Chapter 29

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The waves shook the boat and the clouds overhead darkened. Allie's fingers grew numb as the clenched tighter on the cold railing. The storm grew angrier and angrier above her, blackening the world around her. A bolt of lightning, an explosive crack of thunder,
Yet the rain refused to fall.
"It's a metaphor." A raspy, feminine voice said from behind Allie. She swung around to see a witch. A real witch. One of the evil ones. She had shoulder length wavy black hair. She was pale, beyond pale, and her eyes were completely black. No whites, and no irises, just black. She was really skinny, yet had a perfect body. She had black talons for hands. She was also wearing an all black shirt, and black jeans with black stilettos. She was scary, to say the least, but Allie felt comfortable around her. She was familiar.
"What's a metaphor?" Allie asked the witch.
"The storm." The witch said simply, approaching Allison. "Its a metaphor for you." Allie had no idea what she was talking about. "You're like a storm that refuses to begin. You have all the anger you need, yet you can not change into the form you must embrace. You are stuck in this weak human form, when you should be like me." Allie felt annoyed that this woman thought she was weak. She was strong to be able to stay like this.
"I am not weak." She hissed. "And even if I wanted to change, I couldn't." She held up her silver banded left wrist. The witch waved her hand dismissively.
"A complication." She said. "As soon as that comes off, you will be free to assume your natural form, and be powerful."
"I don't need to be evil to be powerful" She snapped.
"Really?" The witch sneered. "Than why are you here?" She gestured to the boat around them.
"Why are
you here?" Allie said through gritted teeth. The witch avoided the question.
"If you don't change, how will you let your anger out?" The witch asked. "Anger, rage, is like a disease. It will burn through your veins until you have no choice but to succumb. Think about all that Justin has done to you! He beat you." She whispered. "He raped you. He stole you from the best thing that ever happened to you, and killed your child." Allie tried to ignore the witch's voice, but she could still hear her recap of what Justin had done. She felt herself fill with unimaginable anger. She felt a stinging grow at her banded wrist and and spread outward, filling her with immense pain. She cried out, and fell to her knees.
"The only way to beat him once and for all is to change. Once you get the silver off, revenge will be yours to take." The witch smiled down at her cruelly.
are you?" Allie gasped out, fighting the pain. The witch just smirked.
"I am you."

Allie gasped, and sat up in bed with a start, her wrist still stinging.
"I am sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." Cora said.
"No, no." Allie shook her pounding head. "You didn't. I just had a bad dream."
"Oh." Cora said. "I'm meant to get you for lunch."
"Lunch?" But she had just woken up! Her timing was so messed up right now. "Cora, how long have I been here?" Allie asked worridly. Cora calculated in her head.
"Well, you were out for about 3 days..." Allison's eyes widened. Cora went on, mumbling to herself. "...Slept for a while, probably because of the strain he's put you through....This is your 5th day."
"Fifth!" Allie exclaimed. "Fuck!" Seth must be worried, was he looking for her?
Don't be stupid, of course he's looking for you. Allie mentally yelled at herself. But where would he look? Not the ocean. No, he would not search the ocean.
"Where are we going, anyway?" Allie asked.
"Denmark." Cora smiled sadly. "My home. Justin has a house-well more like castle- there."
"Denmark." Allie said flatly. "He'll never look in Denmark."
"Maybe you'll have to get out yourself." Cora said.
"I would if I didn't have fucking silver on my wrist. I'd have killed him by now. But with the silver, there's nothing I can do, not when he's so much stronger than me."
They sat in silence for a few moments.
"I never thanked you for what you did, yesterday, for Lillian. You saved her, and it was truly incredible." Cora said sadly.
"He killed my baby." Allie said quietly."I'll be damned if he kills another thing because of me."
Cora stared at her for a few minutes before handing her clothes that weren't ripped and bloody. It was a pair of jean shorts, a pink tank top, and a bra and underwear. Nothing fancy, thank God.
"Lunch is in five minutes." Cora said quietly, before leaving the room.
Allie sighed heavily, and put the clothes on slowly. She checked over herself as she went. Her stomach was black and blue, and increasingly painful. Her shoulder blades were bruised from hitting things yesterday. Her cheekbones were both outlined by bruises, and she had shallow cuts all down her back, her arms, and her legs, from the shattered glass table. And she still had a slit on her wrist from where she had cut it.
She looked, and felt, like Hell. How could he do this to her? How could he think she could ever love him? How could he expect her to sit back and take his shit, without complaining, without saying a word?
He was delusional, and she was helpless.
Allie walked on shaky, painful legs to the bathroom, where she put on the makeup that was there. Only the shadows of the bruises that were in plain sight remained, but they were there.
She slipped the black heels on from the day before, and started towards the top deck.
She'd never felt less like eating when she arrived in the dining room, and saw him there. She supposed it was because he was so horrible, he took her appetite away.
His cold, dark eyes watched her as she sat down across from him, but didn't touch her food.
"You haven't eaten in five days."Justin observed. "Aren't you hungary?" Allison contemplated before answering.
"Three of those days I was asleep, they don't count. And, yes, I am hungary, I just don't feel up to eating. I've decided to starve myself." He raised eyebrows at her.
"Well, we will be there tomorrow anyway. You'll eat then." He said, nonchalantly. Tomorrow? She smiled to herself. It would be possible to escape on land. Cora was right, if Seth would never look in Denmark, then she should take matters into her own hands. "But you should really eat, you'll need energy for what we're going to do soon." A trickle of fear ran through her. If he was implying what she thought he was... He went on. "You see, I was going to wait until the bruised on your stomach went away, but as the future Luna of my pack, they expect us to have mated by the time we get there." She stood up really fast, and backed away from the table. He stood up less than a second after her, and walked purposefully towards her. In a second he had caught up to her, and his hand was clenched tightly around her arm, stopping any escape. He pulled her out of the dining room, and into a door nearby. His room, she noticed in panic.
She wrenched out of his grip, and backed up against the now locked door.
"What about your mate?" She blurted out. "What are you going to do when you find her? She'll hate you!" Justin laughed.
"I already found my mate, Alice!" He smiled. "I found her at 16 like most wolves do! She was ugly though, I didn't like her. So I killed her." He stepped closer to her. Allison was horrified.
"You killed..." She choked out. He was a monster, a murderer, a- there were no words to describe him. He took another step towards her, trapping her against the door.
Trapped between a wall and a hard place. The humorous side of her thought wryly.
"Seth will kill you." She struggled out as he trailed kisses down her neck.
"When he finds us, and he most likely will in the next few years." Justin said."I will be happily waiting for him. Another plus of taking you, is having the chance to kill Seth Slader. Why do you think I tried so hard to get you guys back together after his stupid father separated you? Because then, I could hurt him, at the same time I got what I wanted. I blew up his school, just so he could see you again." Allie's eyes widened.
"You blew up the school?" She gasped. But he didn't answer. His hands trailed down her stomach, to the clasp of her shorts. He was pressed to hard against her, to leave her room to struggle, to fight back. He kept kissing her neck as he unfastened the fly.
"Stop." She gasped. "Please, Justin. Don't!" She felt tears prick at the corner of her eyes. He wasn't listening, and her shorts fell to the floor.
He roughly yanked her off the door, and threw her onto the bed. He pinned her underneath him, and his hands traveled to her back. She felt his muscles tighten, and he ripped the tank top open.
"J-J-Justin." She begged. "Please! I'll do anything!" He pulled back to stare at her barely dressed body.
"Anything?" He whispered.
"Yes! Anything but this! Anything you want! Please!" She sobbed.
"Too bad, Alice." He said flatly. "This is what I want."


Marida shifted uncomfortably from one foot to another, as she stared across the sea.
It was so close you could see it on the horizon.
She had spent a year of her life in that damn place. A year that only 3 other people knew about. Sam, Cora, and Lillian. She had vowed never to go back.
But what if their search for Allison brought them to Denmark? Or actually into Copenhagen? Marida had too many good memories from that place, that if she was to see it again, she would regret leaving.
'Jeg kan ikke komme tilbage.' She had told Sam. I can't come back. 'Jeg kan aldrig vende tilbage.' I can never come back.
Sweden was a mistake." She said out loud to the others who were talking on the pier behind her. "She isn't here either." She turned to face Seth. He was a mess, she doubted he had slept or ate in 5 days, since she had gone missing. He walked up next to her.
"What country is that?" He asked curtly, pointing towards the horizon.
"Denmark." Marida whispered, feeling a stab at her heart as she spoke the name outloud.
"How much English do they speak there?" He said.
"86% of the people there speak it as their second language." Marida recited. "But the language is Danish."
"Huh." Seth said. Marida knew that Seth though Justin would go to a country where a lot of people spoke English. "We'll try Ireland and then there." The logistics if that made no sense, but Marida didn't care. If they flew to Denmark, they would land in Copenhagen, and what would she do then?
"Seth..." Aviva said from behind them. Her eyes were red from exhaustion. And she looked like she was about to faint. They all did, but nobody wanted to slow down the search.
"We need to rest." Marida said what everyone but Seth was thinking.
"Rest on the plane." Seth snapped.
"No." Marida put her foot down. "We all want to find her, but its useless to search when you can barely walk. We'll get a nice hotel for the night. Get good food, and then, with renewed energy, resume in the morning." Seth looked pissed, but agreed. A sigh of relief escaped from Cynthia's lips. She had to be the worst other than Seth. Marida knew she hadn't slept at all, and her cheeks were permanently tear stained.
Yes, it would be a relief for all of them to rest. But, then, in the morning they were going to Ireland. But what would Marida do when they got to Denmark? What if she saw that old park? The stream? The apartment?
She would probably lose it. Break down and cry for the first time since she had left. Regret leaving more than ever, and wish to reverse time.
I have not updated in a really long time, sorry bout that.
I've been up to my eyes in homework, and all I wanna do with my little ounce of free time is relax.
So I wrote this all today, really rushed, so I'm sorry that it's bad:(

Only 2 comments on the last chapter! Thats sad:( PLEASE COMMENT MORE! I LOVE COMMENTS THEY MAKE ME HAPPY!

I, for once, have nothing to say. Hmmmm, has my life really become that boring that I have nothing interesting or entertaining to tell you? YES. Literally though I have the most boring life. Nothing good happens, nothing that bad. BORING.

Thanks soooo much for reading You are preetyy cool.

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