Chapter 15

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"Are vampires real?" Cynthia asked. Allie snorted.
"What kind of question is that?" She asked.
"A real one!" Cyn said indignantly. "If witches and werewolves are real, vampires could be too!" Then she glanced over her shoulder. "And I'm pretty sure the guy behind us has fangs." Allie made a quick glance behind them. She just saw a normal guy in his mid-20s trying to get where he needed to be.
"You're high." She finally said. "Think about it. If there were evil blood-sucking demons with super-natural abilities roaming around, there would be no human race. Seriously. They would all be dead." Allie smiled at her. "Don't tell me you are freaking out because of the city! We have been planning for forever to be here!" Cynthia sighed.
"It's just... I feel so un-welcome here. Like some people don't want us." Allie felt like that too, but she brushed it away.
"That's only because it doesn't feel like home yet. I mean, we don't even have an apartment yet. We're staying at The Hilton! But when we settle in, everything will be perfect." Cynthia smiled.
"You are so right." Then she looked around again. "Do you think we should catch a cab? It is starting to get dark."
"Cyn, really?" Allie sighed. "The Hotel is like, 4 blocks away." They were walking back from the restaurant they had had dinner at.
"Yes, I know. But its going to be dark before we get there! And there are creepy people in the dark! Thieves, and rapists, and..."
"Vampires?" Allie smirked.
"Shut up." Cyn pouted.
"Okay, if anyone tries steal from us, rape us, or suck our blood, I'll melt them. Okay?" Allie said.
"Fine, but can we take that shortcut we passed on the way here?" Cyn said a couple minutes later. It was really dark now. It was finally night.
"You are scared of thieves and rapists, and you want to go through an alley way?" Allison was surprised. "Alright. If you insist." And they turned into an easy to miss alley between two close together buildings.
They were only half way across when they heard him.
"Non siete i benvenuti qui."* A dangerous voice said from behind them. They spun around. There was a man standing about 10 feet behind them. It was the same man who Cyn had accused of being a vampire. Which was ridiculous. Marida would of told her about vampires. Right?
"What did he say?" Cyn whispered.
"Non siete i benvenuti qui!" He said again. Louder this time.
"I don't know! I don't speak Italian!" Allie squealed, starting to panic. There was something about this guy...
"Well you don't speak Spanish! But you did to that girl at the hotel over the summer." Cyn was nervously bouncing from one foot to the other.
"I have no idea what I said!" The man took another step closer to them. A rush of cold fell over Allison, and she suddenly felt weaker than she ever had. She grabbed the wall to keep herself from falling to her knees.
"Allie!" Cyn cried. "He's getting closer! Melt him or something!" Allie needed more time. She felt so...tired. And so cold. The worst cold she had ever felt in her life. She just wanted to curl in a ball and die. She decided to just scoot him back a bit. It didn't work.
"It... Isn't....working." Allie tried to tell Cynthia. She leaned heavily on the wall. The man smiled, showing pointed teeth. Fangs.
"He's a vampire." Cynthia whispered, and then turned to Allie. "Do something!"
"It doesn't work. I already tried."
"Then we need to run!" Cyn cried. Allie slid down the wall, so she was sitting on the ground. She too tired and too cold to move. "What are you doing?" Cyn whispered frantically. The man was walking up to Allie.
"Non siete i benvenuti qui. Le streghe non sono i benvenuti qui. Ma ho aspettato così a lungo per un assaggio del loro sangue. E ora ho la possibilità." He said. She had no idea what he was saying, but with every step he took towards her, she felt worse and worse. She was sure the temperature was way under zero. The vampire now crouched down in front of her, and smiled again. He touched her face. If Allie had had the energy to scream, she would have. His touch was so cold. His hand traveled down to her neck. Then, a foot came flying out of nowhere. Cynthia kicked him in the face. Cynthia screamed in pain. But, nothing happened. He didn't even flinch. His hand just tightened around her throat, and Allie began to choke. She gasped for air, but there was none. She started to see black spots in front of her eyes, and the world started to fade away.
And then he was gone. There was a hideous cracking noise. And all the air immediately came back into her body. Along with the warmth, and the feeling. But she was still so tired. She fought to open her eyes. She was met by a pair if deep brown ones.
"Don't fall asleep." His voice said.
"Seth?" She whispered. Suddenly feeling wide awake.
"I leave you alone for one day." He said helping her to her feet. "You lose control, move to the North, and almost die. I have officially learned my lesson."



When she woke up in the morning, she could feel his warmth next to her. She scowled. She had told him to sleep on the floor. Or the couch.
She wanted to go for a run. Yes, there might be vampires, but she would stay in populated places. She wanted to be alone.
She put a sound barrier between her and Seth. It was invisible so she didn't know if it worked.
"Seth." She said loudly. Nothing. "SETH!" Nothing. Good. Everything was back to normal. What was wrong with her last night? She had found out that Seth had snapped the vampires neck, and that when Cynthia kicked him she had shattered her ankle. She didn't think she should worry about being followed.
The city was beautiful. But she knew she couldn't stay. Not after last night. It was a pity really, she had dreamed for forever to be here. It was so big. Not boring at all. She ran down to the river, and breathed in the crisp morning air. She sat down on one of the many benches, and watched the water. There was nothing this beautiful anywhere in Richton.
"Should I compare you to a summer day? The harsh sun withers the cool buds of May, and summer is to plain to compare." A voice said from behind her.
"Congratulations." She said, without turning around. "You officially know nothing about Shakespeare." Seth sat down beside her.
"I don't know what you are talking about." He frowned.
"It goes: Shall I compare thee to a summer's day. Thou art more pretty and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, and Summer's lease hath all too short a date."**
"Whatever." He waved his hand. "Wait, that's Shakespear? I thought it was Robert Frost."
"Shut up." Allie said, laughing. He laughed too. Then sobered up.
"Why did you run away?" He asked.
"I didn't run away. I left." She sighed.
"Yes, but why?"
"Didn't you read the note?" She asked.
"I did. Why did you lose control?" He said. Oh. He wanted to know about her personal life. She wasn't sure she wanted to tell him. She didn't want him to know about Justin, or how Thomas had been before he left. She knew she could trust him, but what if he got mad? She knew it was irrational, but something held her back.
"I got in a fight with my parents. They wanted me to date someone who I have a bad past with. I told them no, and they said some really selfish things. They really are horrible people." She shrugged like it was no big deal. She saw his jaw clench at the thought of her with someone else. It was a good thing he hadn't been around over the summer. He could tell there was more to the story, but he didn't ask, which she was thankful for.
Then he sighed heavily.
"You removed my mark." It wasn't a question.
"Yes." She nodded solemnly.
"Is that a way of saying you reject me?" He sighed. She swallowed hard.
"No." Relief dawned over his features. "It was a way of saying we should try again." She said.
"Really?" He said. "You'll come back with me?"
"I'm not staying here. It's dangerous." He smiled slightly, and then kissed her on the lips. God, what would she ever do without those lips?
Although she would never admit it, she needed him just as much as he needed her.
*Italian translation: "You are not welcome here." " You are not welcome here." " You are not welcome here. Witches are not welcome here. But I have waited so long for a taste of their blood. And now I have the chance."

**Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare. Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day? The beginning of it anyway. I give credit where credit is due. Robert Frost is a poet just in case you didn't know. He's from the 1900s.

Okay so the last part if that was pretty much filler...actually all of that was. The beginning was only needed for something later, and so other stuff can be explained.

This was a really fast update if I do say so myself. Less than 24 hours.

Thank you so much for 4k reads thats ridiculous guys.

Thanks for reading!!!!!

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