Chapter 32

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So before I start
Remember how chapter 7 didn't show up and got deleted somehow and it was a whole weird dabocle?
WELL It just appeared in my library, as a different book called Chapter 7
Like its a whole new book now
Its under my create tab as its own book and it says I have 2 books on my page. Like what?
I didn't do that on purpose
I was fine with it going away forever
But NO it had to come back just because it liked confusing me.
Maybe its just my Wattpad being weird, or maybe the update for minor bug fixes really wasn't minor at all, and it resurrected my lost in space chapter.
PLEASE COMMENT IF THIS HAPPENED TO YOU, COMMENT IF IT DIDN'T HAPPEN TO YOU, so i can just delete it, because its really annoying me.
Thank you soooo much for your help:)

Unedited (literally they all are)
Chapter 32


Tired. Just tired.
Even though Allison felt like she had been sleeping forever, she still felt tired when she finally woke up.
She was in another unfamiliar room. By the looks of it, it was just a guest room, with plain beige rooms, and the bed was just a plain dark brown.
What the hell had happened?
She strained her memory to what seemed like a hundred years ago, and tried desperately to piece together events.
She had ran....He had caught her...and then.....then what?....He had attacked her, carving into her arm with a knife.
She looked at her left arm in alarm. It was wrapped tightly in bandages. But, it no longer had silver on it, she noticed. However, her right wrist had a brace on it, but she could use it fine.
Slowly she unwrapped her arm to see how bad the wound was. As the gauze fell away, Allison was horrified to see what lay underneath.
He had carved his name into her skin.
She felt sick. It was going to scar forever, no doubt. How dare he? She'll kill him.
But he's already dead. A voice in her head said.
He was?
Yes. Yes! He was. Justin was dead. Now she remembered. He'd gotten shot by.... that rogue she had asked for help!
Yes, now she remembered everything.
She quickly wrapped up her arm again, and slid out of bed.
She was still in the dress from before but she didn't care. Her bare feet walked slowly and carefully on the cold wood floor out of the room. As she turned down a short hallway she heard voices.
"I don't understand. We have to tell someone." A male voice with a Danish accent said.
"No." An american voice said. "Ugh. I can't tell you! Just- you can't tell anyone."
"You killed someone."
"I know what I did!" Allison assumed this was the rogue speaking. "But these kind of things happen all the time."
"Um, no they don't." The other man must be human.
Allison went towards their voices, and stopped at the doorway of the kitchen where they were talking.
"Yes they do, you just don't know about it. He's a we- I mean- no. Nevermind. I can't tell you." The rogue was obviously struggling, so Allison decided decided to interrupt.
She cleared her throat loudly.
Both of their heads whipped to her.
There was a really long, awkward, silence.
"Sorry." She said, embarrassed. "I didn't mean to interrupt." Even though she totally had.
"No! No, you're fine!" He looked more than relieved. He stuck out his hand. "I'm Ryan." He said. She shook his hand.
"I'm Allison." She smiled. "Thank you for saving me. Truly. I know most-" She paused and chose her words carefully."People like you wouldn't."
He nodded.
"No, I suppose they wouldn't."
She turned to the human, and held her hand out again.
"Brent." He said. His eyes swept her body. "You are...very beautiful." Ryan made a disgusted sound in the back of his throat.
"Thank you, but I have a boyfriend." She smiled as sweetly as she could, but it quickly fell into a horrified expression. "I have a boyfriend!" She shrieked.
"Uh..." Brent looked confused.
"Fucking hell!" She screamed. "I need to call him! Oh, shit! How could I forget....?"
"If he's the guy from last night, he's dead." Brent said.
"What?" She snapped. "Justin? No. Not him." She turned to Ryan. "Can I borrow your phone?"
"Sure but I don't have Alpha Seth on speed dial." He said handing it to her. How did he know? Probably a werewolf thing.
"Alpha?" Brent said, confused. Nobody answered him.
Her fingers flew across the keys, but halfway through Seth's number she stopped, pressed end, and handed Ryan's phone back to him.
"You aren't going to call your mate?" Ryan sounded shocked.
"Mate?" Brent asked.
"No, I'll call him, just not yet." She sighed heavily. "If I call him, he'll come, and then he won't let- he wouldn't understand why- I need a ride to the pier."


Allison couldn't really explain why she couldn't call Seth yet. Not out loud.
She didn't think he would want her helping vampires, or being near vampires. They were dangerous to him. But she wasn't going to leave Cora, Sam, and Lillian there. And Seth would probably want her to get home as soon as possible.
As the car pulled up to the pier, she jumped out before it was even in park, and ran towards the still boat. She heard Ryan and Brent hurrying after her.
When she got on deck, she stopped to look around, and they nearly ran into her.
"You know there are vampires here, right?" Ryan said, smelling the air.
"What??" Brent gasped. "Vampires aren't real." Again, they just ignored him.
"I know, they're who I'm looking for." Allison said. "Cora? Cora!" She called. "Sam?" No answer. Where were they?
Ryan smelled the air again.
"They're down below. In the hold." He said. Of course! They were with Lillian.
They hurried down there, past the rows and rows of cells, towards the end.
As they got closer, she could hear sobbing.
"Cora? Sam?" Allison turned the corner, and started towards them. They were both standing over something, with their backs to her, but their heads jerked up at her approach.
"Allison?" Cora's voice cracked as Allie came closer. "She's dead."
And Allie saw what they were standing over. It was the still body of five year old Lillian.
Allie kneeled down next to her head and felt the pulse. There was nothing.
"When? How?" She looked at Sam, because Cora was now crying too hard to answer.
"Sometime in the night." He whispered. "The wounds from before must have been worse than we thought."
Allie felt a stray tear fall down her cheek, but she quickly wiped it away. She hadn't even known Lillian, Cora and Sam's sadness was contagious.
"W-we should move her. Have a nice funeral soon." Allie said. But Sam shook his head.
"No. Thats a human thing to do. Vampires just say good-bye, and she'll disappear in 24 hours." He said. Cora nodded. Sam leaned down and kissed Lillian's forehead, then turned away. Cora did the same, adding only:
"I'm sorry. So, so sorry." And then she, too, turned away.
Ryan and Brent had kept their distance the whole time. Ryan looked appropriately sad, while Brent just looked confused and put out that everyone knew things he didn't.



Marida was in shock. Why had she agreed to this? She didn't want to go to Denmark. She had promised Sam she would never come back. She didn't want to be reminded of what she had left behind.
But now the plane to Denmark was taking off, and there was nothing she could do about it. They would land in Copenhagen, and the regret would come back full force, and pour on her like rain.
Her old apartment was on the main street, she was sure they would pass it. And right across from there was the beautiful park, with the stream was where Sam had- no she couldn't think about that day.
And then, right down the road was the little church, where she had given everything up, where she had last seen Sam.
A year ago. Only a year. A year was not long enough to heal the wounds. Two years since she had accidentally killed her best friend. When she had told the story to Allison, she had said she moved from California to North Carolina to get away from memories, but that had been a lie. She had wanted to get away, alright, but across the country wasn't far enough. She had moved across the world. Where she had stayed for a year, before moving to North Carolina. But now she was going back to Denmark, which she had sworn she would never do! She didn't need to think about the what ifs.
What if she had stayed in that church?
What if she hadn't packed up and left?
What if she wasn't scared of getting close to people?
What if she had allowed herself to be happy?
What if....
But there were too many.
A shrill ring broke the tired silence of the jet. And then another one.
"I think you're supposed to turn your phone off in a plane." Aviva said to Seth, who's phone was ringing.
He pulled it out, and his brow furrowed at the caller ID.
"Hello?" He said once he answered. And then his face drained of color completely.

Please remember to give a comment about what I talked about before the chapter!!!!!

Sorry about the wait I don't even know how long it took:(

None of the stories in my library are updating:(

I went to this haunted theme park thing that I cant tell you the name of without telling you where I live on Friday night and it was reeeeaaallyy fun.
Except this one part we were in a haunted house thing which was really freaky and all but not THAT bad, but this 25 year old guy behind me was like freaking out, like he was about to pee his pants. Then he was so scared that he grabbed onto my shoulder and my friend's shoulder, and wouldn't let go. And the whole time he was screaming:
"HOLY FUCK OH FUCK HOLY MOTHERFUCKER OF SHIT FUCK FUCK" And literally it wasn't even that scary, like gimme a break dude. But he wouldn't let go of me so I said:
"Don't touch me. Let go of me. Get your hands off of me. GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF OF ME! ITS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT CALM THE FUCK DOWN! GET OFF OF ME! DON'T TOUCH ME! LET GO!" And then I repeated that until the end, but he never let go. Kind of ruined the experience for me, you know? I wasn't even paying attention to all the creepy ass things around me, just focusing on the guy who was practically raping my shoulder.
Fun stuff.

Anywho thanks sosososo much for reading you are the coolest most awesomest people ever. Literally.

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