Chapter 8

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A/N so this is chapter 8 idk if you read chapter 7 but you might of and it was just Marida's story anyway. Nobody said they couldn't read it, and I have to many other problems in my life to give a damn about it right now. So, Im sorry if you werent able to read it. Again, please bare with me.


"What?" Seth said, stunned.
"What did you just say?" Aviva had a look of horror on her face.
"Wait...What?" Marcos was just confused. Jake sighed heavily. Seth knew he hated telling news like this to Seth, but both of his siblings were here as well. Seth couldn't really care less about his friends feelings right now. He was too busy trying to ignore his own. He needed Allison. Jake just shrugged.
"The school...blew up. I don't know. It just blew up." He said. Marcos looked like he was trying to contain his laughter.
"Was someone hurt?" Aviva asked, worried.
"There was nobody there at the time. Nobody was hurt." Jake said. Marcos didn't try to contain his laughter now.
"It is not funny!" Aviva cried. "Somebody destroyed our pack's school! It could mean something! STOP LAUGHING!" She screamed at him. "We need to find who did this, so they can be punished." You could really tell she was from the Alpha family sometimes.
"No." Marcos contradicted. "We need to find who did this so I can give them a medal." Seth turned to Jake.
"Do we have any idea who did it?" He asked.
"It could of been anyone. From a deranged student, to a warning from Justin's pack." Jake shrugged.
"I highly doubt it was Justin." Seth scoffed. "He would have to be pretty crazy." Then, Aviva jumped in.
"I heard Justin's girlfriend of 2 years just broke up with him. And you know what they say, Love can make you crazy." His sister was such a sap.
"Unless she was his mate, I'm sure he's fine." Seth snapped. "Jake, do we know where everyone is going to go to school now?"
"The alpha said" Jake started. Seth hissed at the mention of his father. "That he had cleared it all with Richton Hills Prep School."
"No way!" Aviva screamed. "That's a snob school!"
"I'll lose all my street cred if I go there!" Marcos shouted.
"Shut up!" Seth growled, using his Alpha tone. They stared at him, shocked. But he couldn't help it. He felt like an addict, deprived of all his drugs. Loud, stressful noises, only made it worse, and he would not tolerate it. If Allie was here, it would be better. If Allie was here-but she probably hated him right now. He had left. He hadn't come back like he had meant to. Yes, she probably wasn't missing him at all.
"You can go." He said to Jake. Jake quickly assessed his friends mental health. He decided he just needed to be left alone. He hurried out the door. "You too." He snapped at Aviva and Marcos. He ignored their hurt glances. Aviva left immediately, but Marcos didn't move. Seth was about to order him out, when he spoke.
"You're a wreck, man." He said. "You just sit here moping about what Dad said, and taking your anger out on other people. It's only been a week, and already people are starting to hate you."
"You would't understand." Seth said through gritted teeth.
"You're right. I wouldn't. But if it was me, I wouldn't be sitting on my ass doing nothing. I would be trying to think of a way around the order." Seth glared at him. Marcos just shrugged. "You wanna be alone? So be alone. But think about what I said." And with that, he left the office, slamming the door behind him.


A week had passed since she had met Marida. She had learned a lot. Staring at herself in the car mirror on her way home, she saw she had also changed a lot. Marida said that would happen, and it had been gradual all week, but today she could notice it. Her normally hazel eyes were quickly getting greener, and her light brown hair was no longer so. It was now a dark brown. She frowned to herself as she pulled into their too big driveway. It wasn't like she looked bad, it was just a difference she wouldn't be able to explain. She opened the front door, and walked through the maze of halls to the kitchen. Sitting at the counter was a girl she had never seen before, in only a shirt. Then her brother walked in wearing only boxers. Lovely. She cleared her throat. They both looked at her in surprise.
"Oh! Gina, this is my sister, Allison." He introduced them. The temptation was too great. She couldn't resist.
"I am not your sister, and you know it! You dick!" She hissed. The expression on his face was priceless.
"Wha-" She cut him off.
"I thought you loved me!" She screamed. She stomped over to him and slapped him across the face. Gina was looking scandalized. Allie imagined there was a ring on her finger. She felt the cold metal, so she knew it was there. That spell was so easy. She walked over to Gina.
"I'm so sorry you got infatuated with that scum bag." She held up her left hand, displaying the ring. It was gorgeous, she noticed. She mentally congratulated herself. "And we were going to get married!" She fake sobbed. "But I don't blame you. I blame him." She cried pointing at her brother. Gina stood up.
"How dare you play me like that!" She screamed. "You said it was love at first sight! And this whole time you were engaged! You made me into a home wrecking slut! And my name is Gianna!" She walked over and slapped him in the face as well, before stomping out the door. It slammed behind her.
"She left with out her pants." Allie observed. Royce looked pissed. He pointed at her.
"You are so dead!" He said. "What did you do that for?" Allie laughed.
"She didn't look worth your time. And that was hilarious, you gotta admit." Royce rubbed his cheek.
"Not for me!" He shrugged. "Whatever. Where were you last night?"
"Out." She answered. "You didn't think I would want to listen to you guys doing it all night, did you?"
"My baby sister isn't sleeping around is she?" He said, raising his eyebrows at her. She raised her right hand.
"He gave me this lovely diamond bracelet." She said in an innocent voice. Royce rolled his eyes.
"It was probably his wife's." He said flatly. Allie laughed. He was probably right. She then quickly made the ring disappear before Royce noticed it.
"Where is our dear mother this morning?" She asked Royce, realizing she hadn't seen her all week.
"I don't know. I haven't seen her in a while." Then, as if to answer their question, they heard the door open and two pairs of footsteps walking towards them. Wait. Two? Her mother and someone else came around the corner.
"Oh no." Royce said before he could help it. "Not you."
Hey everyone hope you can read this LOL
Anyway. Not much to say. Except please comment! Please vote! Thank you!!!!

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