Chapter 18

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Seth had a shocked look on his face. Allie was pretty shocked too.
Marcos and Cynthia had been making out steadily for the past 6 minutes. Cynthia didn't even question it.
"She knows, right?" Seth said.
"Oh, yeah." Allie said. "She's not a slut."
"What the hell is going on?" A voice yelled from behind them. They both turned to face Alpha John. Seth grinned. Cynthia and Marcos both broke apart quickly, and looked around.
"Who the fuck are you?" Cynthia said, obviously pissed that someone would dare interrupt her make-out session. John looked like he was going to tear Cynthia's head off, appalled at the disrespect.
"I am the Alpha of this pack! How dare you talk to me in such a way?" He hissed. "And how dare you come on my land, and try and kiss the future Alpha?" He was outraged. Cynthia just laughed.
"First of all, you are absolutely delusional. This is Marcos." She said in a duh tone." He is not the future Alpha, Seth is. And my lovely best friend Allison is the future Luna." Marcos looked so relieved it was hilarious. "Second of all, I wasn't trying to kiss him, I think I was successfully kissing him."
"Turns out you're not a greedy bitch." Allie said.
"Oh, yeah, you know it." Cynthia scoffed. Then she turned to Marcos. "I'm Cynthia by the way. I am Allie's best friend, Marida teaches me witch magic, and I'm a human." John let out a sputter at this new information. Marcos just grinned.
"I'm Marcos. I am Seth's twin brother, I hate anything to do with responsibility, I'm a werewolf, and you are my mate." There was obviously going to be no secrets in this relationship. Everyone was silent for a long time, until, finally, Alpha John spoke.
"Fine." He spat. "Fine. She's worse than you." He pointed at Allie, then turned to Seth. "I, John Slader, hand over the Alpha position, title, and power to you, Seth Slader, my first son." Seth looked shocked, but recovered quickly.
"I, Seth Slader, accept the Alpha position, title, power, and all it implies, from you, John Slader, my father and current Alpha." Allie felt a rush of power run over her, and Seth turned to her, smiling.
But they didn't have time to savor the moment.
"Alpha! Alpha!" Someone Allie didn't know ran out of the woods. "Alpha." He said breathlessly, then looked confused. He looked at John, then at Seth. Finally he turned his full attention to Seth. He bowed his head in respect. "The Alpha of the Red Fire pack is at our borders. He has his Beta and Third Command with him, and requests to talk to you."
"Why didn't you just mind-link me?" Seth frowned at him.
"It wasn't working." The boy shrugged.
"Alright, can you link Jake and Chris to meet me there in five minutes."
"Chris is already there." The boy had closed his eyes briefly before saying this.
"Thank you." Seth said in a dismissive tone, and the boy left. Then he turned to Marcos. "Can you come?" Marcos stared at him for a second.
"So we out number them." Seth said seriously. Marcos groaned.
"Fine, but it better be quick. I have...things to do." He looked at Cynthia suggestively. She giggled. Seth looked at Allie.
"You alright?" He asked. What could possibly be wrong? He needed to stop being so worried.
"Never better." She smiled. "Just tell me about it when you get back." He just grinned, and he and Marcos both ran towards the trees, pulling their shirts of as they went.
"Hot." Cynthia said happily. John just huffed and stomped back into the house. Cyn leaned against her car.
"Hell, yeah." Allie smirked. "I'm so happy for my little Cynthia! She is going to be part of the Alpha family!"
"Oh! Does this mean we are like related now?" Cyn asked. Allie laughed, and they were silent for a couple minutes.
"What was the bad news you wanted to tell me?" Allie suddenly remembered.
"Oh, yeah." Cyn bit her lip. "I saw Justin the other day."



They were all standing there, just waiting. Alpha Justin had that same look in his eyes that he always did. The one that warned he was a dangerous man. Seth hated him. They had run here in wolf form, and were all jut wearing basketball shorts. Justin looked up as they approached.
"Ah, a change of power, I see." Justin said.
"What do you want?" Seth said roughly.
"Nothing. Not right now anyways." He looked amused. "Just to talk." That sounded suspicious.
"Just to talk?" Jake scoffed. "Yeah right." Seth mind linked the rest of the pack warriors to watch all the borders very carefully in case Justin's pack tried anything.
"Yes, actually. Just to talk." Justin said. "About a peace treaty." He was about to take a step forward, but Seth put his hand up.
"Put a toe on our land and you die." He said calmly. Justin stopped his advancing. Seth kept going. "A peace treaty? Why now?"
"I could never talk to your father. And I heard you found a Luna." He smirked, and something Seth couldn't place flashed across his eyes. "I knew a change of power would be coming. And we are thinking of relocating back to Britain. My homeland." Seth rolled his eyes. He knew Britain was Justin's homeland, he did not have to say it. You could hear it in his accent.
"What is your 'peace treaty'?" Seth said finally.
"I think we should talk about it more in private, and later. How about a dinner? We could go through all the logistics then? And I can meet your lovely Luna." Justin said. Seth growled at him for talking about Allison.
"Fine. But on our land."
"Seth-"Jake started.
'I'll explain it to you later.' Seth mind linked him, cutting him off.
"And no entourage. Come alone." Seth continued. "And if you try one thing funny, I swear I will kill you."
"Two weeks from today then?" He said.
"Fine." Seth said, and he turned to walk off, then stopped next to Chris, his third in command. "Stand by, and help watch the borders until you are sure they are gone." He just nodded, and shifted.



"What? How did you see him? I thought he went back to London." Allie didn't like talking about Justin. It brought back painful memories.
"He stopped me in the mall! The day before school started. It literally almost gave me a heart attack, until I remembered that he didn't know that Sydney and I knew what a dick he was." Cynthia looked worried.
"Why did he stop you?" Allie whispered.
"He wanted know..." She held up five fingers and counted off. "Where you were, how you were, if you talked about him, if you missed him, if you were dating anyone else."
"What did you say?" Allie said frantically.
"I told him to mind his own damn business, and then I got the hell out of there. He is a dangerous looking guy. I said when we first met him. That look in his eyes..." She shuddered. Allie did too. Justin really did have a dangerous aura about him. Was he looking for her? He knew where she lived, but he had never been. What if he found her?
"Wait." Allie said out loud. "I can take care of myself now?" She said it like a question.
"Damn right, you can." Cyn said. "If you see him, and he tries anything, just make his head explode or something."
"Yeah, sounds like fun." Allie forced a smile, wondering just how she would re-act if she ever saw him again. But that was silly, when would she ever see him again anyway?
"We're back." A voice said nearby. And a shirtless Seth and Marcos pulled Allie out of her thoughts. Seth came up to her and planted a soft kiss on her lips.
"What was it all about, anyway?" She asked him.
"Neighboring Alpha wants to have a dinner in two weeks." He said with a sigh.
"Something to look forward to?" Allie wondered.
"No. Our two packs are inches away from war."
"We have a mutual dislike." Seth said with a shrug.
"That sounds stupid." Allie sighed. "I wanted something to look forward to."
"Isn't your birthday in 6 days?" He asked.
"Oh yeah! I'll finally be legal." She smiled up at him. "Not that it stopped you." He rolled his eyes.
"17 and 18 year olds should be allowed to have sex."
"I'm pretty sure they are." Then Allie looked around. Cynthia and Marcos were nowhere to be seen. "Where did they go?" She asked Seth.
"They are probably doing it somewhere." Seth said bluntly. Allie put her arms around his neck, and she saw his eyes visibly darken in lust.
"Not a bad idea those two have, huh, Mr. Alpha?" She tried to make her voice alluring and seductive. His eyes darkened even more.
"No. Not a bad idea at all Mrs. Luna." He put the softest of kisses down her jawbone.
"Mm. I like the sound of that."
Well, I hope you liked the chapter.
I got a lot of votes on the last chapter, well a lot for me anyway, but no comments! Thats like a first. Sooo, me being me, I'm just going to have to assume that you loved it so much you were speechless. Well I will thank you now for your silent yet strong praise.

Sometimes I'm too much of a smart-ass for my own good.

I watched She's the Man over the weekend. It was absolutely hilarious. I died laughing. That was before Amanda Bynes got all fucked up, and now she's in a mental hospital. Shame, really. It was a good movie.

Sorry for the late update. I was having fun with my non-electronic social life.

Well, thank you so much for reading!!!! I hoped you liked it!
I'm even saying my pleases and thank you's! NOW YOU HAVE TO DO IT.

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