had missed him so much. What did she say?
"Seth?" She choked out. There was a pause.
"Allison?" He said softly. "Allison is that you?"
"Yes." Then she laughed in relief. "Yes! Its me."
"Allison, babe, oh god. Where are you? Are you okay? Where's Justin? I'll kill him." Seth said very fast.
"Justin's dead. I'll explain when I see you. I'm in Copenhagen." She sighed heavily. She had a lot to tell him. And none of it was very good. She would have to tell him about how she's lost the baby. Would he be disappointed in her? Would he hate her?
"You're in Denmark? We're on the plane there right now!" He sounded tired, exhausted actually. "Babe, I've missed you so much." He breathed. "I was worried as hell, I didn't know what was happening to you, and-and I don't know what I would do if I lost you."
"I know. I missed you too. You have know idea. But I'll see you soon, okay? Theres no need to worry anymore." She felt as if she were comforting him, instead of the other way around.
"Alright. I love you, By-wait, wait." He broke off suddenly. "What Marida? Who? Okay, whatever." She heard him say distantly. He came back. "Is there someone name Sam or Cora with you? Marida wants to know. She won't tell me who they are though." Surprise flitted through Allie. She side glanced at Sam and Cora.
"Um, yeah? They're both here. Why? Does she want to talk to one of them?" She said. There was a pause.
"No." He sounded annoyed. "She's so weird, she never explains anything. She has to be all mysterious. Alright. Well, I love you so much. We'll be there in an hour and a half. I love you. Stay safe."
"Bye." And he hung up, leaving her with an unexplainable empty feeling.
She looked around the car, and sighed heavily. A couple minutes before, she had quietly explained everything that had happened the night before to Sam and Cora, and now they were quiet. They still felt the sting of Lillian's death.
But she couldn't help but ask them.
"Do either of you two know a witch named Marida?" She said. Sam stiffened immediatly, but Cora just frowned slightly.
"Who?" Sam whispered.
"Marida. A witch." Allie frowned at him.
There was silence in the car now, and Allie could see that Ryan and Brent were now listening.
"I don't know her." Sam said stiffly. Cora rolled her eyes.
"Yes he does." Cora said with a sigh. "He's lying because we haven't spoken her name since she left."
"Left? Left Denmark?" Allie said. Sam glared out the window, but Cora continued.
"Yeah. She came from California 2 years ago after she killed her best friend. Stayed a year, and then left. She said she was going back to the states." Allie was confused. Marida had told her that she went straight from California to North Carolina, but she must have lied.
"Why did she leave?" Allie asked. Cora's shoulders drooped.
"She said she was getting to close to people. She said when she got close, people got hurt, and she couldn't put us in danger like that. I don't blame her, look what happened to Eliza."
"She was fine." Sam suddenly snapped."She was fine. She was stupidly paranoid. She couldn't have hurt us anyway. We're vampires! We're stronger than her. We would have helped her. I would've-" He broke off, and swallowed loudly. Then he continued to glare out the window.
Allison stared at him for a moment. It was obviously a touchy subject for him. She turned to Cora, furrowed her brow and made a heart shape with her hands, and tilted her head. Silently asking, were they in love?
Cora nodded vigorously. She help up her left hand and pointed to the ring finger. Getting married, she mouthed.
Allie's eyes widened. Marida used to be engaged? Wow. She didn't seem like the type.

Everyone was happy. And a part of her was too. Allison was found. But on the other hand, she was with Cora and Sam. What was she supposed to do? What was she supposed to say? She'd planned on never seeing him again! She'd never planned on reopening the nearly fatal wound.
"Who's Sam?" Aviva asked her for the umpteenth time. She was guessing he was an old lover, but he was so much more than that.
"Just somebody that I used to know." She snapped, finally answering.
"Ha. Like that song." Marcos, always immature, said. "You didn't have to cuuut me off!" He belted in a really loud annoying voice that made Marida's head pound. "Think you something something something and then we were nothing! But I don't even neeed your love! But you treat me like a stranger and I feel so rough!"
"Shut up!" Seth barked, smiling, and he threw his shoe his shoe a Marcos's head.
Marida sighed and turned back to the window and watched the world move below.
"Yeah." She mumbled. "Exactly like that song."
"Hey!" The captain shouted from the front. "Everyone sit down, and buckle up! We're starting to descend."
The land started to move slowly closer, and soon she could see the runway. Her stomach jolted as they landed with a large bump. They zoomed, and then started to slow.
Here we go, Marida thought bitterly.
So, I can explain the longer than usual wait and the shortness of this chapter.
I usually start writing on friday afternoons and publish sometime over the weekend, when I finish.
But I got my phone taken away Friday morning for the weekend.
Here's what happened.

My sister just got her license so shes driving me to school now.
And friday she was being a bitch and so I, being me, decided to tell her so.
And then she pulled over and told me she wasnt taking me to school unless I "apoligized" and I was like hahahaha why would I apologize to you? And she was like you just called me a really bad word!!
Like grow up, seriously, get over yourself.
But she wouldn't go, so I called mom twice and dad 4 times and neither of them answered but she got bores so she started driving again and started lecturing me about bad words so I told her to shut the fuck up. haha.
And then she screeched to a stop
IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING ROAD and it was really scary, so I slapped her and she was like
And I was like ummm YOU ARENT DRIVING CUZ YOU JUST SLAMMED ON YOUR BREAKS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING ROAD and then we yelled at each other for like five minutes and moved on with our lives and got along for the rest of the day. And it would have been fine if i hadn't called mom and dad all those times and not left a message mom was like
WHAT HAPPENED and so I told her we fought and it was okay. And she was like WHAT YOU FOUGHT THATS HOW YOU CRASH! and so I told her what happened minus the cussing part and the screeching to a stop(cuz she would have KILLED my sister) and i told her my sister had pulled over and it was fine (even though it really wasnt) and she took away our phones anyway.
For the weekend siiiigghh.

SOOO thats why it took longer than usual, and its so short and filler chapterlike because I did it in 20 minutes today cause I didn't want you to wait longer than you had to.

So I haven't read a real book in a really long time, its been mostly wattpad, the last book I read was An Abundance of Katherines by John Greene in September (which is my fav book btw its amazing and hilarious)
But over the weekend when I was bored and electronic-less I read a book called Vessel by Sarah Beth Durst and it was AMAZING you need to read it.
And I had forgotten how much I liked reading real books so I decided to start again.
But I have nothing to read.
So I was wondering
my favorite books that you should read:
Not in order

An Abundance of Katherines by John Greene
Vessel by Sara Beth Durst
Lets Pretend This Never Happened, a mostly true memoir by Jennifer Lawson (13 and older...or 18 and older I really shouldn't have read it, but its the most hysterical book you'll ever read)
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen


I hoped you like this short pathetic chapter, again sorry about that and the wait.
Thank you so much for reading I love you awesome people!!!

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