Chapter 22

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Seth didn't want Justin to come. He didn't want Allison to look so good, when he came. And, he didn't even want a peace treaty with Justin's pack. Yes, there were a lot of things that Seth did not want, but they were happening anyway. He could hear Justin's footsteps coming up to the door, Allison looked absolutely stunning, and he knew the best thing for his pack was to have a peace treaty. But that didn't mean he had to like it.
When Justin came into the front door, he saw Allison stiffen. Her whole body went tense, and her eyes widened to the size of saucer. What was wrong?
Seth nodded at Justin, not bothering with a Hello. It was no use pretending that they liked each other. They didn't.
"In case you didn't remember, this is my beta, Jake." Jake had his jaw clenched, and he just nodded.
"And you are...?" Justin's eyes raked Aviva's body. Seth fought the urge to attack him for looking at his sister that way.
"Aviva." She said coldly. "And it's never gonna happen." Justin just chuckled, and they all turned to Allison. She seemed to snap out of a daze, and she looked around at all of them, except for Justin.
"I'm sorry, what?" She said, smiling. But the smile looked forced.
"We were, just, introducing ourselves." Jake said in a flat voice. Allie turned to Justin.
"I'm Allison, Luna of this pack." She said, exaggerating the word Luna. Seth liked that, it was as if she was demanding respect. "It's nice to meet you, Alpha Justin." Seth frowned, had he told her Justin's name? No, he hadn't. Did they know each other? Or was it a witch thing? The latter seemed more likely.
"Sorry we're late!" Cynthia called as she came downstairs with Marcos. Seth thought Cynthia and Marcos were perfect for each other. From what he heard from Allie, Cynthia was spunky, loved to have fun, and hated working. Just like Marcos.
Cynthia suddenly froze on the bottom step. She gaped at Justin.
"Y-" She started to say something, but then she stopped, and looked at Allie with wide, confused eyes. She wasn't the only one who was confused. Seth had no idea what was going on. He caught Marcos's eye, and Marcos shrugged just as confused as he was. Cynthia swallowed hard, and Seth watched her force herself to look at Justin. Her eyes were cold.
"I'm Cynthia. Marcos's mate." She looked like she was trying to smile, but it was more like a grimace. Did Cynthia know Justin? Something was definitely going on.
When they were all finally eating, and Justin started talking, Seth knew at once it was never going to work. They just didn't like each other, and that was final.
As Justin droned on, Seth knew, as Alpha, that he should listen, but he couldn't even bring up the will to try. Instead, he watched the others. Marcos was staring at his already empty plate, his eyes glazed over. Jake looked impatient. Seth knew that he was going to break up with his long time girlfriend tonight, and focus on finding his mate. Aviva was moving her food around on her plate, in an effort to entertain herself. The only people, other than Justin, that didn't look bored as hell, were Allison and Cynthia, who were whispering furiously to each other. Even with advanced hearing, Seth could only hear a few words. They were being careful not to be over-heard.
"Don't want Seth to know....Hate me."
"What the fuck?....from?"
"Wouldn't you.....not all the time." And then Cynthia said louder.
"Get your head out of your ass Allie! You need to tell him." Allie looked up at them, and Seth pretended to be about to take a bite of his dinner.
"So, Seth, what do you say about that?" Justin said. Well shit if he'd been listening. Luckily for him, Jake had chosen that one moment to pay attention.
'He thinks the packs should have a party before they leave, just in case there are mates in this pack.' Jake mind linked him. Thank God for Jake.
"To be honest," Seth said with a sigh. "Nobody in my pack likes you, or your pack. Me included. I think a party would bring unnecessary tensions and fights that we really don't want or need. I find you leaving as soon as possible, the most...uh... Beneficiary." Justin looked pissed that he hadn't gotten the chance to say something condescending about Seth not listening.
"Seth, do you want to finish this in the living room? I think everyone's done eating." Allie said, and he jumped, not realizing she had taken Aviva's seat. He looked around, suddenly noticing that not only Aviva had left, but also Marcos and Cynthia.
"Sure." He said, nodding, not really paying attention.

Once they had all sat down in the living room, and Justin had stopped making rude comments, and Jake had left, Seth remembered a topic he was actually interested in.
"So, picking up where we left off." Seth said "You're going home, why?"
"You're going back to Britain?" Allie joined their conversation. Seth decided her knowing that when Seth said home he meant Britain, was another witch thing.
"Yes, its where my family is, and it is my home." Justin replied cooly. Seth didn't like the tone Justin was raking with his mate.
"You're lying." Allie snapped. She faced Seth. "He's lying. He's not going back to Britain. He hates Britain. He hates his family." Seth stared at her. How would she know that. He knew that Justin was smart enough to keep his walls up around her. She couldn't of gotten in. Could they know each other? No, that was impossible.
"How do you know?" He asked.
"Yes, why would you think that?" Justin said, with an annoying smirk on his face.
"I-" Allie looked like she was searching for an answer she didn't have. "I'm a witch." She smiled uncertainly, and Seth knew she was lying. Something was going on. Before he could say anything there was a crash from upstairs, and a loud scream.
"Alpha! Alpha!" A voice screamed. Seth almost panicked. Something bad was happening.
"Excuse me one moment." And he bolted out of the room. He raced up the stairs two at a time. The house was huge, and it took him longer than he would of liked to get to where the disaster was.
Aviva's room.
As he neared it, he heard raised voices over the rising and falling screams of someone.
"Jesus Christ." Cynthia's voice said. "This is the definition of issues."
"CALM THE FUCK DOWN." Aviva shouted over the screams.
"I can't believe you called Seth." Marcos's voice said, just before Seth entered the room. "He'll kill you." The screams rose in intensity. Seth burst through the door, and everyone's head jerked up, except for the girl on the ground's. Seth instantly recognized her as Aviva's friend Hallie. She was surrounded by broken glass, and she was shaking and screaming on the floor. Seth noticed that the glass came from a vase that used to be sitting on Aviva's dresser. A shirtless Marcos was standing next to a hurriedly put together Cynthia, and they both looked extremely pissed off at being interrupted by Hallie's screams.
"What the hell happened?" He shouted over Hallie's screams and sobs. "Why did she call me?" Aviva rolled her eyes, and slapped Hallie on the back of her head, effectively shutting her up.
"Nothing happened." Aviva said in a disgusted tone. You were only supposed to call the Alpha in a real emergency. When a pack member called the Alpha, using the panic tone, the Alpha had to come. "She knocked over a vase, and got the tiniest piece of glass caught in her finger, and bled the tiniest bit. She's has severe hemaphobia, so it just went down hill from there." Aviva glared at her friend. Marcos had been right. Seth was furious. As soon as he found out there was no emergency, his wolf and himself started going crazy because they had left their mate alone with an unmated, enemy, male. He took one calming breath, and then turned, and sprinted down the hall, down the stairs, and towards the living room. He was so close, when he heard it.
"NEVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN." He heard Justin yell, and then a slapping sound just as he approached the door.
Justin had slapped Allison.
Seth burst through the door, not caring as it flew from its hinges. He flew into Justin, both of them tumbling through the glass door that opened into they yard. They both shifted simultaneously, ripping their suits. In the back of Seth's angry mind, he processed the fact that Cynthia and Marcos had come down to see what all the noise was about. He could hear Cynthia yelling, but he didn't pay attention to what was being said. There was only one thing on his mind, and that was to kill Justin for daring to lay a hand on Allie. And then, just as he was about to get it, he was flung back.
Like a string had been tied around his middle, he felt a tug and he flew away from Justin, skidding to a halt 20 yards away. The same happened to Justin, except he hit a tree, and then was dragged through the forest, and Seth heard him tumble all the way for miles, back to his own territory. Seth looked up at the porch, expecting to see Allie.
But Cynthia was there instead. He hadn't known she had the power to do something like that. She dropped her arms, looking sick.
"You're all idiots." Seth heard her faintly whisper, before fainting into a stunned looking Marcos, who was behind her.
Seth walked slowly into the trees, where he shifted back, and put on the spare shirt and shorts they sometimes kept in the woods. He wasn't injured, he noticed, even though it was dark. Maybe a bruise here an there, but nothing fatal. He had to see Allie.
When he came out of the trees, he saw that Marcos was gone, probably taking Cynthia away. He wouldn't of cared except Allie had gone with them. Seth hurried up the stairs, up to Marcos's room. The door was open, and Seth stopped at the entrance.
Marcos was sitting by Cynthia who was tucked up in the bed, still out. Marcos looked sick.
Allie was standing behind Marcos, and Seth felt a fresh tidal wave of anger, when he saw that her right cheek was bruising. She looked up as he leaned against the door frame.
"She'll be fine, Marcos." She whispered, but her voice was layered with emotion. Then she tried to walk past Seth, but he caught her arm, and pulled her down the hall to his own room. She wouldn't meet his eyes.
She sat down on the bed, looking down the at her hands.
"Al..." He started, not knowing what he was going to say.
"I know you want me to tell you what happened." She said, interrupting. "You want to know if I knew Justin before, and you still want to know about the picture." She sighed, still not looking at him. "And I want to tell you, I really do, but I'm afraid of... what your reaction would be?" She said the last part like a question. He knelt down in front of her, wanting to get more on her level.
"Look at me." He said sternly. Her head jerked up, and she met his eyes. "What could my re-action be? I might beat the crap out of the people who hurt you, but only if you want. I promise I won't do anything you wont like." Her eyes started to water.
"That's not what I mean. You don't know what I've done. I-I'm- I'm afraid of what you'll think of me." She let out a sob, then covered her face with her hands. Seth grabbed her wrists, and forces her them away from her.
"No matter what, when I think of you, I'll think of how much I love you, and how much I need you." Seth said."Your past is your past. I need you to trust me, so I can protect you, so I can love you in the way you deserve." She stared at him, tears slipping down her face, but he didn't think about how they weren't black tears like they should have been, he thought only of how much he wanted her to be happy, and how he wanted her to trust him.
She stared at him for a long time before she finally spoke.
I just got a twitter!- so you should follow me!!! Yeah!
Or you can follow me on instagram!

So I'm sorry that took so long! I have been really busy! And this chapter took so long to write! I had to make sure everything matched up with the last chapter, and that was hard. But I hope this was good and long.

I have to say I'm disappointed with the comment number. Only one person commented, twice. Which is why I'm dedicating this chapter to
Who is apparently the only person co enough to comment:)
Comments make me happy, and when I'm happy, I write, and when I write, I update faster, so everybody wins.

I have a zero in Science. Isn't that good? LOL thats like an F- - - - - - - - x50 but everybody in my class is failing so that makes me feel the tinsiest bit better but not really because the worst grade I've ever gotten is a B. You know what I had last year in Science? An A+, yup thats right. And I got a 100% on the exam. Do you see the difference here? How did this happen? I'll tell you. My teacher fucking sucks.

Thank you so much for reading! I love you all so much!!!

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