Chapter 30

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Woah! Hold up!
Chapter 30 already?


Chapter 30


"Oh, hello, Cora." Allison said dully as Cora walked up next to the pool just as she surfaced. The cool water felt good against her bruised skin, as she tried to erase the memories of the day before.
Cora handed her a towel as she got out, eyes going anywhere but her bruised torso.
"We'll be there in about an hour." She said briskly. "You'll have time to get ready?"
"Ready for what?" Allie said in the same dull tone, as the walked towards her room.
"To meet the beta and third in command at the pier." Cora said.
"Oh. Lovely. Yes, I'll be ready." Cora handed her another beautiful dress, this time purple and long, high heels, and she left the room.
She showered quickly to get the chlorine out of her hair, blow dried it, and got dressed.
She heard him come in as she was putting on make-up.
"You should eat before we get there." Justin's voice told her it really wasn't an option. She didn't turn around, she could see him in her mirror.
"I told you yesterday." She said coldly."I've decided to starve myself." He just shrugged and left the room.



(you haven't met him yet.)

Ryan leaned heavily against his police cruiser, and watched in annoyance as the private cruise ship pulled into the harbor.
There were two bad things about this ship.
1. It stopped him from doing what he was supposed to be doing, which was fighting crime like a productive cop, instead he was making sure everything went "smoothly".
2. It carried the Alpha of some pack that was settling in Denmark, which had been Rogue territory since the 1500s.
"Må ikke slå dig op over det." His partner, Brent, said getting out of the car. Ryan rolled his eyes.
"Speak English please." He sighed.
"I said, Don't beat yourself up over it." Brent said in heavily accented english. "And how are you ever going to learn Danish if you won't speak it?"
"I don't need to know Danish. Everyone here speaks English! And I know some things, I just prefer English." Ryan glanced back at the docking ship. "And I'm not beating myself up over whatever the fuck you're talking about. I just think we have better things to do, then sit here and watch a boat come in."
" long have you been here again?" Brent said in a condescending tone.
"A year."
" old are we?" Brent continued.
"19." Ryan said. "But it doesn't matter, I had all my training in the states." And he had passed with flying colors, being a werewolf and all.
But Brent was human, and wouldn't understand. He also wouldn't understand why Ryan didn't want anything to do with the ship or the people on it. This new pack from the U.S. has already chased away all the rogues, vampires, and witches from the only place they lived peacefully with one another. Ryan would be gone, too, if it weren't for the fact he had acquired some human smelling cologne from a witch a while back. Damn expensive, but the best investment he had ever made.
"Yeah, well, they still think you're to young to do the real stuff." Brent shrugged.
"Well, fuck them." Ryan snorted.
"At least cuss in Danish." Brent said in an exasperated tone.
"Rend dem." Ryan said flatly.
"Of course you would know that." Brent sighed. They both stared at the dock in silence after that.
The boat finished docking, at last, and two people got off first. Ryan smelled the air. The Alpha, and a witch.
"We have to move closer now." Brent mumbled under his breath.
"Great." Ryan said sarcastically as they walked close enough to see them clearly, but not hear them. The Alpha had a dangerous look about him. The kind that told everyone to stay away. Ryan wondered if all Alphas were like that. He'd never met one.
The witch was beautiful. Wavy black hair that went down her back, with one blonde streak in the front. Deep green eyes.
"Hun ser trist." Ryan said under his breath to Brent. She looks sad. Brent nodded enthusiastically. Ryan looked closer at the pair as they went to greet to people meeting them on the peir. The Alpha was guiding her along, never once loosening the tight grip on her waist, all though she winced more than once. Because of his amazing eyesight, Ryan could see the faint bruised on her neck, and under the makeup on her face.
Was her mate hitting her?
No. You don't hit your mate. That was a ridiculous thought.
Ryan may have not found his mate yet, but apparently you couldn't hurt your mate for the world.
As if she had felt his gaze upon her, she turned her head, and their eyes met.
Her large, green eyes widened, and Ryan knew she had seen straight through his human facade.
They stared at each other for what seemed like forever, as Ryan panicked, wondering if she was going to tell.
But she didn't.
Instead, she mouthed something at him.
'What?' He mouthed, not understanding.
'Help.' She mouthed. 'Me.' He frowned.
'Why?' He asked her. She glances quickly at the Alpha, then tossed her hair over her shoulder, and tilted her neck towards him.
Whatever was going on with her, as soon as Ryan saw the mark on her neck, he knew he shouldn't get involved.
To the normal eye, the mate marks of two people looked exactly the same. But to a werewolf, they all told exactly who the woman's mate was.
And it was not this man.
Ryan didn't know who this Alpha was, but he wasn't Seth Slader. Ryan had seen Seth before. Granted, it was a picture of his wacko dads, but still, it was him.
"Rend!" Fuck! He hissed under his breath.
And she didn't stop there, she lifted her left wrist, and showed him a band of silver.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" Ryan said, not bothering with Danish this time.
So, she was a prisoner. This Alpha had kidnapped another Alpha's mate, and now she was here. Ryan did not need this shit. These people were going to bring a war here, and this was exactly what Ryan had left California to avoid.
He didn't need to get into this.
"Whats wrong with you?" Brent was staring at him. Ryan watched at the Alpha finished talking to the two other men, and grabbed the witches arm roughly.
She flinched when he touched her. And as the Alpha led her towards the car, she looked back at him with pleading eyes.
"What was she looking at you for?" Brent said crossly. Ryan sighed and turned to him.
"That women trouble." He said."And she asked me to help her." Brent raised his eyebrows.
"When?" He asked.
"Like five minutes ago." Ryan said."She mouthed it to me."
"Maybe you interpreted it wrong." Brent said.
"No. I didn't. She had silver on her wrist." Ryan snapped, forgetting who he was talking to.
"What does that have to do with anything?" Brent laughed. "She could just be wearing jewelry."
"No. She's not. Ugh! You wouldn't understand." Ryan sighed, hating keeping secrets from his partner."Anyway, I never said I was going to do anything about it."

"Billetter! Ingen bekymrer sig om billetter!" Tickets! Nobody cares about tickets! Ryan scoffed angrily. It was around 9:00 that night, and Ryan and Brent were looking for people who parked badly enough to put a ticket on the windsheild.
"De mennesker, der får dem bekymrer sig om dem." The people who are getting them care about them. Brent said as he stuck a ticket onto a bike.
A bike. Really? Ryan shook his head at the complete waste of time.
Over Brent's shoulder, Ryan saw a girl come out of the restaurant they were near, and lean against a car to take her shoes off.
Jesus, how small was this city?
It was the witch from this morning.
Once she finished taking her high heels off, she started to run.
But no sooner had she started to run, than that Alpha came out of the restaurant and ran after her.
He caught up to her in no time, and grabbed her arm. She screamed causing Brent to turn around just in time to see the Alpha slap her.
"Oh, shit!" Brent yelled, and put his hand on his gun. They both turned to face him, but Ryan, quick as lightning, pulled Brent behind the nearest car.
"Are you crazy?" Ryan snapped. "Give me that." He jerked the gun out of Brent's hands. "Do you want to die? You can't hurt him with that!"
"What are you talking about?" Brent hissed. "Give me my gun back!"
"No." Ryan said. "Trust me on this." Ryan reached into his gun holder and pulled out his own gun. It was a silver pistol, and it was filled with silver bullets. It stung his hands a bit to touch, but Ryan didn't mind.
He stuck his head above the car, to see their position.
They were gone.
"Rend!" Brent said angrily. "Where'd they go?" Ryan tool a deep breath of the air around them, and followed their scent.
"This way." He said, pointing to the road that led towards sketchier parts of town.
But, then, the screaming started.

Okay, so this might be confusing, but I'm doing Allison's pov next chapter so then you'll understand.

Again, I have nothing to say. Except that if I slept for 1 billion years, I would still be tired when I woke up.
Ughhhh sleeping beauty didn't know how lucky she was, I wish I could sleep for that long.


Well thank you ever so much for reading. You are ever so awesome.

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